My view of the Eclipse


28 Jul 2018

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759 visits

My view of the Eclipse

If you look closely from the bottom moon 2,3 & 7 all are darker from light cloud cover. you can see the march of the earth shadow across the moons surface over the time i had between heavy clouds. Bottom Right is the start of the eclipse PIP is from the earlier one this year 31/1/2018

28 Jul 2018

16 favorites


532 visits

Eclipsed moon

On a night that startled with bucketing rain, i got up later in the night to clear patch a shot due west from my back yard. I got these and the clouds came back so it was back to bed.

28 Jul 2018

5 favorites


449 visits

Moon and mars

On a night that startled with bucketing rain, i got up later in the night to clear patch a shot due west from my back yard. I got these and the clouds came back so it was back to bed. PIP shows the different orientation in the northern hemisphere by Ko

07 Dec 2014

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458 visits

Its Only a paper moon on a Black canvas sky For those who enjoy music what i grew up with.

View on map

03 Feb 2018

40 favorites


1 446 visits

Moon Rise to Total Eclipse

The three stages of an eclipse that a camera can measure and take photos from 51 shots. 2 Moon rise shot 4 Normal moon starting to eclipse 4Change from bright moon to Eclipsed moon 5 Final stage the colour of the total Eclipse For those of a technical mind this is made up of 24 shots to get this one photo. Background is part of the Milky Way Bow to provide a realistic back ground. The Moons are the size of the shot from the 600mm lens. Enjoy. Eclipse January 31 st 2018 PIP is from Eclipse 28/7/2018 between clouds

31 Jan 2018

18 favorites


560 visits

The moon at total Eclipse.

31 Jan 2018

11 favorites


528 visits

Moon Rise

Colourd by atmospherics

26 Jan 2018

7 favorites


596 visits

Moon Travel

An exploratory shot for Wednesday and the total Eclipse 4 shots stacked. ISO 800 F8 2 min and 10 sec each shot with 600mm lens on DX so 900mm View. you can pick the moon gets brighter in this 9 min shot of the night sky.

02 Jan 2018

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547 visits

Super moon over Fremantle.

A very disappointing shoot the strong sea breeze was so strong the long lens got buffeted. enjoy best i got {:o(
35 items in total