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Dear members and friends of ipernity,
On March 27, 2022, two mandates within the ima team will become vacant. We invite loyal and active club members to join the ima team to continue shaping the future of ipernity:
Bernhard Westrup (Bergfex), who has devoted himself to the turnaround of our community and our website during the last five years, and has been our Vice-President and Treasurer, will be embarking on his well-deserved retirement. Therefore, the next General Assembly must elect new representatives to these two mandates.
The Vice-President organises the internal and external communication and public relations. This person coordinates all activities to promote our website in appropriate media, helping to ensure that our community has a sufficient influx of new club members.
The Treasurer monitors the incoming payments and the expenditures, and manages the savings. This person can form a team with assistants for this purpose.
If you manage your own livelihood, pay for your own purchases, transfer your rent and bills on time, you will generally be able to do the same for ipernity. Just as easily, you will be able to type incoming membership fees into a cash book and renew the corresponding club memberships with existing tools. Of course, we will train you in these tools and assist you in any other way.
We invite loyal and active club members who have been part of our community for a long time and who care about the future of ipernity to come forward until February 25, 2022. This is the deadline for collecting the agenda items for this years' Ipernity General Assembly. Take this opportunity to shape ipernity's future together with us.
Please contact us now.
Your ima team
Het is mij te makkelijk om dan maar voor te stellen een betaalde 'penningmeester' aan te stellen. Ook niet voor een beperkte (wat en hoe lang is beperkt) tijd. Het idee dat een vice-president (tijdelijk) niet nodig zou, doet geen recht aan het VELE werk dat hij doet om Ipernity in leven te houden.
Er klinkt mij teveel door dat de zittende bestuursleden maar een 'tijdje' door moeten gaan tot er wel een oplossing is. Als die nu niet wordt gevonden, zie ik niet dat die later wel wordt gevonden.
Translation DeepL:
I do not agree with the suggestion that there is panic. I think it has been clear for some time that two new board members have to be found. So it is simply a fact that there are only a few weeks left to find a solution.
It is too easy for me to propose the appointment of a paid 'treasurer'. Not even for a limited (what and how long is limited) time. The idea that a vice-president would not be needed (temporarily) does not do justice to the LOTS of work he does to keep Ipernity alive.
It sounds too much to me that the incumbent board members should just continue for a 'while' until a solution is found. If it is not found now, I do not see it being found later.
The same applies to the proposal about assigning the treasurer's duties to an external, professional, paid accountant.
Also, unacceptable are allegations about members of the ima team that are devoid of any truth – as well as insults of any kind against them.
first of all, I did not "suggest" the plan B. Plan B is to avoid a shut down of Ipernity, to avoid the worst case. What do you suggest? Do you prefer a shutdown and many users on the run before, if nobody can be found until this date, 25.02. or 27.03. whatever? I really cannot follow your thoughts in this case.
You wrote:
"It is too easy for me to propose the appointment of a paid 'treasurer'. Not even for a limited (what and how long is limited) time. The idea that a vice-president would not be needed (temporarily) does not do justice to the LOTS of work he does to keep Ipernity alive."
First of all, a paid treasurer would not cost so much, because it's a very limited work. And again. What do you suggest, if no volunteer can be found, what do you suggest for this worst case? We have to be prepared!
And of course the Vice President is important and the work of the current and then former Vice President is a very much worthful and we must be very thankful for it. This has nothing to do with my comment. But what plan B do you have? We need one for sure!
Of course the best solution is to find 2 suitable persons for the job. But what, if not? Any other plan B's are most welcome! Isn't it reckless not to think about a plan B?