Dear ipernity friends and IMA members,
1) We are pleased to inform you today, that all changes regarding the financial transactions have now been successfully and completely implemented. All payments are being transferred exclusively to the IMA. You may therefore proceed with the extensions of your subscriptions
In some areas you may still encounter problems, when you try to pay via one of the Skrill options (Credit Card, etc). Please note, that in some countries you can pay your subscription with PayPal instead, even if you do not have an account there and do not want to open one:
- Go to PayPal under the ipernity payment options, select your country and fill the form. (Credit and debit cards are accepted. This process is using an encrypted channel (https) and is absolutely safe.)
- In case you still encounter problems with your subscription try to clear cookies in your browser, allow 3rd party cookies or even try another browser.
You may also contact the IMA for assistance. The IMA is working on a consistent solution to accommodate all user’s needs.
2) Some browsers show a security warning during log-on. The reason is an expired security certificate of the ipernity site. We are working on a solution for this problem and hope to have a fix soon. Your payment transactions, however, remain safe, since they are handled via the encrypted channels of PayPal or the credit card clearing service (Skrill).
3) To be very clear again: Not only has the IMA taken ownership over the ipernity website, the IMA is also your one and only contractual partner. The Terms of Use as stated on the site are therefore outdated and are currently being revised to reflect this. The bottleneck is the fact, that the Terms of Use have to be translated into the 15 languages, the website offers. Here we need your help urgently. If you are a native speaker of one of the 15 languages (except English, French and German) and you are fluent in English or French as a second language, please report in if you are willing to help with the translations.
Have a nice weekend everyone and enjoy the reborn ipernity.
On behalf of IMA
Eric and William
Chers amis d'ipernity et membres de l'IMA,
1) Nous sommes heureux de vous informer que les différents aspects financiers du projet de reprise du site sont maintenant réglés, et que vos paiements se font désormais exclusivement au profit de l'IMA. Vous pouvez donc procéder dès maintenant à la prolongation de votre abonnement.
Dans certaines zones vous pouvez rencontrer des problèmes lors du paiement de votre abonnement par carte de crédit (options Skrill). Veuillez noter que dans certains pays, vous pouvez payer votre abonnement via PayPal, même si vous n'y avez pas de compte et que vous ne souhaitez pas en ouvrir un. Pour faire cela, suivez la procédure suivante :
- Accédez à PayPal sous les options de paiement ipernity, sélectionnez votre pays et remplissez le formulaire. (Les cartes de crédit et de débit sont acceptées. Ce processus utilise une chaîne cryptée et est absolument sécurisée.)
- Si jamais vous rencontrez toujours des problèmes, effacez les cookies Paypal de votre navigateur, autorisez les cookies et recommencez. Ou bien essayez avec un autre navigateur.
N'hésitez pas à contacter l'IMA pour obtenir de l'aide. Nous sommes en train de travailler sur une solution cohérente pour répondre aux besoins de tous les utilisateurs.
2) Certains navigateurs affichent un avertissement de sécurité lors de la connexion. La raison en est qu'un certificat de sécurité du site ipernity a expiré. Nous travaillons à règler ce problème et espérons avoir bientôt la solution. Vos transactions de paiement, cependant, restent totalement sécurisées car elles sont traitées via les canaux chiffrés (https) de PayPal ou le service de compensation de carte de crédit (Skrill).
3) Nous souhaitons insister sur ce point: Non seulement l'IMA a pris possession du site ipernity, mais l'IMA est dorénavant votre seul et unique partenaire contractuel. Les conditions d'utilisation indiquées sur le site sont par conséquent obsolètes et sont en cours de révision afin de refléter cette nouvelle situation. Le fait que ces conditions d'utilisation doivent être traduites dans les 15 langues que le site offre constitue l'obstacle majeur de cette opération. Nous avons besoin de votre aide d'urgence. Si vous êtes un locuteur natif de l'une de ces 15 langues (sauf l'anglais, le français et l'allemand) et parlez également couramment l'anglais ou le français, et si vous êtes prêt à aider pour les traductions, veuillez vous faire connaître rapidement auprès de nous.
