Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) On May 11, 2020 we received a message from PicMonkey that the old version of this image processing program will be shut down at the end of the year. For the new version, there will not be any online interface projected by this third-party manufacturer (see the original message below).
We have already recommended alternatives. Due to different user needs, we do not intend to link one of them to ipernity.
2) Due to our actively managed revival process, ipernity groups are subject to many changes, varying from administration to merging or deletion. This makes our website more user-friendly and more inviting for visitors from the World-Wide Web. In order to avoid any misunderstandings, you will receive correspondingly formulated messages in individual cases from now on.
3) In order to offer more comfort to users of wide screens, we have started first technical tests. In order to ensure the practicability and stability, we ask for your help. With the «» symbol in the following display (at first only for medium sized viewing option) you can switch between the normal mode and a wider display. This is only an additional display option, not a new default layout. Please try it out and give us feedback about any problems or wishes you may have.
The participation is of course voluntary. The normal operation of ipernity is not changed in any way by these tests.
Have fun trying it out!
Your ima team
edited: symbol modified after public discussion (see comments)
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity !
1) Le 11 mai 2020, nous avons reçu un message de PicMonkey nous informant que l'ancienne version de ce programme de traitement d'images sera désactivée à la fin de l'année. Pour la nouvelle version, le fabricant du logiciel n'a plus fourni d'interface utilisateur (voir le message original ci-dessous).
Nous avons déjà recommandé des alternatives. En raison des différents besoins des utilisateurs, nous n'avons pas l'intention de relier aucun d'entre eux à ipernity.
2) En raison de notre processus de renouvellement activement géré, les groupes d'ipernity sont soumis à des changements constants, de l'administration à la fusion ou á la suppression. Cela rend notre site web plus convivial et plus accueillant pour les visiteurs du World-Wide Web. Afin d'éviter les malentendus, vous recevrez désormais des notifications de changement avec une formulation différente.
3) Afin d'offrir plus de confort aux utilisateurs d'écrans larges, nous avons commencé les premiers tests techniques. Afin de garantir la praticabilité et la stabilité, nous vous demandons votre aide. Avec le symbole «» dans la vue suivante (au début seulement pour l'affichage d'images de taille moyenne), vous pouvez passer du mode normal à un affichage plus large. Il s'agit uniquement d'une option d'affichage supplémentaire, et non d'une nouvelle présentation standard. Essayez-le et donnez-nous votre avis sur d'éventuels problèmes ou souhaits.
La participation est bien sûr volontaire. Le fonctionnement normal d'ipernity n'est en rien modifié par ces tests.
Amusez-vous bien en l'essayant !
Votre équipe ima
édité : Symbole changé après la discussion publique (voir commentaires)
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1) Von PicMonkey haben wir am 11. Mai 2020 die Mitteilung erhalten, dass die alte Version dieses Bildbearbeitungsprogramms zum Jahresende abgeschaltet wird. Für die neue Version hat der Software-Hersteller keine Anwender-Schnittstelle mehr vorgesehen (siehe die Original-Mitteilung unten).
Wir haben bereits Alternativen empfohlen. Aufgrund unterschiedlicher Nutzerbedürfnisse beabsichtigen wir nicht, eine davon mit ipernity zu verknüpfen.
2) Aufgrund unseres aktiv betriebenen Erneuerungsprozesses sind ipernity-Gruppen einem ständigen Wandel unterworfen, von der Administration bis zur Zusammenlegung oder Löschung. Dies macht unsere Website benutzerfreundlicher und für Besucher aus dem World-Wide Web einladender. Um Missverständnissen vorzubeugen, erhaltet ihr ab sofort entsprechend anders formulierte Änderungs-Mitteilungen.
