Oh what a beautiful Winter


Pictures often tell a story. By having addition mini-pictures embedded in the same original this story can be extended.

Oh what a beautiful Winter

12 Feb 2018 13 16 755
There's something about snow and sun that makes it all worth it. We don't get too much of this here -when it snows, its dull and cold and miserable but on this day in our local park, the world was once again beautiful. Just a few hours of snow before a sudden thaw making my trip out, well worth it. Nb Three more beautiful shots taken at the same time. PiP (top left)

Rio Algar

24 Jan 2018 9 7 530
The River Algar in Altea is very often dry, Here we see it with some water as it is Winter and the rainy season. Some days later it was to become almost flooded after several nights of torrential rain. You can see in the background part of the Sierra Bernia mountains. See pips for mono and mountain views.

What is his mission? Click on PiP's for answers!

28 Feb 2018 7 9 543
This was just the beginning of our recent snow storm. This chap had an important mission. Click on the PiP's to see what that was. (Move mouse over picture to reveal two PiP's (picture in picture) boxes. When mouse pointer on these, they reveal new pictures.)

A blast of Winter

12 Feb 2018 33 52 713
As the Winter here in Oldham carries on forever, there are some benefits. Here we stroll down one of my local walks which is transformed into a Winter Wonderland. The fence forcing our eye and bodies to continue down the road wondering, "what is around the corner". HFF to all here in Ipernity NB: Late addition, see the PiP in top left for mono version.

An old mill in Oldham

23 Mar 2018 43 68 919
Fence, stairs and grid shadows as seen on one of our local mills. A nostalgic view for all those that have laboured in such places. HFF to all my viewers. PiP for alternative colour version.

Rouen Cathedral

26 Apr 2018 7 10 914
Covered in flamboyant Gothic stonework, the Rouen Cathedral is an ancient Roman Catholic cathedral located in the city of Rouen in Normandy. The cathedral has the seventh-tallest recorded height among all church buildings in the world at 151m. WiKi At the cathedral site in Rouen, there was a church built by Bishop Victricius during the late 4th century. The building was destroyed during the Viking invasion in the 9th century, but it was rebuilt and enlarged by Richard I, the grandson of Viking leader Rollo. The consecration of the church in 1063 was done in the presence of William I See PiP for perspective corrected version.

Classic Honfleur 2

06 May 2018 9 10 565
Against my normal instinct, I have posted here another picture of the Port de Honfleur here. Please forgive me if this is just my indulgence, otherwise enjoy. See PiP's for alternate Honfleur photos.

Classic Honfleur

06 May 2018 20 23 537
The classic view of Honfleur and its magnificent inner harbour. I have visited many seaside villages and towns like this but I must admit to this being possibly the best one for reflections such as this. I think you will agree with me, a perfect place for a walk, something to eat and some beautiful photos. The bright outside cafe awnings make a fitting contribution to this old town. ps -deserves full screen treatment :) .............. See PiP's

Under the stars in France

17 Apr 2018 14 18 450
A night shot from our holiday Gite in Normandy. 11 portrait 16mm shots in two rows stitched for panorama. See PiP's

Bridge over The Mosel

11 Sep 2015 9 12 447
Seen whilst sailing the Mosel at the golden hour. The Moselle Viaduct carries the Bundesautobahn 61 over a meander of the river Moselle, connecting the Hunsrück and Eifel mountain ranges. This is only about 6miles (9km) from its entry into the Rhein at Koblenze. See PiP for high view.

The Green Knight, wheel detail

27 Apr 2014 4 2 436
Enjoy this Standard 4.6.0 class British Steam Engine up close. Smell the oil and steam!

The Green Knight at Pickering

27 Apr 2014 15 20 808
Taken inside Pickering station, now used as the terminus of the, 'North York Moors' historical trust line. The residual steam and smoke here combining to give a nostalgic feeling of the age of steam. See PiP " Essentially a tender version of the Standard 4 Tank like 80135 and 80136, the 4-6-0 version of the British Railways Standard 4 design was intended for general passenger and freight use on lines where the usual "Black Five" and similar locomotives would be too large or heavy. 80 examples were built between 1951 and 1957 and were allocated to the London Midland, Western and Southern regions. 75029 was built in 1954 and was decidedly mobile during her service life, being allocated to depots across the Western region including Reading, Oxford and Swindon, with a stint in Wales at Machynlleth and Croes Newydd sheds in the early to mid sixties. Painted in British Railways' Brunswick Green livery used on passenger engines, "The Green Knight" has been a stalwart of the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, including being passed to work to Whitby and Battersby on the national network. A crack in the firebox was identified in 2015 and she is currently awaiting attention. " NYMR

The Pont de Brotonne

19 Apr 2018 6 7 573
Another fine bridge across the river Seine in Normandy. Situated between the cities of Le Havre and Rouen. See PiP The bridge built in 1977 is a cable-stayed bridge (specifically of the fan design), whose principal span reaches 320 metres and is made of prestressed concrete. It was considered an engineering feat and was the first bridge of this type in the world. Its height above the water is 50m and its full width is: 1,278 metres

Caudebec-en-caux, Église Notre-Dame

19 Apr 2018 8 15 972
Built in the 15/16th century, King Henry IV of France declared that this church was the most beautiful in the Kingdom. Walking both outside and in, I must admit that he was probably right. See PiPs

The Spiral Tunnels of Big Hill, BC, Canada

16 May 2016 10 20 1253
Inspired to post this after seeing this: www.ipernity.com/doc/2247998/46854248 . Taken on my trip to the Canadian Rockies in 2016. This section of the railway consist of a series of tunnels blasted in the side of the mountains that create a gradual spiral accent or decent. See here that the same train is just entering the bottom tunnel and coming out on its way right from the top tunnel and this is just one spiral tunnel of many on the same 10 mile hill stretch. See PiPs. More Info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Hill

Arched fence!

09 Jun 2018 28 50 930
Taken in the beutiful city of Krakow in Poland in the wonderful old city square. This was in fact an upper entrance to the old 'ClothHall', moments later it was to be fully occupied by a party of schoolchildren. Best viewed full screen. I wish you all, a great weekend,Herb See PiP for my other curved steps

Wawel Castle splendour

11 Jun 2018 13 17 360
A view of this fine castle from the Vistula River in Krakow, Poland. See PiP for inside view More info: www.inyourpocket.com/krakow/Wawel_73574f

Saddleworth Moor on fire! (Pips)

27 Jun 2018 17 32 496
A sad week for me as seven square miles of my local favourite walking area is devastated by fire. Almost a week later the deep peat still smoulders as not only our fire-fighters try to fight the blaze but the army and RAF too. The flames (as can be seen in the PIPs) came to within meters of local housing and schools and many farms had to evacuate their animals as well as the sheep off the moor. In an area that I have spied Arctic hares, one wonders how the wildlife copes with this. Since yesterday another area just 30 miles north of here has caught alight in this unprecedented dry heat-wave. This taken from my bedroom window. See PiPs Wildlife Impact: www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-44643827

47 items in total