Passez un excellent week-end et profitez au mieux du renouveau d'ipernity !
Au nom de l'IMA,
Eric et William
Liebe ipernity-Freunde und IMA-Mitglieder!
1) Wir freuen uns, euch heute mitteilen zu können, dass alle finanztechnischen Umstellungen jetzt vollständig erfolgt sind. Zahlungen zu Abo-Verlängerungen fließen ausschließlich an die IMA! Ihr könnt also mit den Abo-Verlängerungen beginnen.
Leider kann es dabei in einigen Ländern immer noch zu Problemen bei der Zahlung per Kreditkarte über SKRILL kommen. In solchen Fällen könnt ihr euch eventuell damit behelfen, dass ihr via PayPal bezahlt, auch wenn ihr weder ein PAYPAL-Konto habt, noch eines eröffnen wollt:
- Geht bei den Zahlungsoptionen auf PAYPAL, wählt euer Land aus und füllt dann das Formular aus. (Es werden Kreditkarten und (in Deutschland) auch Banküberweisung akzeptiert. Dies ist ein absolut sicherer Prozess, der einen verschlüsselten Kanal nutzt (https).
- Sollte dies nicht gelingen, löscht bitte alle Cookies, erlaubt Cookies von Dritten und versucht ggf. einen anderen Browser.
Einige Nutzer haben ihr Abo in den vergangenen Tagen auch erfolgreich mit GiroPay und Banküberweisung (IBAN) verlängert (Bei "Zahlmethode" das 2. Kästchen von links unten und dann "SEPA Lastschrift" wählen (oder "rechts +") und dann wieder "GiroPay").
Sollte es in Einzelfällen zu Schwierigkeiten kommen, bitten wir euch, uns dies zu melden. Die IMA arbeitet weiterehin mit Hochdruck an Lösungen, die die Bedürfnisse aller User abdecken.
2) Bei einigen Browsern erscheint während des log-in eine Sicherheitsmeldung. Ursache sind abgelaufene Sicherheitszertifikate der Ipernity-Website. Der Fehler wird baldmöglichst behoben. Eure Zahlungsabwicklungen sind trotz solcher Meldungen sicher, weil sie über die verschlüsselten Verbindungen von PayPal bzw. der zentralen Kreditkarten-Abrechnungsstelle (Skrill) laufen.
3) Um es nochmals zu betonen: Die IMA ist nicht nur alleiniger Eigentümer der Website, sondern auch euer alleiniger Vertragspartner! Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen werden zur Zeit angepasst. Die diesbezüglichen Angaben auf der Website sind nicht mehr aktuell! Nadelöhr ist dabei, dass wir die AGBs noch in alle 15 Sprachen übersetzen müssen, welche die Website anbietet. Wir bitten euch hierzu dringend um Mithilfe. Wenn ihr eine der Sprachen – außer englisch, französisch oder deutsch – fließend beherrscht und uns helfen wollt, meldet euch bitte!
Wir wünschen euch ein schönes Wochenende und viel Spaß mit ipernity!
Im Auftrag von IMA
Eric und William
2017-09-29 Newsflash
Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) Last week we encountered irregularities relate…
30 Sep 2017
2017-09-15 Newsflash
Dear members!
1) Certainly many of you have seen already, that the new subscription pe…
16 Sep 2017
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eine kleine anregung? vielleicht lässt sich eine gruppe oder virtuelles schwarzes brett einrichten, wo alle offenen positionen für eine gewünschte mithilfe dargestellt werden?
Pam J club has replied to John Oram clubThere will be just updating.... and it will take longer to do than just about anything else. There are no "unexpected liabilities". Just the grind of translating into 15 languages !!