3) Um den Benutzern von Breitbildschirmen mehr Komfort zu bieten, haben wir erste technische Tests gestartet. Um die Praktikabilität und Stabilität zu gewährleisten, bitten wir euch um Hilfe. Mit dem «» Symbol in der folgenden Ansicht (zunächst nur für die mittelgroße Bild-Darstellung) könnt ihr zwischen dem normalen Modus und einer breiteren Darstellung umschalten. Dies ist lediglich als zusätzliche Anzeigemöglichkeit vorgesehen, nicht als neues Standard-Layout. Probiert es aus und gebt uns Rückmeldung über eventuelle Probleme oder Wünsche.
Die Mitwirkung ist natürlich freiwillig. Der Normalbetrieb von ipernity wird durch diese Tests in keiner Weise verändert.
Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren!
Euer ima-Team
editiert: Symbol nach öffentlicher Diskussion geändert (siehe Kommentare)
Hi Rob,
Our Flash based PicMonkey app (what we now refer to as "Old PicMonkey") will no longer work after this year when browsers pull support for Flash. The PicMonkey API can only serve Old PicMonkey. It has exceedingly low usage (most days zero).
Given this, we are dropping support for it and encourage you to investigate other options. We do not have an API for New Picmonkey in the works.
Thanks much,
Anthony Procissi
(Product Manager)
Fred Fouarge club has addedWunderbar, find' ich sehr gelungen.
Schönes Wochenende
Unlike your screenshot, there are (at least for me) only eight pictures per page. But even if there were 10, it requires more frequent clicking on "Next", and when managing the own gallery or groups, you lose a bit of the (faster) overview. But that's fine as long as there is the option "Normal Mode".
Stay safe and well!
raingirl club has replied to Rob Stamp clubi like the 8 showing and the arrow to move through option. and like it's been said, as long as the 'normal mode' is available for people to use it's all good!
possible nuance to fix:
besides toggling on the wide/normal icon, i noticed that there are a few actions that revert the screen to 'normal mode'. for example,
it seems like only when i use the back arrow key on my browser does the wide mode stay in place after viewing a single photo. the other two methods of returning to my 'latest photos' [clicking on the 'Photos' link to the right of 'You!' and clicking on 'Among your Photos' right under the strip of photos] revert the 'Your Latest Photos' viewing page to 'normal mode'. same concept on a group page (different names to the links).
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Rob Stamp clubBut the team is very creative, and that's what I'm hoping and confident about. :)
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Funktioniert im Grunde genommen bei mir mit Windows 10 und Chrome gut, werde das die Tage auch nochmal mit Linux Debian und Firefox oder so testen.
Allerdings werden einem bei der breiten Ansicht lediglich insgesamt 12 statt wie in der schmalen Ansicht 18 Fotos pro Seite angezeigt. Ich weiß noch nicht, ob ich das gut finde.... Einerseits muss man weniger nach unten scrollen, dafür muss man öfter neue Seiten laden....
Nett wäre es, wenn man angeben könnte, wie viele Fotos man pro Seite angezeigt bekommen möchte - sowohl in der Höhe als auch in der Breite? Wichtiger wäre es mir in der Höhe - ich hätte keine Probleme damit, auch weiterhin sechs Reihen von Bildern angezeigt zu bekommen - dann eben 36 in der breiten Ansicht statt 18 pro Seite. Mögen andere anders sehen und schätzen es vielleicht, wenn sie nicht so weit nach unten scrollen müssen. Andererseits muss man ja auch jetzt noch in der breiteren Ansicht nach unten scrollen, um die nächste Seite aufzurufen (sofern man mit Maus und nicht per Tastatur navigiert).
Was ich eher nicht so schön finde: das in der breiten Ansicht die Bildtitel zentriert statt linksbündig und die Bildbeschreibungen im Blocksatz angezeigt werden. Das macht sie sehr schlecht lesbar, zum Beispiel bei meinem viert-neuesten Foto von Alexander Flum ist in der Bildbeschreibung nun in einer Zeile folgendes zu lesen:
"weitere Sprachversionen)."
Wobei zwischen "weitere" und "Sprachversionen" durch den Blocksatz ein sehr breiter Abstand zwischen den beiden Wörtern erscheint. Blocksatz sieht vielleicht in einer gedruckten Zeitung gut aus, aber nicht auf einer Webseite mit so kurzen Blöcken, wo dann gelegentlich nur ein oder zwei Wörter pro Zeile passen.
