Amelia's photos
There's nothing quite so exciting for me as the fi…
Six spot Burnet moth, Zygaena filipendulae
I used to see a lot of these when we lived in Norway. A few of them were flitting about behind the dune slacks at the Horsey gap. This type of area is the preferred environment for these insects.
Auf Jakobs-Kreuzkraut (Senecio jacobaea). Die Pflanze enthält giftige Alkaloide und ist bei Farmern sehr unbeliebt, weil sie Rindern gefährlich werden kann, wenn die diese Pflanze fressen. Zyganea nimmt dieses Gift bereits im Raupenstadium auf und ist so, auch noch als Schmetterling, vor Fressfeinden geschützt. Super Foto!
--- Translated by DeepL ---
Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) is a plant that contains poisonous alkaloids and is very unpopular with farmers because it can be dangerous to cattle if they eat it. Zyganea already absorbs this poison in the caterpillar stage and is thus protected from predators, even as a butterfly. great photo!
Information - thanks goes to Karl
Threatening weather on the coast.
Sea gooseberry
SC104 An object out of place. Not an object but a living creature.
While walking at the edge of the sea at Horsey on the east coast of Norfolk we came across 100s if not 1000s of these little jelly 'blobs' left stranded on the shoreline by the ebbing tide. They are in fact a member of the group of zooplankton and are called Pleurobrachia pileus or sea gooseberries. As you can see each organism is small, but they were present in such large numbers that they were very noticeable.
They have most likely ended up on the beaches due to recent strong winds. They tend to be in high abundance at this time of year in any case due to the increased amount of phytoplankton and very small zooplankton plankton (their main food source) in surface water in the spring and summer, when the days get longer and the sun is higher in the sky. They can survive if they are returned to the sea quickly, but it would have been a mammoth task so to do.
They grow up to about 2.5cm long.
PAUSE. See you all next weekend
HFF from Whitby
The Coast of the Kingdom of Fife
The gateway to my garden
Always a busy time of year, otherwise it all gets out of control - and this is the tipping point. Consequently I have less time for Ipernity.
HFF from Shrewsbury
HBM from Wollerton Old Hall Gardens
I love grapes
SC101- post 23 June - Still life, including white china
The grapes just fell like that.
A learning situation
HFF from Shrewsbury
Redhead Sunset Stack by Almuth Tebbenhoff
HWW from Erddig
HMBM. Happy Moveable Bench Monday