Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) Updating the operating software of our servers with the support of innovations ON went without major difficulties.
2) The interruption in the automated PayPal payment process has thus been resolved. PayPal payments are now handled promptly again.
3) Next, innovations ON will take care of the credit card payment options that have been idle for over two years. If everything goes as expected, those options will be available again shortly.
4) In our efforts to use terms with the same meaning in all language versions of ipernity, we have reached limits with 'Explore / What's hot!'. To find a way out, we have wondered what exactly can be found through this link. One can find an exhibition there, a virtual room, in which worth seeing pictures (videos, articles) of our community are presented. In the general art business such a room is called 'gallery'. We want to use this term in the future. It can be easily translated into all languages and is immediately understood by all random visitors to our website.
5) With the introduction of the term 'Gallery', the associated menu button is upgraded to a drop-down menu with the display options 'Photos', 'Videos' and 'Articles'. The button therefore contains the familiar, downward pointing triangle that you know from other menus, such as 'Languages' or 'Actions'.
These three options were previously located in a separate left-hand menu panel. The removal gave more space between the images in the normal layout, as well as room for an additional image in the widescreen layout. Moreover, the overall impression became more harmonious:
6) We have received several requests to reactivate Esperanto as an additional language for our website. After careful consideration, we have drawn up a proposal which we present separately for your consideration:
▶️ Reactivation proposal for Esperanto + discussion about it
7) For our support and counselling we have appointed Laura Fletcher (raingirl) to the team of advisors.
Your ima team
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity !
1) La mise à jour du logiciel d'exploitation de nos serveurs avec le soutien d'innovations ON s'est déroulée sans difficultés majeures.
2) L'interruption du processus de paiement automatisé PayPal a ainsi été résolue. Les paiements PayPal sont maintenant à nouveau traités rapidement.
3) Ensuite, innovations ON s'occupera des options de paiement par carte de crédit qui sont restées inactives pendant plus de deux ans. Si tout se passe comme prévu, ces options seront de nouveau disponibles sous peu.
4) Dans nos efforts pour utiliser des termes ayant la même signification dans toutes les versions linguistiques d'ipernity, nous avons atteint des limites avec "Explorer / Ce qui bouge". Pour trouver une issue, nous nous sommes demandé ce que l'on pouvait trouver exactement par ce lien. On y trouve une exposition, une salle virtuelle, dans laquelle sont présentées des images (vidéos, articles) de notre communauté qui valent la peine d'être vues. Dans le monde de l'art en général, une telle salle est appelée "galerie". Nous voulons utiliser ce terme à l'avenir. Il peut être facilement traduit dans toutes les langues et est immédiatement compris par tous les visiteurs de notre site web.
5) Avec l'introduction du terme "Galerie", le bouton de menu associé est transformé en un menu déroulant avec les options d'affichage "Photos", "Vidéos" et "Articles". Le bouton contient donc le triangle familier pointant vers le bas que vous connaissez des autres menus, tels que "Langues" ou "Actions".
Ces trois options se trouvaient auparavant dans un panneau de menu séparé à gauche. La suppression a permis de laisser plus d'espace entre les images dans la disposition normale, ainsi que de la place pour une image supplémentaire dans la disposition grand écran. En outre, l'impression générale est devenue plus harmonieuse :
6) Nous avons reçu plusieurs demandes pour réactiver l'espéranto comme langue supplémentaire pour notre site web. Après un examen approfondi, nous avons élaboré une proposition que nous vous présentons séparément pour examen:
▶️ Proposition de réactivation de l'espéranto + discussion à ce sujet
7) Pour notre support et nos conseils, nous sommes heureux d'avoir nommé Laura Fletcher (raingirl) au sein de l'équipe des conseillers.
Votre équipe ima
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1 Die Aktualisierung der Betriebssoftware unserer Server mit Unterstützung durch innovations ON ging ohne größere Schwierigkeiten vonstatten.
2) Die Unterbrechung im automatisierten PayPal-Bezahlprozess wurde damit behoben. Bezahlungen über PayPal werden nun wieder zeitnah abgewickelt.
3) Als nächstes wird sich innovations ON um die seit mehr als zwei jahren brach liegenden Kreditkarten-Bezahloptionen kümmern. Wenn alles wie geplant läuft, werden diese Optionen schon in Kürze wieder zur Verfügung stehen.
