Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) The widescreen mode of explore/whatshot/photos and explore/whatshot/videos has been further optimized. Expressed wishes have been taken into account as far as possible. In addition, the layout was harmonized with the display of 'Photos' and 'Groups'. The widescreen button has been moved to the drop-down Display menu (see 2), and the setting is remembered for use as your browse.
2) The widescreen mode is now also available for the 'Photos' and 'Groups' pages. The layout of the normal view has been aligned. Because there were irreconcilable conflicting wishes, the options menu has been expanded. This gives our website the most individual setting options compared to all other photo sharing offers.
1 = personal background color of your page (default: white)
2 = personal color of the comment fields (default: white)
3a = personal colour for the margins of your screen (standard: medium grey)
3b = screen margins on/off for normal display
4a = order of additional information under photo
4b = the additional information can be hidden
5 = wide screen mode on/off
6 = user help information
7 = number of picture rows (low for slow internet)
8 = pictures a) without frame, b) with frame, c) with filled frame
9 = activation of changed settings
3) The worldwide travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 danger have made many holiday dreams come tumbling down. Unlike in previous years, the ima team is therefore also present during the holiday season. We wish you and us nevertheless relaxing summer days within the scope of possibilities.
Your ima team
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity !
1) L'affichage grand écran de Explorer/Populaire/Photos et Explorer/Populaire/Vidéos a encore été optimisé. Les souhaits exprimés ont été pris en compte dans la mesure du possible. En outre, la mise en page a été harmonisée avec l'affichage des "Photos" et des "Groupes". Le bouton "écran large" a été déplacé vers le menu déroulant "Affichage" (voir 2), et le réglage est mémorisé pour être utilisé lors de la navigation.
2) L'option écran large est désormais également disponible pour les pages "Photos" et "Groupes". La disposition de l'affichage normal a été alignée. En raison de souhaits contradictoires inconciliables, le menu des options a été élargi. Cela donne à notre site web les options de réglage les plus individuelles par rapport à toutes les autres offres de partage de photos.
1 = couleur de fond personnelle de votre page (par défaut : blanc)
2 = couleur personnelle des champs de commentaires (par défaut : blanc)
3a = couleur personnelle pour les marges de votre écran (standard : gris moyen)
3b = activation/désactivation des marges de l'écran pour un affichage normal
4a = ordre des informations complémentaires sous la photo
4b = les informations supplémentaires peuvent être cachées
5 = mode panoramique activé/désactivé
6 = informations d'aide aux utilisateurs
7 = nombre de lignes d'images (faible pour l'internet lent)
8 = images a) sans cadre, b) avec cadre, c) avec cadre rempli
9 = activation des paramètres modifiés
3) Les restrictions de voyage dans le monde entier dues au danger du Covid-19 ont fait s'écrouler de nombreux rêves de vacances. Contrairement aux années précédentes, l'équipe de l'ima est donc également présente pendant la période des vacances. Nous vous souhaitons, à vous et à nous, des journées d'été reposantes dans la mesure du possible.
Votre équipe ima
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1) Der Breitbildmodus von Entdecken/Beliebt/Fotos und Entdecken/Beliebt/Videos wurde weiter optimiert. Die geäusserten Wünsche wurden so weit wie möglich berücksichtigt. Darüber hinaus wurde das Layout mit der Anzeige von "Fotos" und "Gruppen" harmonisiert. Die Breitbild-Schaltfläche wurde in das Dropdown-Menü "Display" verschoben (siehe 2). Persönliche Einstellungen werden jetzt im Browser gespeichert.
2) Der Breitbildmodus ist jetzt auch für die Seiten "Fotos" und "Gruppen" verfügbar. Das Layout der Normalansicht wurde damit harmonisiert. Da es unvereinbar widersprüchliche Wünsche gab, wurde das Optionsmenü erweitert. Damit hat unsere Website im Vergleich zu allen anderen Foto-Sharing-Angeboten die individuellsten Einstellungsmöglichkeiten.
1 = persönliche Hintergrundfarbe eurer Seite (Standard: weiß)
2 = persönliche Farbe der Kommentarfelder (Standard: weiß)
3a = persönliche Farbe für eure Bildschirmränder (Standard: mittelgrau)
3b = Bildschirmränder ein/aus für normale Anzeige
4a = Reihenfolge der zusätzlichen Informationen unter dem Foto
4b = zusätzliche Information können ausgeblendet werden
5 = Breitbildmodus ein/aus
6 = Benutzerhilfe-Informationen
7 = Anzahl der Bildzeilen (niedrig für langsames Internet)
8 = Bilder a) ohne Rahmen, b) mit Rahmen, c) mit gefülltem Rahmen
9 = Aktivierung der geänderten Einstellungen
3) Die weltweiten Reisebeschränkungen aufgrund der Covid-19-Gefahr haben viele Urlaubsträume zunichte gemacht. Anders als in den vergangenen Jahren ist das ima-Team deshalb auch während der Ferienzeit präsent. Wir wünschen euch und uns dennoch im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten erholsame Sommertage.
