Amelia's photos

Steps and rails up to a fence.

30 Apr 2013 26 29 721
HFF everyone.

Bridges 76 and 76A

Beatle hair cuts? Try to see it my way. ;)

04 Feb 2017 19 36 1008

Spare parts

Larch and Reeds

04 Feb 2017 13 17 819
Interesting things found along the way in the notes: Snowdrops Catkins Canal map Car parts



MC Aston lock 2 balance beam

25 Jan 2017 5 8 564
A balance beam is the long arm projecting from the landward side of the gate over the towpath. As well as providing leverage to open and close the heavy gate, the beam also balances the (non-floating) weight of the gate in its socket, and so allows the gate to swing more freely.

Nacre inside a Tellin Shell

04 Feb 2017 1 2 226
I remember bringing this shell home from the seaside years ago. It has been lying in the garden ever since. Once cleaned up, one can see how beautiful the inside of the shell is. So it has been put safely in my shell box now.


04 Feb 2017 22 47 573
The subject is garbage or waste. Is there photographic beauty in it? I do not mean a garbage truck or a bin only, waste should be an essential part of the photo. I decided to have a look round the garden to see what was there. And here's what I found: Broken bits of pottery, old plant labels, broken clothes pegs, a plastic plant tie, an elastic band, a bottle top, shredded paper that must have blown in, a piece of expanded polystyrene, some silver paper, a piece of bubble plastic and two old bottles (which I shall keep). A veritable mountain of rubbish. ;-) I only found one piece of street rubbish, and one little treasure which are in the notes. Thanks to the TSC for a tidier garden and a tidier village!

Approach to Aston Lock 2 showing the Balance Beams

25 Jan 2017 14 14 634
A balance beam is the long arm projecting from the landward side of the gate over the towpath. As well as providing leverage to open and close the heavy gate, the beam also balances the (non-floating) weight of the gate in its socket, and so allows the gate to swing more freely. There are plenty of mooring points here, while you wait for the locks to work.

Aston Lock 3

04 Feb 2017 1 6 413
When we were here 10 days ago, the whole site was fenced off, and the workmen were busy. It wasn't obvious what they had done though. The wetlands behind this scene accommodate excess run-off water from the canal.

Repairs finished at Aston Lock 3

Prague Night Light

20 Sep 2010 24 37 878
HFF everyone.

Repair work to Aston lock 3

2374 items in total