

Folder: Life


21 Aug 2011 12 3 759
Just a yellow flower in mum´s garden. Love you, mum! ♥


23 Sep 2010 22 8 904
I think it looks like the flower wants to stretch towards the sun.


04 Oct 2010 24 9 1040
I dedicate this picture to you, Pink Kat, because I thought of you when I saw it.


21 Jul 2012 64 16 1339
Today I´m in the mood for colorful pictures. Therefore, I have picked out some flowers for you. This one is taken in Dublin/Ireland. I walked alone around Dublin Castle and found this beauty. A woman spoke to me, that she likes as I improve my pictures. (I have picked away some weed in front of the flower). I just smiled and was glad of the attention. I'm usually rather invisible (...) but that day I found it nice to be addressed. In connection are three more pictures: One for Pink Kat :o), a white and a yellow flower


30 Aug 2013 10 3 577
Die ersten Sonnenstrahlen. Soll ich aufblühen oder lieber nicht?

Bank meiner Kindheit

29 Aug 2013 18 5 950
Morgennebel im Wald

Sunset with trees

26 Nov 2013 106 20 2975
Daddy Mummy Sister and Baby-Brother?

Happy New Year 。◕‿◕。

Trübe Tage ...

01 Jan 2012 56 17 1172
müssen sein, damit man sich über die sonnigen noch mehr freuen kann. Finde ich.

Frosty Apple

26 Nov 2013 49 12 995
Someone forgot to pick it.

old apple

30 Dec 2013 28 10 747
Maybe you remember my "frosty apple" picture ( Yesterday I visited the tree again and it is still there. It was much warmer and the sun was shining. I have two more pictures for you today: Three colorful blackberry leafs and some mushrooms. Have a good start into 2014, my dear friends!


25 Oct 2013 52 15 2107
Am Schieferhang im Moseltal wo Nord und Süd sich einen, erweckt der Sonne sanfter Strahl Bouquet in Rieslingweinen


23 Nov 2013 33 15 991
"Durchwachsen" is a german word for 1) something living is growing through something 2) something suboptimal The picture on the left side is taken in Dublin/Ireland, the one on the right side is taken in Poland

Is there anybody at home?

23 Oct 2013 33 15 1062
Holiday is over and I´m back at work. I will keep busy with the pictures by and by to enjoy the trip to spain again and again. I´m sure here lives a wondrous creature … Picture is taken in Cordoba. The next two pictures were taken in the Nasrid Palace on the Alhambra. An adorable place I could stay hours. The last picture is is the huge Granada cathedral.

99 items in total