Autumn fence


Autumn fence

30 Sep 2017 56 93 1147
Autumn is perhaps my favourite time of year for outdoor photography. I love the golden trees and the dappled sunlight as it burns through the early morning mist as demonstrated here. Taken in my local park. Best viewed full screen. I wish you all, a great weekend,Herb

The trees in mist

01 Nov 2015 9 6 444
There is something about these trees in this mist that suggest that they are on the move. For me, a grand subject, taken in my local park.

The joys of Autumn

12 Nov 2017 8 8 511
A colourful Autumn look at my local canal here at Greenfield near Oldham in Northern England. Its a Sunday afternoon and a time to enjoy these trees and the canal paths whilst the leaves are still there. A reminder here of the canals of Holland maybe :)

Another Dove Stone Autumn

27 Oct 2017 11 18 500
This part of my local Dove Stone reservoir never fails to impress me with its calm tranquillity ad subtle colours. Autumn is always a great time to enjoy and explore around here. Notice the seats, maybe one day I shall actually see someone sitting there :)

Novembers mist

28 Nov 2017 7 11 499
As the nights grow colder, frost lies underfoot here in the North West of England and then the early sun melts away the frost giving this Winters fleeting mist.

Autumn fusion

19 Nov 2017 10 13 409
The golden leaves of Autumn mixes here with the onset of Winter frost. A sunny walk along my local byways and countryside once again delivers the goods.

Christ Church (Friezland)

31 Oct 2016 1 1 397
I pass this church quite often and in Autumn it is especially beautiful. Enjoy. The Parish of Friezland lies at the southern end of the village of Greenfield, nestling below the Saddleworth Moors. There has been a church here since 1850 when the Whitehead family, who owned the nearby Royal George Mills, decided that their employees and other local people needed somewhere to worship near to their homes.

Canal colours at Greenfield

07 Nov 2016 17 8 593
Huddersfield canal in the Saddleworth village of Greenfield is always a pleasure to stoll along especially at the colourful time of year, my favourite.

Blakemere Moss in Autumn

24 Nov 2016 1 3 509
A few days before the official Winter season, we see here Blakemere at its best with its yellow and golds. Its in the heart of Delamere Forest, Cheshire

River Dee bridge mist

26 Nov 2016 5 7 398
After a freezing night at the end of November I awoke to see this thick fog. As we were visiting the beautiful city of Chester I decided that the mist may be interesting on the river. The resulting scene set my hairs on end. Here we see the very old River Dee Bridge looking like a scene from a Charles Dickens novel. The smoking chimney and people on the bridge adds to the charm.

The Autumn cometh

06 Nov 2017 25 35 658
A local park (Tandle Hills, Oldham) just a few weeks later than now, last year, reminds us of the photographic pleasures of this season. Enjoy Pip shows almost same spot a few years earlier

Autumn comes to Uppermill

09 Oct 2018 25 36 588
Just days after seeing my first Autumn leaves of 2018, I get to see a scene like this. This spot on the River Tame is just near the visitors centre and stepping stones. The prehistoric plants/bones are a bit of a mystery to me I must admit. Sorry but they are not original to this spot. However they make a fine centre of attention behind which are these beautiful yellows. As normal here, enjoy full screen.

Tandle Hills in Autumn

18 Oct 2018 17 24 563
A look at a local country forest park just a 25 minute drive away. After posting my last years photo from almost the same spot (see pip), I thought that I had better take another look this year. Not to be disappointed here is the result. Enjoy full size.

Bellowing red deer at Rutting time.

15 Oct 2018 40 58 715
Red Deer Rut at Tatton Park, Cheshire The sound of a red deer stag bellowing is both unmistakeable and unforgettable. At this time of year stags are battling to show their dominance to gather together a harem of females. As always, beautiful at full screen. See pip

Alexandra Park Fence

22 Oct 2018 36 60 612
Here in my home town of Oldham, UK, we have a splendid public park. There are quite a few fences in there but this one recently caught my attention as it has just been completely re-furbished. An old Edwardian style wrought iron fence with a brand new coat of paint makes it a pleasure to view. (All right then, I know some people would describe this as a bridge railing but hey….it does carry on after the bridge…I think!) I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb

Autumn Joy!

26 Oct 2018 35 48 619
Just when I was thinking that Autumn might quickly bypass me this year, a spell of sunshine lets me go find these wonderful colours in my local valley. Enjoy full size.

Autumnal Fence

01 Nov 2018 54 81 667
A special treat for all lovers of Autumn colours. Taken yesterday whilst walking the stretch of the River Wharfe near Burnsall. As usual best viewed full screen on black. I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb

A day to remember!

31 Oct 2018 13 15 673
Strid Wood, one of the largest remnants of sessile oak trees in the Yorkshire Dales hugs the banks of the river Wharfe and invites visitors to walk its shaded paths. Here in Autumn, there is even a more magical feel about it with these golden canopies. Today, is special -it's a Halloween adventure' day, when parents and their children look around the trees to find spooky spiders webs, ghouls and witches along with their spooky sounds. For me though -I totally ignore all that in favour of natures abundance here. Enjoy full screen

105 items in total