"For members of the "Club", in addition to the nickname, the full clear name (first and last name) and at least the country of origin must be visible to other members of the "Club". Only then are commenting, the function as administrator of groups or other special functions possible.
Otherwise Ipernity would not be a "Club", although this is precisely what is always emphasised, that we are a "Club" and not a normal photo site. In all "Clubs" usually every member has access to a member directory.
Anonymity is possible for guest members as well as club members, if the comment function and the writing of articles and documents etc. is deactivated for them and only the posting of photos is enabled."
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This motion must be discussed and voted on during the Assembly.
ipernity would loose members by voting this and why trouble still waters unnecessarily ?
@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to Xata clubAt least the latter is clearly defined as what we call a club, comparable to ipernity.
And I know neither the identity of all the nearly 300,000 members of FC Bayern, nor the identity or even the country from which the more than 30,000 FC St. Pauli - members come. And I do not know the names of all the members of the much smaller clubs of which I am otherwise a member.
And a request to print out the list of members with the data of these members and send it to me would not only be doomed to failure because of the amount of paper it would use, but would also be prohibited under European law.
There is a right to informational self-determination and users are entitled to anonymous use wherever laws do not prohibit it.
Personal data is protected under the General Data Protection Regulation and Article 8 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and may not be disclosed to anyone against the will of the user.
In this respect, because of that the following is wrong: "In all Clubs usually every member has access to a member directory.".
People who give out such data about others against their will are liable to prosecution.
Xata club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubRrrolf club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubKalli club has replied to Rrrolf clubUr@nos club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club֎ — Nicolas Mertens club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubMartin M. Miles club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubThe Supreme Court has considered the users' right to informal self-determination and the protection of their identity to be more valuable than all of the arguments put forward by Facebook in favour of a requirement to use a clear name.
Unfortunately, the German Federal Supreme Court did not take a position on the current legal situation in Germany under the GDPR, because the case concerned an account that had been set up before May 25, 2018. (This is the day when the GDPR came into force.)
To be quite honest, I prefer the option to use my "nickname" in preference to declaring my real name.
I also note that the IMA has access to member's "real identity" as a legal requirement.
@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to StoneRoad2013 clubBut again, no compulsion to declare it.
Berny club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubHer behaviour and the reaction of the board was the reason, that I've set all my 10000 (around) photos to "private" after a membership of 14 years and switched to Flickr. I've prepaid until the end of 2024, so I'm still here.
Colin Ashcroft club has replied to Berny clubBergfex club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubwww.ipernity.com/user/team?rev=31)
On duty, *ઇઉ* is my co-administrator in the group: www.ipernity.com/group/2341904
*ઇઉ* does the pre-selection of proposed pictures there. In cases of doubt, she asks me to review them. Apart from that, we
Since I respect the wish for anonymity for every member, I have done the same for her.
Colin Ashcroft club has replied to Bergfex clubI had thought it was one of the team with a second account.
Best Wishes Colin
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Berny clubFrom you, on the other hand, I found 15 iperMails. So you can assume that I know you much better than the person you claim I know.
And yet I wouldn't claim to know you because of that.
So you shouldn't come up with any wild theories that have no basis in fact.
Bergfex club has replied to Berny clubIhr Wunsch nach Anonymität hat mich anfangs auch überrascht. Aber ich habe ihn immer respektiert. Außerdem: Was hätte ich davon zu wissen, dass sie womöglich die echte Erika Mustermann ist und in München wohnt?
Im Übrigen sehe ich Deinen Antrag durchaus positiv. Er hat uns alle dazu gezwungen, uns eingehend mit der Materie zu befassen. Denn es geht dabei ja nicht nur um Meinungen oder Vorlieben, sondern um ganz handfeste juristische Fragestellungen: Darf man das überhaupt? Wie könnte man Identitäten rechtssicher erfassen? Wie hoch wäre der Aufwand? Lohnt sich das im Hinblick auf den Nutzen? Welcher Nutzen wäre das? Und so weiter.
Eigendlich müsste man so was alles abklären, bevor ein Antrag gestellt wird. Und selbst wenn es einen gewissen Nutzen gäbe, müsste man sich auch anschauen, ob es negative Folgen haben könnte. Man will das Kind ja nicht mit dem Bade ausschütten.
Was ich in der Diskussion nicht erwähnt habe: Ich hab mich natürlich bei allen prominenten Fotoplattformen umgesehen, wie es aktuell dort gehandhabt wird. Nirgendwo gibt es eine Klarnamenpflicht. Nirgendwo gibt es ein Mitgliederverzeichnis. Auch bei Flickr nicht.
Und damit lass ich das Thema los. Wenn es mal wieder aktuell wird, traue ich dem dann amtierenden Vorstand einen weisen Umgang damit zu.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubColin Ashcroft club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubHeidiho club has replied to Berny clubBerny, ich bedaure Deinen Entschluss außerordentlich.
Zum Einen, weil ich Deine Art von Foto-Reisereportagen sehr schätze. Zum Anderen wundert mich Dein emotionsgeladener Wechsel - ausgerechnet - zu Flickr doch sehr. Eine anonymere, unpersönlichere, beliebigere Fotoplattform als ausgerechnet Flickr kann ich mir kaum vorstellen. Habe dort immer noch einen Account, den ich schon seit Jahren nicht mehr aktiv betreibe. Und nun wechselst ausgerechnet DU dorthin ? Eigenartig ...
Bergfex club has replied to Heidiho clubDass nämlich ein Allerwelts-Schnappschuss wie dieser:
bei Flickr zum besten aller meiner Bilder gekürt wurde, sagt wohl alles.
Berny club has replied to Heidiho clubColin Ashcroft club has replied to Ur@nos clubColin Ashcroft club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubColin Ashcroft club has replied to DOMCHO club@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to DOMCHO clubHaarFager club has replied to Peggy C clubSign-in to write a comment.