Roses and cobweb


Roses and cobweb

Salon in the flower

My favorite rose

Roses in the snow

FLORAL ACCOMMODATION : SPC 11/2017 - 5° place - Ba…

"Šešir moj"

16 Nov 2017 33 19 1163
Skadarlija is a bohemian quarter in the center of Belgrade (Skadarska ulica). Every day about 20,000 people visit Skadarlija. Due to the proximity of the National Theater, there were many actors who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Other actors, poets, writers, painters came to act with actors.Because of this, many taverns, some of the oldest in Belgrade, were nicknamed in Skadarlija. It was here that dawn was welcomed by artists who entered the history of Serbian culture.

Iris germanica

Awakening of spring in my backyard

Spring in the garden

Tulips in the park

Blooming of wild pear

Time of dandelion

Blooming of apple

Viola tricolor

The prettiest rose from my garden

121 items in total