Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) The ipernity homepage.
You can now click on the artist's name to go directly to the original photo. This will pause the slideshow ready for your return, after viewing the original.
This new link will hopefully be beneficial to the artist as well as to non-members who will see exactly what our main individual photo pages look like.

2) Group highlight. A group that had lain dormant for many months now has a new admin team. New admin, Roger, writes the following.

Landscape – Landschaft – Paysage is one of the largest landscape groups on ipernity, and we are fortunate to have a growing membership thanks to the efforts of our hardworking admin team. We would like to build on our success by increasing membership numbers, whilst maintaining the integrity of the group by accepting only landscape images, no videos and no close-ups unless part of a landscape. You may submit two images per day, all of which need to be approved by the team, and we aim to view and process all submissions as quickly as possible.

The group welcomes new members who would like to share their landscape images in this group. Please do take a look at the rules – there are very few as we want you to have fun. If you like what you see we would love you to join us.

Do you have a group for us to promote next? See the call for groups in the 5 May 2023 Club News.

3) Refreshing our landing page.
We would like to draw your attention to a discussion started here, about our landing page. More specifically, it is about the top picture, which is the eye-catcher:

© Horizon 36, The Bird Photograper, 2013

This picture is meant to encourage incidental visitors from the web to explore our club's website. It has been unchanged for more than 2 years. Now, some members are proposing to replace it with a new one.

It should be noted that a great deal of effort went into the finding of the current image (as well as the page itself). Any change to the page will not be taken lightly.

If a change is going to be made, who is willing to search for images to present to the team for consideration? The team, who does not have time for this additional task, is looking forward to your help with the search, and will consider any changes to this Landing Page. Your suggestions should be added to the group Landing Page Suggestions.

For questions or comments about the Landing Page, please use this discussion where they will be kept together in the relevant group 'Promoting ipernity', instead of being mixed amongst posts on other matters below.

Your ima team.