Re: payment....
this was William Sutherland's answer to someone yesterday with the same question (He is IMA)
"........ William Sutherland has replied to William Sutherland has replied to neki desu
My suggestion is to hold off renewing as long as your membership remains valid and no announcement has been made confirming the need to renew under IMA. The technical issues are complex. Thus only renew when the need arises through an IMA announcement or your membership expires.
I hope that helps you
Merci à vous
Smiley Derleth club has replied to HappySnapperCari voi, vorrei esprimere la mia soddisfazione per il fatto che non dobbiamo di nuovo traslocare come avvenuto con Panoramio. Tuttavia... tuttavia leggendo qua e là i vari commenti mi rendo conto che non tutti sono contenti soprattutto perché ritengono che vi sia stata una certa ingiustizia nella definizione delle nuove tariffe. Si sarebbe dato peso unicamente al potere d'acquisto dei Paesi più forti economicamente escludendo di fatto tutti quegli utilizzatori di altre parti del Pianeta che quelle cifre non possono spenderle. 50 euro in Italia o in Iran hanno ben altro valore di 50 euro in Svizzera dove la vita è assai più cara ma anche gli stipendi sono molto meglio retribuiti. Ecco, pur rendendomi conto dell'urgenza e dell'immenso lavoro da parte di IMA per poter mantenere in vita questo portale credo che Ipernity rischi di perdere parte della sua identità originale a causa di questa selezione naturale. Mi spiace, davvero. Spero che una volta consolidati si potranno trovare delle formule tariffarie che tengano meglio conto del potere d'acquisto di ogni Paese.
Dear you, I would like to express my satisfaction because we don't have to move again as happened with Panoramio. However ... however reading the comments here and there I realize that not everyone is happy especially because they believe there has been some injustice in defining the new tariffs. It seems that only the purchasing power of the most powerful Countries has been taken in account virtually excluding all those users of other parts of the planet which cannot afford such prices. 50 euros in Italy or Iran worth differently of 50 euros in Switzerland, where life is more expensive, but salaries are much better paid. Now, while realizing IMA's urgency and immense work to keep this portal alive, I believe that Ipernity risks losing some of its original identity because of this natural selection. I'm sorry, really. I hope that, once consolidated, there will be a chance to define new tariff formulas that take better account of the purchasing power of each country.
Chers tous, je voudrais exprimer ma satisfaction parce-que nous ne devons pas nous déplacer de nouveau comme cela s'est passé avec Panoramio. Cependant ... cependant, en lisant les commentaires ici et là, je me rends compte que tout le monde n'est pas content. En fait il y aurait eu une certaine injustice dans la définition des nouveaux tarifs. Seul le pouvoir d'achat des Pays les plus puissants aurait été pris en compte en excluant pratiquement tous les utilisateurs d'autres parties de la planète qui ne peuvent pas se permettre ces tarifs. Finalement, 50 euros en Italie ou en Iran n'ont pas le même pouvoir de 50 euros en Suisse, où la vie est beaucoup plus chère, mais les salaires sont beaucoup mieux payés. Or, tout en reconnaissant l'urgence d'IMA et le travail immense pour maintenir ce portail en vie, je crois que Ipernity risque de perdre une partie de son identité originelle en raison de cette sélection naturelle. Je suis vraiment désolé. J'espère que, une fois consolidés, il y aura des formules tarifaires qui tiennent mieux en compte le pouvoir d'achat de chaque Pays.
