Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Improvement to the 'Your group' page.
This improvement allows you to check on groups that host your content but to which you do not belong. As well as listing the groups, this new feature allows you direct access to your photos in each group.

Such a state can happen if you chose to leave your content behind when you left the group. Or because the action of agreeing to a member's suggestion that you add a photo to a group, means it will be there without you being a member.

There is no change to the existing viewing of the lists of groups in the three blocks for Administrator / Moderator / Member. The option for Alphabetic order is still available, but via a drop-down menu instead of a link. Beside this is the drop-down to switch between the standard listing of groups that you belong to and this new listing.

2) Keep your email address up to date.
If you have trouble accessing your account, it is important to have updated any change of your email address. So while you might still be able to login with a now closed email account, ipermails cannot be forwarded, nor can the message for the 'Forgotten password?' option. See 'Your account settings' for the option to change your login address.

3) About member MaggsMep.
For those of you who have expressed concern by the disappearance of Maggs from ipernity, it is only that she had left ipernity, and that her health is improving.

Your ima team.