Die Bildbeschreibung vom Bild "Kräne am Tollerort" ist durch den Blocksatz genauso zerfleddert....
Fred Fouarge club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubDaarom Bedankt voor deze nieuwe vondst ,maar ik blijf bij het huidige,iets wat ik MEER op prijs zou stellen is het mogelijk om iets in te bouwen..zodat ik weet of ik een foto reeds opgeladen heb,,zodat er geen dubbele opnamen bestaan.
Met Vriendelijke Groet ---stay safe!
Bergfex club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubUntil then, the solution would be to tag your pictures with keywords. Then you can quickly check for yourself if there are already images with similar themes or even the same ones in your portfolio.
But most importantly, your pictures would get much more attention by others! Many users are looking for pictures on certain topics. For example, as an administrator I spent many hours searching for pictures with keywords like "Austria, Vienna, Linz, Alps, etc.". to find pictures from Austria to invite them to the group.
You should really use this function! It helps you, and it helps ipernity. Because every visit of a stranger to ipernity as a result of a picture find via Google is a benefit for our community, because it improves our rankings on Google and Alexa.
Bergfex club has addedWhen you now enter the keywords "traktor"&"acker" into the ipernity search field, your picture will appear at the top of the results list.
You may add the Dutch words. This increases the retrievability for yourself enormously, because Dutch keywords are not so common.
Ur@nos club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubEs geht natürlich auch, themengleiche Fotos mit gleichen Stichwörten zu versehen und dann nach Stichworten suchen.
Auf meinem Samsung S3-Tablet mit klassischen 4:3-Format steht die Funktion nicht zur Verfügung. Das war zu erwarten und ist gut so.
Ich würde mir - wie bisher - 6 Reihen wünschen, damit ich weniger nachladen muss. 30 Bilder pro Seite wären für mich ein Anreiz, das neue Feature tatsächlich zu verwenden, wenn ich mir beispielsweise in fremden Alben einen schnellen Überblick verschaffen will.
Der Blocksatz bei den Bildbeschreibung ist weniger schön. Er verschlechtert die Lesbarkeit.
Thank you.
And I definitely agree with Bergfex that the image description should not be centered as things get weird fast.
Er ersuche IMA diese Frage bzw. die eines Esatzes noch ein Mal sehr ernsthaft zu prüfen.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to ©UdoSm clubTeam club has replied to ©UdoSm clubIn Anbetracht des "exceedingly low usage, most days zero" (Feststellung von PicMonkey, siehe obige Mitteilung des PM Product Managers) wäre die Verwendung unserer knappen Mittel dafür kaum zu rechtfertigen.
Bernhard (ima team)
Bergfex club has replied to Team clubGlaubt mir, aus Marketing-Sicht finde ich das auch sehr schade. Aber der Rückzug von PicMonkey liegt außerhalb unserer Macht.
Thanks to you!
Het centreren van de titel maakt de nieuwe indeling erg onrustig.
Team club has replied to Dinesh clubDinesh club has replied to Team clubMehr Reihen wären noch besser!
@Tacheles - The wide screen icon will only appear if the calculation indicates that more than 3 images can be fitted for the detected screen width, and only when viewing the medium size images of 3 per row. So it should not be a Firefox issue.
@Raingirl - to view a certain photo as a larger single, right-click and "open in new tab", then you can close it, (or leave it open), and return to the wide screen tab.
Centering: It is definitely intended for the format to be consistent between wide and standard, and one reason for leaving the description left aligned in the standard view, was to allow a better before and after comparison across different sets of images, and not just a single 'good' example pair.
The result of this is that the justfied text will not be kept. While it can look good in some cases, long words in limited space is a problem. Note that the portrait format images are also centred, this being a change to include in the trial, and also the centred title. A reason for trying this was from noting that for group contributions, the small size display has a nicely spaced look with portrait images and the name centered underneath. Should this change be kept for medium images, but with description again left aligned.
