Collage Schneekristalle

black and white

Collage Schneekristalle

16 Feb 2010 45 14 2124

Bank meiner Kindheit

29 Aug 2013 18 5 950
Morgennebel im Wald


15 Jan 2015 56 25 1243
Babysitting this morning.


05 Oct 2005 23 5 1306
Enjoy weekend dear friend and visitor!


23 Aug 2011 11 2 637
wish you a happy weekend

10 - Ten - Zehn

05 Apr 2010 49 23 1109
I wanted to count many ants around the sugar-water-drop. But ten was the highest number. Have to try again one time but so it is my last picture for the 1-10 project.

what´s around the corner?

Heisterbach Abbey

12 Jan 2014 35 7 1067
The famous basilica of Heisterbach was (...) being built during the period of transition from the Romanesque round arch to the Gothic pointed arch, its style of architecture was a combination of the Romanesque and the Gothic. Abbey ruins Heisterbach, which had large possessions and drew revenues from many neighbouring towns, remained one of the most flourishing Cistercian monasteries until its suppression in 1803. The library and the archives were given to the city of Düsseldorf; the monastery and the church were sold and torn down in 1809, and only the apse with the ruins of the choir remains. Quelle:


03 Feb 2015 51 18 967
My first try of low key photography. Thanks to Vanderwaterkant for the tips!


05 Feb 2015 28 14 936
For the 10 Week Picture Project: TREES Week 5: Tree Bark Birch trees are my favorite.


25 Feb 2015 50 21 778
This morning the most beautiful ice-flowers were on my car. Unfortunately, it was too dark to take pictures. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. What do you think?


07 Mar 2015 11 9 497
Today was a beautiful sunny day and unfortunately I had no time to go outside and take pictures. The sun and the coffeemaker conjured up this beautiful pattern of light on the work surface in the kitchen. That´s what my enjoying of the sun was today.


27 Mar 2015 28 13 617
All chemicals must get new hazard symbols and labels according to GHS. There are some treasures in the depths of the cabinets.


09 Jul 2015 20 6 586
Julie on the swing.

83 items in total