Petar Bojić's photos
Мир Божији, Христос се роди!
Свим православним верницима који Божић славе по јулијанском календару Срећан Божић!
Snow morning in my street
Birch bound by ice
Trumpet of the dead
Craterellus cornucopioides - or Black trumpet. The species name "dead trumpet" is given because the mushroom can be found around All Souls' Day. It is an edible mushroom, of excellent quality. It is ground and used as a spice for soups, stews and sauces.
I'm read old newspapers
Reflection at the water
The grass tufts reflection
IMG 20211021 103150
Autumnal yin-yang
Reflection in the shop window
Autumnal night HBM!
Colorful autumn road
Autumn panorama
Autumn in Banja Luka
Dead tree above the dead
A dead tree above the Bogomil tombstones in the village of Kostići near Kneževo.