I will need to explore the idea of a user defined number of rows. Perhaps a logical place is under "Your account settings" and "Display and Layout", but the impact of adding a field (a box in which to store the preference) to a live database table needs to be considered. Another option could be to display in wide screen mode without having to select it, while keeping the icon as a toggle option.
Bergfex club has replied to Rob Stamp clubAs icon I would keep the initially introduced «» with two advantages:
1) Widescreen is a special function for users. The initially choosen icon expressed this better.
2) A special icon leaves open the possibility to use Widescreen at some point at another place in the program, which we can't even imagine right now Who knows?.
I have tried several ways to force such css and graphics changes into use, but can only advise you to clear the browser cache, perhaps with Ctrl+F5 as the easiest way, if this is a feature of your browser.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Rob Stamp clubRevision uploaded, F5 required.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Rob Stamp clubraingirl club has replied to Rob Stamp clubso i'm just wondering if that is a glitch of some kind? or just an oddity of my situation. maybe because i hadn't closed my browser? but then why would there have been no button at all.
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl clubraingirl club has replied to Bergfex clubi'm not worried about it, just wanted to bring it to Rob's attention to be sure it wasn't something he wanted to address.
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl clubraingirl club has replied to Bergfex clubHow can an administrator who no longer wishes to run a group he/she has set up remove that group?
Steve Bucknell club has replied to Rob Stamp clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubTeam club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubHowever, we do this only on request and never against the will of an active administrator.
Steve Bucknell club has replied to Team clubP.S.:Wenn ich meine Kontakte anschaue, finde ich leider etliche, die kein Mitglied und z.T. seit 2011 nicht mehr aktiv sind (keine neuen Fotos / Beiträge eingestellt).
Wird die Datenbank diesbezüglich gesichtet, nach einer Notiz an die Betroffenen bereinigt? Ich schaue zwar regelmäßig in die "News", kann mich aber an keine Regelung erinnern.
Sorry, wenn mein Beitragszusatz an dieser Stelle unpassend ist.
Bergfex club has replied to Ur@nos clubWas die Kontakte betrifft: Die muss jeder selbst in Ordnung halten. Wir vom Team können nur dafür sorgen, dass die Plattform technisch und wirtschaftlich stabil läuft. Was ihr dann damit macht, liegt in eurer Verantwortung.
Allerdings gibt es einen Automatismus, mit dem verlassene Accounts automatisch nach 3 Jahren gelöscht werden. Insofern stutze ich, dass Du inaktive Accounts findest, die älter sind. Ich würde es gern überprüfen. Kannst Du mir bitte die Accounts per Ticket (Datenschutz, nicht öffentlich) nennen?
Ich schau mir das dann gerne an.
Ur@nos club has replied to Bergfex clubOk., ich sende mal Beispiele.
Bergfex club has replied to Ur@nos clubBonne nouvelle semaine à tous.
(that is : I am logged in, for instance I can 'star' a picture, I see other's comments, but I don't have ths comment area that I am using right here. Is this normal?
[edit] I solved the first point; I see the widescreen possibility now. But still no way to input comments on some pics, like for instance. There are others where I can, and I don''t know why here and not there?
There is an option in "Your account settings" -> "Photos and other content" -> "Who will be able to add comments?"
So it could be that the photos you happen to be looking at have a restriction on who can comment, set by the owner. Being a registered club member may not be enough if you are not a 'friend' in the contact list.
It is also the case that an account holder can blacklist another user, to prevent them from commenting, or sending ipermails.
If you would like either of these possibilities checked, please raise a ticket, stating the photos where this issue occurs.
The frame colour is referenced to the selected page background color, to be muted, and is not on the photo itself. So now with the text below the photos, all at the same level, the frame ties it to the photo, when there is a gap due to the centralised positioning of the photo within the frame.
