

Frosty morning

February night 2012. in the Kneževo

Misty morning

19 Aug 2018 64 27 1446
(2021/02CWP) ''Fog or Mist'' - 3° place

On the stone bridge at the twilight

За душу, очи у и чула (For the soul, eyes and sens…

Archie is enjoying the twilight

12 Nov 2010 23 8 726
On this day, 8 years ago!

Morning haze at the river

Fishing in a foggy morning

London plane tree (better in fullscreen)

31 May 2015 26 18 753
Platan by Miloševog konaka is a monument of the nature of botanical character located in BelgradeTopčider's park in front of the Prince Milos's Residence . London plane tree (lat. Platanus acerifolia) is distinguished by the large volumen of the tree and the branched crown. To have been planted around 1830. The height of the tree is 34 meters. The span of the tree crown is 49 meters and the volume of the tree is 7,60 m. The area of the shadow that makes the platan is 1,885 m². HBM!

Autumn reflection

Quaint mill

Lonesome in sunlight

A Princely comet :)

18 Feb 2014 51 19 635
Google translate: eng. Princely serb. Kneževska (Kneževo is my place of residence)

Midnight at the crossroads

41 items in total