Eastern tiger swallowtail on Philadelphus flower


Eastern tiger swallowtail on Philadelphus flower

Common whitetail dragonfly

14 May 2017 11 15 256
Plathemis lydia

A dragonfly landed on the bottom of my kayak

29 May 2017 4 4 222
Probably a male eastern pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis). Thanks to Dörthe for the identification.

Eastern amber-wing dragonfly

22 Jun 2017 10 15 249
Perithemis tenera

Snowberry clearwing moth (Hemaris diffinis) on Pon…

17 Jun 2017 8 9 240
These moths fly in the same way as hummingbirds. They can hover in front of a flower and extend their long curved "tongue" to reach nectar.

Ludwigia peploides

28 Jul 2017 3 2 208
A common aquatic plant in Mississippi.

Pontederia cordata with bumblebee

Gulf fritillary larvae

06 Aug 2017 3 4 219
Agraulis vanillae. Feeding on their favorite Passiflora caerulia. The spines are soft to the touch and do not sting, but the larva is poisonous if eaten. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_fritillary

American painted lady

17 Aug 2017 14 20 261
Vanessa virginiensis

Dragonfly, possibly green clearwing

13 Aug 2017 8 15 422
Erythemis simplicicollis

What happens to unwary amber wings

Cicada (Tibicen superba)

Painted lady butterfly

26 Oct 2017 11 17 244
Vanessa cardui

Cloudless sulphur butterfly on canna

Flower-fly in Agalinis flower

24 Oct 2017 11 13 254
Chrysotoxum sp. Also known as yellow-jacket mimic. Thanks to Winscha for pointing me toward a more correct identification of this insect.

Spider in Agalinis flower

113 items in total