Splendid Blue Wren


Splendid Blue Wren

15 Nov 2014 4 9 468
Fast moving bird

Paper Bark

30 Nov 2014 7 8 593
Soft first light of mornings glow

New Zealand Pigeon

Blue Wren Pair

01 Aug 2015 1 431
this is the male in full colour.

Scarlet Robin

20 Aug 2015 8 14 631
A bird that led me on a merry chase for 20min decided to pose Axe gives some scale to this bird.

Golden Wisteria

27 Sep 2015 1 2 393
how do you change the colour of wisteria. : easy burn a few 100 acres of bush smoke works just fine.

Lady Slipper Orchid

15 Jun 2016 3 3 395
My Mother in law passed away we inherited all her orchids first flowering this year. the flower look like they are artificial but they are true to life.

Lady Slipper Orchid

15 Jun 2016 2 5 372
My Mother in law passed away we inherited all her orchids first flowering this year. the flower look like they are artificial but they are true to life.


30 Jun 2016 3 3 428
A very Different flower to most our natives

Sun After the rain

15 Sep 2010 10 5 554
The other benefit of rain

Pink Daisy

17 Jan 2009 10 9 566
One of my all time fav shot , Slide from the 70"s Kodak ASA 100 50mm @F1.8 Olympus OM-2N

Spring is in the Air

03 Sep 2016 4 5 502
The first real sign spring is now here.

Two old Friends and one very new one.

26 Oct 2016 1 8 460
Some thing very old and some thing quite new but still old.

Ficus Retusa No2

24 Jul 2016 2 3 410
1 years on 20 kg granite platter from one of my bush photo sites.

Ficus Retusa No1

04 Oct 2015 1 340
10 years on Granite platter Natural Rock.


06 Sep 2014 8 13 540
15 year old plant , sorry the heavenly scent is not captured.

16' Bonsai

05 Nov 2015 1 2 397
My street tree in the front of our house. started 14 years ago from the normal Chinese Elm the council planted in our area. while not perfect i tried to work with what i have. there is no other tree in the whole area that is the same always creates a lot of looks. the branches are being trained in a certain position hence the ropes to hold them. only can bring you this shot now with a 14mm lens because of the fence in the front of our yard.

Merry Christmas From Down Under

16 Dec 2012 8 8 454
The Very Bright and colourful Western Australia Christmas tree that dots the landscape with vivid colour.

148 items in total