Dance of the Damselfly

Nikon VR AF-S Nikkor 70-200 F4G ED

Folder: Lenses

18 Oct 2022

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171 visits

Dance of the Damselfly

A rare natural history insect capture from me here. This seen in a pond on a recent drive and walk. Damselflies (suborder Zygoptera) are smaller than dragonflies and are known for their graceful flight and dazzling colours at times. This couple are in their mating position. More info: Enjoy full screen.

26 Oct 2022

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158 visits

Common Gorse, detail

A close up of part of a large Gorse shrub (Ulex europaeus) spine, seen on a local walk. These always look good with their bright sunny yellow petals. Since winter is approaching this plant is now finishing and the petals are turning brown making for nice blend of colours here along with the greens. Enjoy full screen Have a good day.

26 Oct 2022

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206 visits

HFF- Group walk

Seen on the perimeter of Digley Reservoir near Holmfirth. The low level of water in this reservoir testifies to our dry summer but now, a few weeks later, I imagine they will have a lot more water in after days of heavy rain. Best full screen. Enjoy the weekend. Herb

19 Jun 2022

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288 visits

Spooky woods!

Another look at the ‘Dark Hedges’ of County Antrim in Northern Ireland. After being reminded of this scene by photos in that esteemed publication ‘Landscape Artist of the Year’ my comparison photos taken last June (22) still seemed to lack something that made it extra special. Of course my limited two visits during specific times and one of those with lots of tourist dictated my output. I guess the thing that was missing in mine was the lack of trees that used to be there but have been blown over by severe storms during the last few years leaving big gaps in places akin to missing teeth. Here is my attempt at showing the density and encapsulating feeing of this lane by using a long lens, and monotones. Ideally I would have liked the road to be more centralised but… we have what we have :) See Pips. Nice full screen Have a great day.