Norfolk Hotel Door

My own Fav shot of my own Film Or Digital

Norfolk Hotel Door

City Of lights

Oriental Sunrise

09 Jun 2010 21 21 606
Bali Sunrise After putting the camera outside for an hour you could go take photos without the whole thing fogging up after being inside air conditioned room all night long.


14 May 2015 10 3 467
Before the Items from the cafe where sold off some thing I had in my mind for years but could only do once we finished.


18 May 2015 8 6 357
Before the Items from the cafe where sold off some thing i had in my mind for years but could only do once we finished.

Moon Rise to Total Eclipse

03 Feb 2018 40 43 1446
The three stages of an eclipse that a camera can measure and take photos from 51 shots. 2 Moon rise shot 4 Normal moon starting to eclipse 4Change from bright moon to Eclipsed moon 5 Final stage the colour of the total Eclipse For those of a technical mind this is made up of 24 shots to get this one photo. Background is part of the Milky Way Bow to provide a realistic back ground. The Moons are the size of the shot from the 600mm lens. Enjoy. Eclipse January 31 st 2018 PIP is from Eclipse 28/7/2018 between clouds


25 Nov 2017 5 299
Huge Plug in the old Volcano

A million Stars- Do look on black and you can coun…

23 Nov 2017 12 12 526
The small stream I had to cross before the tide came in.

Busy night.

21 Oct 2017 18 22 616
I convinced my wife to come out with me and see the milky way for the first time in her life. we get to Lake Clifton to find about 15 people all over the walk way. the tide was high so the water in this lake also was much higher than i have seen before look at the PIP. Enjoy WA.

First Bow with minimal lighting.

18 Sep 2017 5 4 513
First bow i took just with the jetty lighting only. Much less clouds in this shot more of the Milky way showing . Keep or delete ?is it too similar the the other one?? Background on my computer.

The Dragon

You cant see the Wood for the Trees.

19 Sep 2017 7 5 383
The true beauty of Karri forrests early morning.

Hamlin Bay

18 Sep 2017 10 9 675
The clouds came in very fast we thought we where shot we both got enough of a break to get a bow.

Spring Has Sprung

Summer landscape

04 Jan 2010 8 3 436
no clouds poor sunrise but great golden hour light on the way to go surfing at first light.

Freo Prison Entrance

18 Jul 2017 10 12 449 i would recommend you read the link no this in no 20 century paradise. sad loss of panoramio and a hard drive photos all gone.

96 items in total