4) In unserem Bemühen, in allen Sprachversionen von ipernity Begriffe mit derselben Bedeutung zu verwenden, sind wir bei "Entdecken / Das rockt!" an Grenzen gestoßen. Um einen Ausweg zu finden, haben wir uns gefragt, was man über diesen Link eigentlich genau findet. Man findet dort eine Ausstellung, einen virtuellen Raum, in dem sehenswerte Bilder (Videos, Artikel) unserer Gemeinschaft präsentiert werden werden. Im allgemeinen Kunstbetrieb wird ein solcher Raum "Galerie" genannt. Diesen Begriff wollen wir zukünftig verwenden. Er ist gut in alle Sprachen übersetzbar und wird auch von zufälligen Besuchern unserer Webseite sofort verstanden.
5) Mit der Einführung des Begriffs "Galerie" wird die zugehörige Menü-Schaltfläche zu einem Dropdown-Menü mit den Anzeigeoptionen "Fotos", "Videos" und "Artikel" aufgewertet. Die Schaltfläche enthält deshalb das vertraute, nach unten weisende Dreieck, das ihr aus anderen Menüs kennt, beispielsweise aus "Sprachen" oder "Aktionen".
Diese drei Optionen befanden sich früher in einer separaten, linken Menü-Tafel. Deren Entfernung verschaffte mehr Abstand zwischen den Bildern im normalen Layout, sowie Platz für ein zusätzliches Bild im Breitbild-Layout. Außerdem wurde der Gesamteindruck harmonischer:
6) Uns haben mehrere Anfragen erreicht, Esperanto als zusätzliche Sprache für unsere Webseite zu reaktivieren. Nach gründlicher Abwägung haben wir einen Vorschlag erarbeitet, den wir euch separat zur Begutachtung vorlegen. Wir bitten euch um eure Stellungnahme.
▶️ Reaktivierungsvorschlag für Esperanto + Diskussion darüber
7) Zu unserer Unterstützung und Beratung haben wir Laura Fletcher (raingirl) in das Beraterteam berufen.
Euer ima-Team
of " Explore/What's hot", and to avoid possible misunderstandings.
My proposal would be "Ipernity Frontpage & Photo Gallery", or "Ipernity Explore & Photo Gallery".
(Frontpage until spring 2018)
Keep it as simple as possible: 'ipernity Gallery'
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubraingirl club has replied to Bergfex club* ઇଓ * club has addedBergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubIn terms of interpretation, we in the ima team agreed that only particularly noteworthy pictures can be found in art galleries all over the world. Just as it is and should remain with ipernity. For there is no intention whatsoever to change the algorithm of the image selection.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex club* ઇଓ * club has replied to raingirl club.
Bergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubWas würdest Du denn bevorzugen?
Bergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * club(But I like your proposal.)
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubI only want to answer your question about my preference here.
"Most popular", or "Most liked" certainly comes closest to the selection of pictures in the ipernity gallery, at least on the first three to five pages, but if you want to do justice to all the pictures shown on the 18 pages, the term "favored" would be preferable, alternatively "favorites", which of course doesn't sound as noble as "gallery" and possibly doesn't have the same psychological effect. With regard to the hopefully ongoing growth in the quality of the contributions, I think "Gallery" is a very good choice.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubI had asked for a vote on a name adaptation of the group "Ipernity Frontpage & What's Hot" because on the one hand it is a core group of ipernity and you mentioned elsewhere that public groups are property of ipernity and not property of their founder and/or current administrator.
Bergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubHowever, any characterization must apply to all subsets. Therefore 'favored' is not an option. The favourites are only one of several influencing factors.
It would be more beneficial to get away from single influencing factors and just look at what we find in the gallery. What is it? We find those uploads which some unknown selection system has found 'worth seeing'. The challenge is to find an appropriate synonym in all 7 languages.
Bergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubWill have a look at the Gallery.
Now with Paypal working right again, time for me to make another donation!
Gallery looks so wonderful now! (See how easily I used the new word?) Amazing work, Rob, at getting the options up into the top line - it makes a huge difference to the look. Thank you so much.
Tanja - Loughcrew club has replied to raingirl clubAll the best and thanks a lot!
raingirl club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubBergfex club has replied to HappySnapperTanja - Loughcrew club has replied to HappySnapperHappy weekend to all of the Team.
raingirl club has replied to Peggy C clubThank you to all of you, as well as to Laura, who gives us the pleasure of joining the operational team. Who is waiting for you, whoever you are - we welcome all kind good willl, as you know ;)
raingirl club has replied to Eric Desjours clubHope you enjoy your time with the team, Laura!
raingirl club has replied to Andy Rodker clubCertainly word Gallery implies quality too, like * ઇઉ * puts it, but what if the Gallery photos fail to meet anyone's idea of 'quality'. And what IS quality? Today all pictures are technically perfect (except monochrome ones!) so it leaves the composition and subject: most of us don't recognize a successful comp when they see one, nor would they glance twice at a Cartier-Bresson's shot, so any colorful sunset, flower, cat or dog or a happy face will do, whereas anything weird should be avoided. Since this is what ipernity already has, everything should be fine and dandy.
