Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) Seasons change.
We hope as the seasons shift that you find yourself inspired by the light. Share some of that in one of our Days of the Week Groups. Here's a selection:
Macro Mondays
Happy Bench Monday
Happy Tuesday Table
Happy Wednesday Wall
Orange Thursdays
Happy Fence Friday
Happy Chairy Saturday
Saturday Self-Challenge
Are there more? Let us know!
2) Where were you when you took that photo?
Now, if desired, you can manually enter the Lat/Lng of where your image was taken. While it is possible to add the Geoposition to the Exif before upload to ipernity, this new feature allows you to input the data after upload. If the coordinates are available, this direct input method may be easier than using the map interface.
3) In memoria.
Your ima team.
Bonne fin de semaine à tous.
Team club has replied to Peggy C clubJust kidding.
See the groups in the next comment. Do you know any others?
Eric Desjours club has replied to Team clubKidding too, Laura ;-)
The Sunday Challenge
Note: The admin is the only member of this group, the group has not been active for about two years.
NOT The Sunday Challenge
Note: Same admin as for the group above.
Not clear if this is also a Day of the Week group.
Sunday Challenge
Active group.
* ઇଓ * club has addedWithout intending to offend, I believe that the majority of the groups recommended by the Team are not suitable for sharing photos inspired by the light of the changing seasons.
Furthermore, the ipernity gallery is a flagship for our platform and should be attractive enough to attract potential new members from the internet to us. If this is not or no longer possible due to certain circumstances, I would ask you to consider changing Explore's priorities.
Team club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubAre there any other 'days of the week' groups you know of?
Team club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubGroupBusters was created by Sami Serola when they were active on ipernity. When they became inactive, the team took over working on groups, however, with only four team members there isn't very much time available to be spent on the project. The Groupbusters group is now waiting for someone with time here and there to make progress. Anyone interested in helping groups be cleaned up can contact the team and help move it forward. It isn't complicated, it's just a large ongoing project that needs more people to work on it.
Because of the lack of support from our membership, adding these groups to the GroupBuster list would be ineffectual at this time.
Currently the team is working on transferring groups from our members who have passed on to current active members. Happily many people have offered to take over a lot of those groups, but there is extensive time involved in coordinating even this finite list of group administration and thus the team has no time left to work on the project as a whole at this point.
If you would like to take on part of the workload, please let the team know.
Bergfex club has replied to Team clubIn my opinion, any procedure is only good if it is largely automatic. Anything else overburdens our community. The human involvement in processing would have to be significantly reduced compared to the current procedure.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team clubXata club has replied to * ઇଓ *
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team clubApart from the group I co-administer with him, all the groups I administer were orphaned and in a sorry state. I cleaned them all up and was harshly, and mostly cowardly (behind my back), criticized for it just by members who don't even lift a finger themselves.
Due to the mentality of many group administrators/group moderators, it is and remains a Sisyphean task to clean up all the orphaned groups properly and find a new admin for them if they should not or may not be deleted. Only those who demand the preservation of such groups but are not willing and ready to help themselves should not criticize the deletion of such groups. The group chaos on our platform is bad enough, especially as groups have been and continue to be created that do not comply with the group guidelines. There is no other explanation for all the “Happy” groups, just for example, listed above, which may have different motive specification but serve the same construct as the first group founded in this spirit, “HFF”.
In the past, I have reported orphaned groups when I had the time to do so. If this "would be ineffectual at this time because of the lack of support from our membership", I will of course refrain from further reports of this kind.
Thanks to the Team for the request regarding my help (orphaned groups). I appreciate the trust. But I assume that you know that I spend a lot of time every day, except Sundays and international holidays, manually inviting the images in the Ipernity Gallery for the Ipernity Photo Gallery group and checking them for possible copyright violations.
Due to this time-consuming work and other ipernity-internal tasks I have committed myself to, as well as social obligations outside ipernity, I unfortunately do not see any possibility to fulfill your request at the moment.
A big thank you to the team and everyone else involved in the welfare and preservation of Ipernity!
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Xata clubIn that case, I would advocate deleting The Sunday Challenge group to prevent the number of orphaned groups from getting further out of hand.
Bergfex club has replied to Xata club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubI don't know the reasons why The Sunday Challenge group was disbanded, and Isabel didn't mention them. However, of course, it would have been advisable for the administrator/s to contact the Team before dissolving the group. In light of the above quoted sentence from the Group Guidelines, I believe that a possible violation can only be determined with certainty if the reasons for the dissolution of the group are disclosed and were not a result of a group's lack of success.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team clubThey could be assigned to the “Days of the Week” groups, expanding the daily framework somewhat. But like the abandoned groups Bernhard confirmed in response to my advice, they are also inactive.
Weekly Photo Challenge
Theme of the Day: Photo Challenge
Xata club has replied to Bergfex clubXata club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubRoger (Grisly) club has replied to Team club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Xata clubraingirl club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubSome have been deleted, others not. I give complete reasoning and actions in my response here:
* ઇଓ * club has replied to raingirl clubFortunately, you also clarify between the lines a point of view of the ima team, namely that “there are many ways for a member to be active on ipernity, not just adding new photos”. This is significant because the value of a member "not just adding new photos" was vehemently and publicly disputed by a member some time ago, for example in relation to my activities here.
Just one more comment. You ask "to note groups such as these to the team via a Help ticket." However, it is made clear here that the team does not have the capacity to clean up groups such as these on its own. So it is still desirable and necessary for more members to get involved in cleaning up groups, isn't it?
raingirl club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubAnd yes, it is very desirable for more members to get involved in cleaning up groups. The point of what the 'team' said above is that we do need help, we can't do it on our own.
