Macrolepiota procera


Macrolepiota procera

Boletus edulis

Mushroom gatherer basket

An umbrella for dwarfs

21 Jul 2014 32 21 599
Macrolepiota procera

Forest beauty

20 Aug 2016 36 21 724
Boletus edulis

Fomitopsis pinicola

Mushroom ikebana

Macrolepiota procera

03 Aug 2014 34 19 1685
En. Parasol mushrooms

Cantharellus cibarius

Craterellus cornucopioides

Boletus edulis

Clavaria aurea

Amanita muscaria

25 Oct 2015 52 18 658
Fatal attraction - poisonous mushroom, contains muscarin!

Fatal Attraction

17 Oct 2012 51 18 599
Amanita muscaria

Spring mushrooms and plants

15 Apr 2015 43 26 624
HYGROPHORUS MARZUOLUS is one of the best types of mushrooms. PRIMULA VERIS is the first herald of spring, a favorite herbal remedy to combat respiratory problems, bronchitis, insomnia or allergic disorders. VIOLA ODORATA is used in the treatment of asthma, tuberculosis, headache, bloating, gout (role), sore throat, rash, measles, scarlet fever, pulmonary catarrh. Due to its calming effect, violet is successfully used in the treatment of hysteria, hypochondria, nervous heartbeat associated with the feeling of fear and severe breathing, insomnia, headache, etc.

Chanterelle - a delicacy on today's menu

27 Jun 2020 41 20 486
Cantharellus cibarius is, along with boletus edulis and champignons, best known for preparing culinary specialties. They belong to the higher quality fungi because they are rich in fiber and beta-glycan, which maintains the entire vascular system. Of the vitamins, there are a high percentage of vitamins A and C, followed by minerals, iron, zinc, calcium, eight essential amino acids and 90% water, which is why they are low in calories. In addition, it has antibacterial and antiviral properties, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body, lowers cholesterol, improves circulation and blood pressure, and calms the nerves, and in the Far East it is used to treat eye inflammation and dry skin due to vitamin D.

Ćuranov rep (Turkey tail)

29 Mar 2014 53 26 443
Trametes versicolor it grows on coniferous and deciduous trees in summer and autumn. It is considered an extremely medicinal fungus.

45 items in total