Euer ima-Team
Wishing the ima team and all Ipernity Members a healthy summer .
Team club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club(See Screenshot of the old version:
We have only tidied up the information below the image and aligned the images better.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubIntroducing it (in the future) would also ensure more uniformity between the different pages.
Bon WE à vous tous et en sécurité bien sûr.
pour votre dévouement..
bonne fin de semaine
Covid is still not done so thanks for being there for us team.
At this point I would like to return to my request already expressed by e-mail, the change in the arrangement of the number of favorites, as that would be a great help.
In detail: Name and date in the current order are okay. Only the position of the favorites would have to be changed back to the right (bottom line) as before. For groups where the number of favorites is crucial, as for example "IPERNITY Hall of Fame", but especially "Ipernity Frontpage & What's Hot!", the arrangement of the number of favorites is of immense importance due to the reading direction and better orientation possibilities.
Have relaxing and safe summer days too, and stay well!
The position of Favorites used to be random, both vertically depending on the height of the photo, and horizontally depending on the length of name, and whether there was a comments count, that could force the favorites count to a new line. The inclusion of the visits count, previously omitted for group contributions, made this more likely to occur.
The new constant position must surely be considered an improvement, and a change that cannot be hard to get used to.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team club(Within my gallery, the arrangement of the image information is of no concern to me personally, but the work for the group "Ipernity Frontpage & What's Hot!" does not take place in my gallery.) ;)
Bleibt alle Gesund, und viele Grüsse
Left: old arrangement.
1) The arrangement of the FAVs is rather unsteady. (green highlighted)
2) FAVs are jumping into first position as soon as there are no comments. This is increasingly the case up from page 9. (Generally, pictures in 'What's hot' always have favorites, but about a quarter of them have no comments at all.)
Right: new arrangement:
1) The arrangement of the FAVs is neat and always in the same position
2) The absence of comments no longer has a negative effect.
Related blog posts: click here to read them all
Isisbridge club has replied to Team clubThe new arrangement focuses on the text whilst leaving the photos higgledy-piggledy, creating an untidy display that's slightly disturbing to the eye and a definite unimprovement. The landscapes now appear smaller in comparison to the portraits, which visually overpower them. .
As for the statistics, we now have the view count so far off to the right that it isn't even below the photo on the portrait size. This looks 'bitty' and distracting, especially with the isolated [x] directly beneath it.
If the aim is to attract new membership from the young, I'm not sure how this achieves it.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team clubTeam club has replied to Isisbridge clubUnfortunately, compromises cannot be avoided for a collective online exhibitions. Such compromises don’t satisfy everyone completely. But at least the vast majority, as the feedback above shows.
Sometimes compromises and the related renouncement of what is desirable can be avoided by including options, as with the text modules. We will try to activate the options for the picture elements that already exist in the widescreen display also for the normal display. Currently, the selection menu on the left side on some pages prevents a 1:1 transfer. We think about a solution of this problem.
Team club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubThis morning 11% of the pictures were without comment:
Page 3 - 1 x
Page 8 - 1 x
Page 9 - 3 x
Page 11 - 5 x
Page 12 - 5 x
Page 13 - 2 x
Page 15 - 13 x
Page 16 - 6 x
Page 17 - 9 x
Page 18 - 10 x
In both samples there was no picture without favorites.
The number of visits is not shown as it is not relevant for the insertion in the gallery.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team clubOn the last two or three pages there were/are not permanent pictures without favorites and comments, but, as I wrote, occasionally. While visiting those galleries it was clear that the shown pictures did not even have a visitor. So much for the gap in the picture information due to hidden visitor numbers, which Isisbridge considers to be the most important statistic, although they are irrelevant for "Explore/What's hot" and don't appear anyway, as you, Bernhard, correctly state.
Isisbridge club has replied to Team clubNot having any interest in using widescreen, and being a computer dunce and somewhat mystified as to how to use the display panel, I hadn't realised till just now that the widescreen has an option for realigning the photos. Yes, that is much better and would indeed look nice if you can apply that to the normal display.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Team club* ઇଓ * club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club[Sometimes when we are having discussions here, I get confused about which pages we are talking about, that's why i include a url here.]
Thank you very much for all you do!
The widescreen mode is now also active for:
⭐ Your most popular photos
⭐ Your most viewed photos
⭐ Your most commented photos
raingirl club has replied to Team clubAlso, I ask whether you have zoomed in with the browser, after the page was delivered with rows of 5 photos.
to write a comment.