The title is also reverted to left alignment for the whole text block. I did like the central title, but perhaps it works best only when on its own. Also, the left alignment means it is the same as the existing three per row layout.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Rob Stamp clubBergfex club has replied to Rob Stamp club✅
Boarischa Krautmo club has replied to Rob Stamp club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Rob Stamp clubThe whole thing makes a fresher, more modern impression overall.
However, the frames are very irritating and hinder a quick overview when working on the pages, a real stress factor for the eyes, when 27 photos on 18 pages = 486 photos have to be checked and invited every day (for the group "Ipernity Frontpage & What's Hot!"), especially since the frames are partly not flush, which additionally impairs the workflow.
And sorry if I say that, but it has to be done, Rob: On a white background the currently presented layout in widescreen mode is a real killer for the eyes and the frames are even more irritating than on a dark grey or black background.
Well, I experimented a bit and found out the following:
My findings described above are based on the described appearances after adjusting the background color. On a white background the frames are black, on a dark grey or black background white. Only after reloading the page after the background color selection has been made, the frame color on both background variants neutralizes to a slightly simpler, lighter gray. This effect is not quite as painful for the eyes, but still strongly impairing.
I'd like to use the widescreen mode on "Explore/What's hot!" for my work, so I hope you can find another variation as an alternative. If not, that would be a real pity, but then, hopefully, the normal mode will remain in parallel.
Anyway, my sincere thanks and appreciation for your great work and efforts!
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubFunktioniert auch unter Linux Debian im Firefox und Opera.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubraingirl club has replied to * ઇଓ * club* ઇଓ * club has replied to raingirl clubas the team will act and decide prudently in this respect as well.
Wide screen: With the frames slightly wider apart, perhaps the impression of lines everywhere is reduced, and the frames are now individual. An alternative idea, available if you select German, is with the frame filled in.
Please be aware that if you experiment with different main page colours, the frame or fill colour will only be used with a page refresh or display of the next set of photos.
raingirl club has replied to Rob Stamp clubraingirl club has replied to Rob Stamp clubDo you see that also, or is this one of my browser issues?
Steve Bucknell club has replied to Rob Stamp clubBergfex club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubSteve Bucknell club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubThe frames are turned off in English, for reason of allowing a comparison. Go to German for filled in 'slide' mounts, and the others still have the frames.
On What's Hot, there was a "Cancel" popup on the icon, but now also on the "Wide Screen" label.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Rob Stamp clubNow I have experimented with Opera. Here is a widescreen icon. To be brief, the layout of the widescreen mode in "English" guarantees an optimal workflow, as here an unobstructed overview is guaranteed and nothing disturbs the direct view of the image/s.
Would be great if at least for "Explore/What's hot!" this version could be set as an alternative, although it would also be advantageous for the own gallery. But let's wait and see what other members think.
Bergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubleere mal den Browser-Cache. Bei mir wird die Breitbild-Option nämlich sowohl in Firefox wie auch in Chrome angezeigt.
Die neue Passepartout-Alternative, die Kunstgalerien ja auch verwenden, um unterschiedliche Bildformate harmonisch nebeneinander anzuordnen, gefällt mir ebenfalls.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubDue to my browser settings a full cache cannot be the cause. Nevertheless, I have manually emptied the cache of both browsers during the experiment - without the desired result (in Firefox).
Bergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubraingirl club has replied to Rob Stamp clubMeanwhile, Wide screen is reverted to the narrower gaps which corrects the problem on 1280 pixel monitors. Now to code for adaptive gaps.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Rob Stamp clubGroup pages: doesn't work at all (Virtual Explore) or show one row of 3 pictures and a next row with just 1 picture (Happy Fence Fruday)
Team club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubDebugging and further improvement of 'Explore' (wide screen) has priority.
'Groups' (wide screen) will be optimized afterwards.
A Comparison of the display of different photo sharing sites is available now.
You're invited to comment and/or to mention other examples.
Bergfex club has replied to Berny clubBerny club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to Berny club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Rob Stamp clubBergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubBerny club has replied to Rob Stamp club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubAll kidding aside. :) Thanks for the information!
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Berny clubBergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubSign-in to write a comment.