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50MM panorama of the core 4 shot
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Resolution:1 x 1 dpi
Dimension:10316 x 4784 pixels
Original Date:2017:06:19 05:35:18
Created on:2017:06:19 05:35:18
Modified on:2017:06:28 20:12:37
Software:Capture NX 2.4.7 W
Color SpaceUncalibrated
Components ConfigurationY, Cb, Cr, -
Exif Version0230
Flashpix Version0100
IFD0 Offset1094
Image Data Size38850697
Image Size10316x4784
Maker Note Version2.11
NEF Bit Depthn/a (JPEG)
Nikon Capture VersionCapture NX 2.4.7 W
Preview IFD Offset994
Resolution Unitinches
Thumbnail Offset1218
User Comment..Projection: Cylindrical (1)..FOV: 111 x 92..Ev: -4.67
White Point0.313 0.329
Y Cb Cr PositioningCentered

GPS Information

GPS Altitude2 m Below Sea Level
GPS Altitude RefBelow Sea Level
GPS Date Stamp2017:06:18
GPS Date/Time2017:06:18 21:35:29Z
GPS Img Direction309.81
GPS Img Direction RefMagnetic North
GPS Latitude32 deg 44' 43.26" S
GPS Latitude RefSouth
GPS Longitude115 deg 39' 13.96" E
GPS Longitude RefEast
GPS Map DatumWGS 84
GPS Position32 deg 44' 43.26" S, 115 deg 39' 13.96" E
GPS Satellites10
GPS Time Stamp21:35:29
GPS Version ID2.3.0.0