Golden October

Nikon VR AF-S Micro Nikkor 105 2:8 G ED

Folder: Lenses

17 Oct 2022

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217 visits

Golden October

A walk just around the corner from my home brings me to this scene. The late low light brings out the best of these Autumnal golden leaves. Enjoy full screen.

17 Aug 2022

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Homage to the Sweet pea

A rather different take of one of our garden sweet pea flowers. Described as a flowering plant, this bit had invaded the inside of my greenhouse whereas the main parent plant sits outside. It climbs to about two metres if allowed on anything it can get its little feelers around. It has been flowering in the same spot now for about four years. A black background card accounts for the dark background. Essential full screen

27 Jul 2022

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The humble Bumble Bee

‘Bombus spp’, as seen on our garden Lavatera bush. Today, the bush’s many flowering blooms were full of them. Another chance therefore to try my macro lens again. The white spots are pollen seeds from the centre of these flowers that this bee has just rubbed itself over. These large, hairy bees are generally black with varying degrees of yellow banding. Look closely at flowering plants and you’ll probably spot several species. Common bumblebees include garden, buff-tailed, red-tailed, white-tailed and field bumblebees. They are social insects, living in colonies of up to 200 workers. Queens hibernate underground during the winter, emerging in spring to find suitable nest sites – for example, abandoned mouse holes. Each queen builds a nest of dried grasses and then lays about a dozen eggs that hatch into workers – sterile females. The workers gather pollen and nectar to feed later batches of grubs. New queens and males hatch at the end of the season and mate. The males, workers and old queens die; new queens hibernate. Bumblebees are not aggressive and will only sting if they feel threatened. They are important pollinators of many plants and fruiting trees eating nectar and pollen Nice full size.

07 Jul 2022

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Because it's Summer

A rare subject nowadays for my Ipernity. Flower closeups. This taken in our garden on a very warm day to checkout my newly acquired Nikon 105mm macro lens. It is actually the very end tip of one of our many Astilbe plants, also known as 'False goat's beard' Enjoy full screen and beware that hot sun.

11 Oct 2020

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Red for Autumn

Ah yes, it might be red now but this bush is a purplish-pink colour in spring. I think it is a single twig of a Cotinus bush but I am no expert. In any case I thought it looked quite nice framed by this dark green fence and I do like the reddish reflections. I hope you do too. HFF. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.

13 Nov 2022

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Because it’s Autumn 2!

A couple of shots here of our autumnal trees at their most golden yellow. So sad that they do not remain like this for much longer to please our hunger for pleasing bright colours of joy. After recent twenty four hours of wind and rain I suspect that these leave will already be gone. Enjoy in happiness at full screen.

13 Nov 2022

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180 visits

Because its Autumn 1

A couple of shots here of our autumnal trees at their most golden yellow. So sad that they do not remain like this for much longer to please our hunger for pleasing bright colours of joy. After recent twenty four hours of wind and rain I suspect that these leave will already be gone. Enjoy in happiness.

13 Nov 2022

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324 visits

To the light

A walk in the countryside is always good for the soul so here we are in our local area enjoying fresh air and light whilst keeping healthy. A yellowish scene as Autumn is well established here. The fences are in fact the guard railings on a small bridge over the local stream. Enjoy the weekend.

13 Nov 2022

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HBM - Resting in the golds

Another local shot showing one of the many benches along here. As can be seen, a popular family walking path and a place to rest or contemplate the day too. Have a good one. Herb
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