We already have one member who has contacted us. I'm happy to direct members to tasks that they can do to help.
Note that final actions with groups will be decided by a member of the team.
I would also prefer it if such groups were not quoted. This makes a bad public impression.
Incidentally, it reminds me to take up the topic of Group Guidelines again. If there are any other problems that have not yet been mentioned, please do so soon. Please post your issues there: Where does the shoe pinch?
If anyone is interested in administering a 'day of the week' group that has an inactive administrator, please let the team know via a ticket.
raingirl club has replied to Xata clubof which 1922 have been in-active for over 1 year,
and 1081 for over 2 years.
Writing a routine to demote them will take a good deal more effort that those quick queries.
Bergfex club has replied to Rob Stamp clubIn reality, this is much more than just sending 1922 (1081) emails. It involves waiting for replies, following up, addressing special requests, and dealing with long correspondence. Even with dedication, managing two groups per week is realistic, meaning the total volume might take over 10 years for one person to process.
For example, I took on the mosses and lichens group when Neira-Dan passed away. I cleaned it up, added all seven languages, and tried to merge it with the Nature of Lichens and Mosses group. Despite contacting the Admin on August 3 and September 19, 2024, I’ve received no response, leaving me stuck. I’ll also need to find a new admin afterwards, as my involvement was purely to assist the ima-team, not due to personal interest in the topic. Finding an admin will likely be another time-consuming task.
Frustrations like these will arise constantly for anyone in this role. It’s understandable why someone would hesitate to take it on.
raingirl club has replied to Bergfex clubTeam club has replied to Bergfex clubWhat is needed are individuals who have some spare time to help keep the project moving forward. The team will happily give these volunteers tasks they can accomplish as they have the time.
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl clubHowever, this individual case is not the problem. I have only outlined it to illustrate the overall scope of the work. Whatever can be automated should be automated. We members should be able to focus on our hobby. Administrative work should be minimized wherever possible.
For example, I could imagine an automated message being sent to the admin after six months of neglect. After a further quarter of a year without supervision, the administration of a group could automatically be handed over to the active member who has been a member of the group the longest.
As this group is linked to from the main menu of our website [Explore / Noteworthy], it is part of the public relations work for our club. Thanks to all contributors.
Please note: The images shown in [Explore / Noteworthy] are presented in a random order. You can find the chronological order in the group "Ambassador Images".
Anstatt verzweifelt nach neuen Administratoren zu suchen, sollte das ima-Team erwägen, verlassene Gruppen (nach einer gewissen Frist, beispielsweise 1 Jahr) konsequent zu löschen. Wir haben ohnehin viel mehr Gruppen, als wir effektiv betreuen können.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubIn view of the situation presented, I very much hope that our community, together with our ima team, will be prepared to courageously follow the path that is opening up to us, despite possible resistance, and I fully agree with your proposal.
Team club has replied to Bergfex clubDetails will be noted in the next Club News.
aNNa schramm club has replied to Isabelle Barruhet clubKalli club has replied to Isabelle Barruhet clubBergfex club has replied to Kalli clubSince May 2024 (over 5 months now), a total of 7 of my image submissions have been pending approval. One admin has sadly passed away, and the other has been inactive. As much as I support ipernity, this has become quite frustrating for me.
I believe that, at the very least in cases where an admin has passed away, the ima team should step in promptly to manage the group until a replacement admin can be found.
Team club has replied to Bergfex clubGroups of members who have passed away are being worked on to update. This is top of the list of group management for the team, though other projects do get attention.
We now have a couple of members helping to find inactive groups. As previously stated, we welcome anyone who wishes to help to contact the team.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team clubIn my opinion, such groups shouldn't be recommended, but reported to the ima team so that the necessary steps can be taken.
Taking this opportunity, I entered the keyword “Nature” in “Search”. The result is a list of 63 groups which are currently on this topic. Random checks revealed that many of these groups are orphaned and some are inactive.
Note: A neglected graveyard couldn't be creepier than the collection of countless neglected, orphaned, abandoned, and inactive groups on our platform.
Halloween seems to be a year-round event here. ;)
Due to time constraints, it isn't possible for me to search and list all orphaned, abandoned, and inactive nature-related groups from the 63 groups and submit this list to the ima team via a help ticket. However, I hope that the members who have agreed to take on this task will search for all orphaned and inactive groups (not only) among the 63 listed groups on the subject of “Nature” and report them.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Annemarie clubTeam club has replied to Annemarie
(15 Bilder vom Salton See, Kalifornien)
Im Übrigen: Danke für den Hinweis und die Mühe.
Der Spitzenreiter ist wohl
0 Beiträge, 1 Mitglied = Admin, seit 2020 nicht mehr aktiv.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubOf course, there are worse things than a neglected cemetery. But the call for the greatest possible self-determination and freedom of development here, as there, also includes personal and shared responsibility beyond the moment.
As we see here and there, for example, many people, too many people, seek only their own advantage and don't live up to their responsibility for the overall welfare.
Yes, the group you mentioned was one of the ones that caught my eye during my spot checks.
I appreciate your hard work and that of the whole ima team, and thank you all.
Keep up the good work!
* ઇଓ * club has replied to raingirl clubraingirl club has replied to * ઇଓ * club* ઇଓ * club has replied to raingirl clubSign-in to write a comment.