HFF to all from my village!

Rural life

HFF to all from my village!

Tovarni konji na "odmoru"

Horse shoers

27 Aug 2015 42 16 962
Shoeing of horses

Splitting firewood


24 Nov 2018 33 26 625
A little village in the late fall!

Put za Borak

20 Oct 2013 35 18 1032
HFF from my place of birth

Festival of autumn colors

On the field under Dinara mountain

17 Aug 2018 43 19 872
In the middle of field flow Cetina river

Misty morning

19 Aug 2018 64 27 1403
(2021/02CWP) ''Fog or Mist'' - 3° place

The first day of the summer

Shoeing of horses

Portrayal of a young goat

120 items in total