Of course, this 'algorithmic' image promotion combined with social media thumbing has done great damage on photography in general, but then again that is something that no commercial photo site can do anything about. So the brightly coloured sunsets will be just fine from here to ipernity.
raingirl club has replied to SpoI, for one, am so happy to get to see your photos here. It is wonderful to come across art in a general setting. I have found that ipernity holds a middle ground for me artistically. I post both my artworks and my casual photos. I'm very happy that both have a place here. To display only my artworks, I use my personal website. Here I enjoy the community of conversation and photographers both making their way, simply sharing what they enjoy, and finding what I consider great art. The use of groups really helps with enjoying all those options (and more that I haven't looked into yet - like videos!).
Glad to discover you here via the comments - am going to check out more of your photos now.
p.s. Cartier-Bresson is one of my favorite photographers!
Spo has replied to raingirl clubHowever, I'm not really interested in gallery quality per se, but in gallery as a marketing device for the site. That I believe is the most important aspect of the gallery: it determines who will jump the boat and who will let is pass.
In that sense it would do justice for the site if, in addition to the algorithmic picker, photos could be added to the gallery manually (perhaps they already can, I dunno.). Algorithm has very little to do with quality, if any, since it is based on the activity on images, and on a social site like this there are a myriad of reasons for that activity other than images themselves, let alone their "quality"!
Then of course there'd need to be someone to pick and add those pesky images. :)
die Tatsache, dort auf der ersten Seite, womöglich in den ersten Reihen aufzutauchen wichtig.
Zumindest ist es erfreulich zu sehen, dass ein Foto beliebt ist.
Schwierig, etwas zu finden, dass in allen Sprachen funktioniert.
Die alte Version fand ich eigentlich spezieller, aussagekräftiger.
Galerie wirkt auf den Neuling vielleicht etwas beliebig?
Ich erinnere mich noch an mein allererstes Foto, das gerockt hat und ich war stolz wie Bolle :)
Vielleicht fällt uns ja noch was ein, das diesen „Charakter“ trägt!
Ansonsten freu ich mich wie immer, was hier ist groß geworden:)
Danke dafür!
Bergfex club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubTanja - Loughcrew club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubThis is what I read on the pages of the Flickr Help Center:
- Featured Photos in Explore
Flickr’s Explore page is one of the most beloved features for photographers in the Flickr community.
- Galleries are a way to showcase other photographers' public photos.....
Galerij is een algemeen begrip en drukt niet iets specifieks uit omtrent de getoonde foto’s. Ik pleit voor het gebruik van Populair: = wat veel mensen leuk of aantrekkelijk vinden. Kijk je naar de statistieken onder de foto’s dan passen “favorieten” en “reacties” bij die omschrijving.
Zonder het algoritme te kennen is mij wel duidelijk dat het aantal “favorieten” en “reacties” mede bepalend zijn voor de populariteit van een foto. Een aantal factoren is daarbij van belang:
- kwaliteit van de foto
- reciprociteit, waarbij contacten een grote rol spelen
- actief participeren in groepen (mooiste voorbeeld is misschien wel de HFF-groep, immers in de loop van de vrijdag verschijnen er steeds meer ‘fence-foto’s’ in Galerij.
Translated with (free version):
I find the use of the term Galerij in Dutch NO improvement. Wikipedia describes it best: a series of photos on the computer is often called a photo gallery.
Gallery is a general term and does not express anything specific about the pictures shown. I advocate the use of Popular: = which many people like or find attractive. If you look at the statistics underneath the pictures then "favorites" and "reactions" fit that description.
Without knowing the algorithm it is clear to me that the number of "favorites" and "reactions" partly determine the popularity of a photo. A number of factors are important:
- quality of the photo
- reciprocity, in which contacts play a major role
- actively participate in groups (best example is perhaps the HFF group, after all, more and more 'fence photos' appear in Gallery in the course of Friday.
Tanja - Loughcrew club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubBergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubIm Übrigen ist Galerie keineswegs ein wertfreier Begriff: Für Fotografen ist es eine Ehre, in eine Galerie aufgenommen zu werden
(Ich denke, mit meinem Geknipse würde ich viele Klinken putzen müssen, bis ich einen Galeristen finden würde, der Bilder von mir ausstellt.)
