Where did the beach go?

Lake Huron

09 Aug 2017

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133 visits

Where did the beach go?

Lake Huron, Port Sanilac, Michigan. Two years ago my friend and I walked here to the point. I was told that a very heavy storm two weeks ago pushed the lake water up to this level. There is great damage to the entire shore along the lake.

09 Aug 2017

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135 visits

Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis Astyanax)

On the beach at Lake Huron.

09 Aug 2017

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136 visits

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

On a wild grape vine along Lake Huron shore.

09 Aug 2017

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159 visits

Red-winged Balckbird in his domain

11 Aug 2017

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145 visits

Fist-sized stones from Lake Huron

University of Michigan entry: The geologic formations of Michigan span more than 3.5 billion years, from some of the oldest Precambrian rocks to loose, unconsolidated drift left behind by the continental ice sheets of the Pleistocene period.

12 Sep 2017

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160 visits

My most prized find today: The remains of a 350 Mill. years old shell.

I have one other piece of this type of shell I had found a few miles farther north at the beach of Lake Huron.

19 Mar 2018

118 visits

26°F (-3°C) At the lake

19 Mar 2018

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118 visits

26°F (-3°C) At the lake

19 Mar 2018

117 visits

26°F (-3°C) At the lake

The wind off the lake is very cold and even just a few minutes outside the car to take a couple of photos, I was chilled down to my bones.
23 items in total