Chrissy's photos


16 Jun 2015 40 10 709
Summer colors


15 Jun 2015 17 8 508
Good night Cologne!


14 Jun 2015 22 10 635
Outside is the summer.

TSC "Forest Gump" photography

26 Mar 2015 82 27 932
I fastened the camera on the front desk on the car and choose a 10s shutter speed. "Forest Gump" photography. Why Forest Gump.. Well you stick the camera out of the vehicle window and shoot at random... "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get" please guys, doing this while driving is dangerous, be the passenger ok? now if you don't drive, do it from the plane, train, bus, bike, running, swinging.. just be in motion at a faster pace then walking, I don't care. Processing is again an open subject this week.


13 Jun 2015 16 9 453
With the telephoto lens through the dirty windows. Actually, I just wanted to photograph the garden chairs.


12 Jun 2015 56 31 1116
Outside there is beautiful weather and I had today had a ticket for a balloon ride. Instead, I improvise some picture of the day and hang around. :(


11 Jun 2015 4 9 508
June. Already sick again. Gastrointestinal infection. The images from January to May are in the notes.


10 Jun 2015 24 15 769
For the new 10 Weeks Picture Project "opposites". Week 1: light


09 Jun 2015 25 12 666
The butterfly is warming up. (yesterdays picture: spider web :-) )


08 Jun 2015 10 6 496
New macro quiz. Tip: I went through the park.


07 Jun 2015 16 6 604
Neighbor's cat

You´ve got a friend

06 Jun 2015 37 23 765
"Pick your favourite song, or any song for that matter... and get a pic to 'match'. something that 'goes' with it." The first song that came to my mind: You've Got A Friend by Carole King. The photo was taken many years ago. The quality was poor, but I kept it anyway. I have edited it to make it a little better. The girls are now almost grown up and the right one lives with her parents in China. But the close friendship has survived the years.



05 Jun 2015 28 3 508
another dragonfly


04 Jun 2015 32 13 554
In the pools of image 109/365 was heard a chorus of hundreds of frogs this morning. As I trudged through the swamp to photograph them, I took this snapshot of a dragonfly, sitting for a few seconds on the stalk. The picture was better than all the frog pictures that I made later with much care for it.


03 Jun 2015 32 15 775
I am always happy when I walk by this dwarf. (In the picture yesterday was a pin drop.)


02 Jun 2015 16 6 560
Some days it is difficult for me to take a picture of the day. Today, for example. It has become a macro quiz. Maybe you have more inspiration than me.


01 Jun 2015 24 7 485
Next to me on the bench.

2030 items in total