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubIf "Populair" would only apply to about half of the pictures referred to, it might be better to limit the number of pages (for the time being) to 10.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubI do not think so, and not only for that reason I would like to agree with Jaap's proposal to reduce the number of pages in the gallery, and again argue in favor of the reset to nine pages. With this we are at least to some extent doing justice to the essence of the algorithm, which according to the IMA should be explicitly preserved, and... more authentic.
About the renaming of "What's hot": "Gallery" may be a common term in other photo communities, but a certain willingness to adapt should be expected from new members as well. So, a renaming on this basis is not justified in my opinion, especially since there are enough helpful members in our community.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubHere it means: "a shop where works of art are sold and small exhibitions take place". Nothing wrong with that !!
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubBergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubLass uns jetzt bitte nur auf den Begriff schauen, und nicht gleichzeitig den Inhalt verändern wollen. Das würde nämlich eine umfassende Gesamtschau und Diskussion erfordern. Wir haben derzeit aber wirklich Dringenderes zu tun. Dazu gehört, das wir ipernity fremden Interessenten schmackhaft machen müssen. Das interne Potenzial (Gast-Konten) ist nämlich völlig ausgeschöpft. Viel zu lange schon steht ipernity im Schatten. Wenn wir dort bleiben, geht unsere Gemeinschaft mangels Nachwuchs ein. Kein Redakteur, kein Forum interessiert sich für uns. Deshalb arbeiten wir jede freie Minute daran, den qualitativen Rückstand zu den Wettbewerbern aufzuholen. Die Internet-Welt ist seit 2013 nicht stehen geblieben, aber ipernity. Es ist eine riesige Herausforderung, den einzigartigen Charakter unserer Webseite zu erhalten, ohne altbacken zu bleiben.
Die bisherigen Begriffe für die Galerie waren in den verschiedenen Sprachen nicht nur ein Durcheinander, sondern teilweise auch unzutreffend. Man kann eine Präsentation nicht "Das rockt" nennen, wenn 50% der Beiträge nicht "rocken". Der gewählte Oberbegriff führt aus diesem Dilemma heraus, weil er neutraler ist. Wir sind aber offen für Alternativen, die dasselbe leisten. Der Konsistenz wegen müssten sie substantivisch und kurz genug sein, damit sie in allen sieben Sprachen auf den Button passen.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex club(Not only) The “motivation aspect for badly networked and newcomers” was also for me for a long time the basis for the acceptance of the said doubling of the number of pages. However, my years of observations as a member, but especially my experiences and insights as an admin of the group “Ipernity Frontpage & What's Hot” no longer justify maintaining this argument.
I would like to comply with your request and currently only look at the term, but a change of term has too profound an effect on one of the foundations of ipernity, and not least on the aforementioned group that is symbiotically intertwined with it.
Therefore, I would like to propose that the change of term be reversed and postponed until the appropriate time.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubFor me, this deterioration is another step towards the exit.
Bonne nouvelle semaine à vous tous.
Valfal club has replied to Peter Castell clubraingirl club has replied to Peter Castell club1) The linguistic correctness of the Dutch translation "Galerij" has now been confirmed by three impartial native speakers.
2) We will check in due course whether the amount of images presented (18 pages with 27 images each) is reasonable.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubHet gaat hier om de betekenis en die is "inhoudsloos" (een reeks van foto's op de computer); zie ook .
Het houdt voor mij nu op. Ik zou zeggen ima zoek het verder in jullie alwetendheid lekker zelf uit. Opnieuw een stap richting uitgang. Inmiddels mijn account bij die andere site weer geactiveerd (nooit gedacht dat het zover zou komen).
Xata club has replied to Rafael clubBergfex club has replied to Xata club38% Inglés
24% Francés
17% Alemán
9% Español
4% Italiano
2% Holandés
2% Portugués
4% otros
Debido a nuestra extremadamente limitada capacidad de personal, que consiste sólo en voluntarios, lamentablemente sólo podemos utilizar los tres idiomas principales: inglés, francés y alemán directamente. Sin embargo, esto significa que ya alcanzamos el 80% de todos los usuarios registrados. Para todos los demás idiomas recomendamos el uso del traductor integrado o el plug-in del navegador Mate-Translate
Más información sobre la traducción automática en ipernity
The improvement in content would also be desirable. However, it is more difficult to implement. Given our very limited resources, we are therefore concentrating on the low-hanging fruits and the things that are easy to realize.
Bernhard (ima team)
Spo has replied to Team clubBergfex club has replied to SpoEspecially 'Trusted' is important because it is cited in Wikipedia. But a (+) on Facebook would also be nice.
Spo has replied to Bergfex clubSign-in to write a comment.