Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) One month until IGA. Sign up by April 3rd in order to attend.
Our annual membership meeting will be held online on Sunday April 7th 2024,
2) Meeting in the real world.
We are indeed a virtual community, but there are also groups of friends that exist here and arrange to meet in the real world. One meets in Hamburg (northern Germany) in two month's time. More information: Hamburg 2024 April 26-28.3) Progress towards sitewide secure connection (https).
Thanks to club member Ralph, (RCW), and our webmaster Rob Stamp we are finally making some headway towards upgrading the whole of our website to secure connections.
The testing so far is promising. However there may yet be an obstacle to some feature, especially an external service, which means the concept we are exploring may not be realized after all.
Ralph is leading the way with what you may consider an automatic redirect of any http links to https. This avoids the prohibitive task of editing all such links within the ipernity coding, as was a previously proposed solution that was thus never considered.
Let's all keep our fingers crossed that it is a success.
4) Update to the 'Download an entire album' feature.
As described in FAQ 6.2 this process is not easy, but it is the only tool we have for downloading multiple files, as the alternative to obtaining them one at a time. The problem with it stopping after 60 files has been solved. In simple terms, there was a program that paused the process for a user from doing, "too much - too fast". It was now too aggressive given the increase in internet speeds, as well as failing to restart after the pause.
We have received requests regarding the lack of photo titles in the file names provided by this tool. This too has been solved.
5) Request to all group administrators - please add translations.
How do members find a group to join? They do a search. What do members do before creating a new group? They do a search, (see item 1 in the Club News from 5 Jan 2024).
To help you with this, we have issued a new FAQ chapter 8.8: Why do administrators need to provide 7 languages?. The advantages are explained there in more detail. You will also find complete instructions there. To help you identify where translations are still lacking, a corresponding note will appear for those groups that you are admin of, in the list of groups you are in. English speaking readers can use this link to FAQ chapter 8.8. For other languages, use the FAQ link in the left hand panel on the Help & Contact page, and find item 8.8 in the index.
Thank you for taking the time to help improve this aspect of ipernity.
Your ima team.
Unfortunately, the images crossed out cannot be taken into account because the authors aren't club members any more. Starting from the end, the low-ranked images are now successively replaced by new images.
Proposals are very welcome. Motifs that are underrepresented in the collection will be favoured. Please post them there: Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals
As this group is linked to from the main menu of our website [Explore / Noteworthy], it is part of the public relations work for our club. Thanks to all contributors.
Please note: The images shown in [Explore / Noteworthy] are presented in a random order. You can find the chronological order in the group "Ambassador Images".
Rather, it should mirror the whole range of photographic topics covered by our community. So let's expand the range of our spring motifs! There are plenty of possibilities: people in a spring mood, urban spring impressions, atmospheric plays of light, lively street scenes or surprising perspectives that capture spring in a completely new way. Give free play to your creativity and show us what your camera has to offer or browse through your photo archive and present your favourite spring moments on our homepage.
As administrator of our homepage, I am looking forward to fill the homepage with new, exciting spring pictures together with you!
Post such images here, please: Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals
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