Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) There is currently a problem in the PayPal payment process. Deposits are accepted correctly, but are not automatically booked through. The manual activation of subscription renewals and their confirmation can take up to 48 hours. We ask for patience until the error is corrected.
2) To keep the register of members up to date, we occasionally delete accounts that have not been used for more than three years. If their owners were group administrators, our website will automatically appoint group members with the longest group membership as successors. If someone doesn't want to take over the task, they can simply leave the group and rejoin as an ordinary member.
3) As part of our efforts to further improve ipernity, we have enlarged the map view format [1]. We have also managed to add a satellite view [2] that can even be set to full screen [3]. This functional enhancement is now available for all paid subscriptions (Basic/Standard/Plus) on a trial basis while we monitor the usage to ensure that it remains below the cost hurdle.
Your ima team
Chers membres et amis de ipernity !
1) Il y a actuellement un problème dans le processus de paiement PayPal. Les paiements sont acceptés correctement, mais ne sont pas automatiquement transférés à ipernity. L'activation manuelle des renouvellements d'abonnement et leur confirmation peuvent prendre jusqu'à 48 heures. Nous vous demandons d'être patients jusqu'à ce que l'erreur soit corrigée.
2) Pour maintenir le registre des membres à jour, nous éliminons occasionnellement les comptes qui n'ont pas été utilisés depuis plus de trois ans. Si leurs propriétaires étaient administrateurs de groupe, notre site web désignera automatiquement comme successeurs les membres ayant la plus longue appartenance au groupe. Si quelqu'un ne souhaite pas prendre la relève, il peut simplement quitter le groupe et le rejoindre à nouveau en tant que membre ordinaire.
3) Dans le contexte de nos efforts pour améliorer encore ipernity, nous avons élargi le format de visualisation de la cartographie [1]. Nous avons également réussi à ajouter une vue satellite [2] qui peut même être réglée en plein écran [3]. Cette amélioration fonctionnelle est maintenant disponible pour tous les abonnements payants (Basic/Standard/Plus) à titre d'essai :
Votre équipe ima
1) Im Paypal-Bezahlvorgang gibt es derzeit eine Störung. Einzahlungen werden zwar korrekt angenommen, aber nicht automatisch durchgebucht. Die manuelle Freischaltung der Abonnement-Verlängerungen und deren Bestätigung kann bis zu 48 Stunden in Anspruch nehmen. Wir bitten um Geduld, bis der Fehler behoben ist.
2) Um die Mitgliederliste aktuell zu halten, löschen wir hin und wieder Accounts, die mehr als drei Jahre nicht benutzt wurden. Wenn deren Inhaber Gruppenadministratoren waren, setzt ipernity automatisch Gruppenmitglieder mit der längsten Gruppenzugehörigkeit als Nachfolger ein, hat. Wenn Jemand die Aufgabe nicht übernehmen möchte, kann er/sie die Gruppe einfach verlassen und wieder als einfaches Mitglied eintreten.
3) Im Rahmen unserer Bemühungen, ipernity weiter zu verbessern, haben wir das Format der Karten-Ansicht vergrößert [1]. Außerdem ist es uns gelungen, eine Satellitenansicht hinzuzufügen [2], die sogar bildschirmfüllend einstellbar ist [3]. Diese Funktionserweiterung steht ab sofort versuchsweise für alle bezahlten Abonnements (Basis/Standard/Plus) zur Verfügung, während wir die Nutzung daraufhin überwachen, ob sie unterhalb der Kostenschwelle bleibt.
Euer ima-Team
2) I hadn't thought about the simple, remove myself from group, then re-join. Nice to know.
3) Cool feature, I'll check it out.
And as always - great work!! Thank you so much!!!!
Only the execution report from Paypal to the ipernity database is disturbed, so that subscriptions and/or renewals are registered with a delay of up to 48 hours. Affected members therefore do not see renewals immediately in their ipernity payment history as usual, even though these were completed within seconds
Fortunately, the donation function is not affected. Donations are always booked manually. Their processing is not part of the normal payment software.
Fred Fouarge club has addedSorry, but I don't have a satellite view, but a button with the word "Repositie" (never heard of that). Nota problem for me. As I will use the map. Just let you know.
the button "Satelliet" [NL] appears only for pictures from other members. For your own images the button has the name "Repositie"´[NL], because you as the author have the additional possibility to adjust the geo-data. This nomenclature distinction was necessary to express the different functionality.
Paulo Moreira club has replied to Bergfex clubBon WE à vous tous.
Ich habe da auch ein Problem , wenn ich Sattelit anklicke kommt:
Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, überprüfen sie die Internet Verbindung.
die Verbindung steht aber.
Boarischa Krautmo club has replied to Aschi "Freestone" clubmerci une fois de plus pour vos efforts
et votre dévouement pour nous tous…
A l' équipe je souhaite un agréable W/end
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Ilda CasatiDankeschön wert! :)
Die Satellitenkarte hat im Moment aber noch eine kleine Einschränkung: bei Bildern von anderen Usern kann ich die Satellitenkarte dazuschalten, aber bei meinen eigenen Bildern erscheint der [Satellit]-Knopf nicht.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to polytropos clubAlthough, I guess it is sort of a usability issue. It is difficult to come up with user interface (UI) that covers all situations, and still not clutter the whole UI.
And on the other hand that is what I experienced when joined Ipernity in the first place. Even after years of use I keep on finding "hidden" features.
polytropos club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has addedWhen one views images taken by others, then it is more obvious that one wishes to find out what the place looks like on satellite images. Therefore button title "satellite" is obvious choice on map window.
But when one deals with one's own photos, one very likely already know the place. But sometimes one wishes to reposition the spot where picture is taken more accurately. And that is when the satellite view becomes useful, and can be accessed after first clicking "reposition" button that opens the Google Map.
Then a tip to all who uses Chrome browser:
Because of some mysterious "bug", Google Map sometimes opens as cut into half, or even quarter of window shown only. And somewhat always the +/- buttons to zoom, or open satellite view are missing. The workaround is to click keyboard keys Ctrl and +/- at the same time (click Ctrl first, hold it down, and then click either + or -). That should refresh the pop up window, and bring all buttons onto it.
More here:
klaus 040 club has replied to polytropos clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to JohanSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to JohanTeam club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubWe ask for your understanding and patience. For our own interest we want to fix the transaction problem as soon as possible. The manual handling of the bookings is very laborious.
C'est du bon travail et je vous en remercie.
Mês compliments.
Bergfex club has replied to klaus 040 clubTeam club has replied to José Manuel Polo clubIn any case, the precision of ipernity is 2x to 20x as high as we
on Flickr in its best resolution:
Bergfex club has replied to Erika AkireWeil ich dadurch eine hohe Zusatzbelastung und Präsenzpflicht habe, habe ich persönlich ein allergrößtes Interesse, dass sich der Zustand bald wieder normalisiert.
Why not delete the groups of inactive administrators as well? In IPernity there are so many groups with redundant content. It has become so confusing. Deleting groups won't delete photos, right?
Bergfex club has replied to ThorstenHowever, it would be totally overtaxing for the ima team to clean up the uncontrolled growth of groups that has taken place over 12 years. In this respect, ipernity has the same knitting error as Flickr. There's not even a list, not even for us supervisors. You are all free to do this yourself in individual topics. The ima team will gladly support. See Newsflash 2019-07-28 for details.
I personally did this with regard to the keyword Austria. Seven groups of blobs have become a single one, which is more diverse and lively than the confusion before it.
The interruption in the Paypal payment process has been resolved in the meantime.
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