""Ihr Lieben, ich möchte meine Befriedigung darüber zum Ausdruck bringen, dass wir nicht wieder zu einem anderen Anbieter wechseln müssen, so wie es den Mitgliedern bei Panoramio ergangen ist. Jedoch … jedoch habe ich nach der Lektüre der Kommentare hier und an anderen Stellen bemerkt, dass nicht alle glücklich sind, insbesondere weil sie glauben, dass die Festsetzung der neuen Club-Tarife einige Ungerechtigkeiten generiert haben, da es den Eindruck erweckt, dass ausschließlich die Kaufkraft der stärksten Länder Berücksichtigung fand und somit faktisch all die anderen Nutzer aus anderen Teilen der Welt, die sich solche Preise nicht leisten können, ausgeschlossen werden. 50 Euro in Italien oder Iran haben eine anderen Wert als 50 Euro in der Schweiz, wo der Lebensunterhalt teurer, aber auch sehr viel höhere Löhne bezahlt werden. In Berücksichtigung und Anerkennung der Dringlichkeit und immensen Arbeit, die mit der Erhaltung dieses Portals verbunden ist, glaube ich nun aber doch, dass Ipernity durch den sich daraus ergebenden natürlichen Ausleseprozess riskiert, etwas von seiner ursprünglichen Identität einzubüßen. Ich bedaure das wirklich sehr und hoffe, dass nach einer Konsolidierung es eine Chance gibt, neue Formeln für die Festsetzung der Mitgliedsbeiträge zu finden, bei denen die Kaufkraft der jeweiligen Länder bessere Berücksichtigung findet.
Liebe Grüße. Andrea
(Danke Beobachter für deine Deutsche Übersetzung!)
Cari saluti, Andrea
diedje has replied to Andrea Riberti clubFizgig has replied to diedjeI deal with this stuff day in/day out.... The going rate is roughly $10 per 20GB of data for sites where one can do things with the data stored (forums, groups, interactive, etc.).... For most people, that would be enough space to store at least 1,000 photos. So, if the site managers were to charge based on storage with a bit of overhead to cover usage of the platform, the fees would be more than affordable and completely fair.... That way, the person who only has a few hundred photos on the site doesn't pay the same rate as the person who has 5,000 photos stored. You'd think this would make sense..... I proposed it several times in the early stages of their efforts to save the site but got either no feedback or negative feedback..... In my opinion that's because those who've taken over don't understand data hosting principles & industry practices (nor were they willing to discuss it) and/or they don't have the technical knowhow to manage this site nor anything in their business plan/model to remedy that and/or they really believe that a thousand users [being generous here] can be found who would be willing to pay their outrageous fees to keep the site limping along and/or they have no interest whatsoever in maintaining the true sharing environment that existed on this platform for more years than most of the IMA folks were even members of the site. I proposed two types of tiered systems --- one with actual storage space (based on the amt. of space files take up rather than the number of files being hosted) being paid for with overhead to cover platform use for sharing and another based on relative storage space (based on number of files stored rather than the amt. of space they take up) as a means to make pricing fair & affordable for all who wish to stay with the platform after IMA takes it over.... Both were outright dismissed.
Furthermore..... They could keep free accts. on the site with advertising on them. Limit them to no photo hosting capabilities, but allow participation in groups & allow commenting... That would generate traffic and, coupled with advertising, income. But apparently IMA doesn't want to entertain anything that would bring in only minimal income. What they're not considering is that there would likely be far more active accts. as those who formed friendships before the take-over and unaffordable fees could potentially still stay in contact with their friends while generating the income for the site to cover their limited usage. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for free accts. necessarily; but saying that they can be useful to the site.... Granted, not when the mindset is that minor sources of income aren't worth entertaining on the part of site management.
Can this site be affordable for all?... Yes..... Has IMA made any efforts toward that end?.... No -- quite the opposite, actually. It could very well be that, while they managed to temporarily salvage the platform, they've bitten off more than they can chew with regard to actually running to site in a manner in which it stays solvent.
Bergfex club has replied to FizgigAll Deine Gedanken sind wertvolle Ansätze für die Zukunft. Aber ganz ehrlich: Wir haben zur Zeit echt andere Probleme! Ein ernstzunehmender Kostenfaktor sind beispielsweise zig-tausende (!!!) tote Accounts, teilweise seit >5 Jahren ohne Zugriff. Christophe Ruelle hat sich darum nie gekümmert und auch keine Tools implementiert, um dieses Problem effizient zu verwalten. Trafficseitig sind die mehr als hundert Fake- Accounts, welche täglich (!!!) von Spammern und Robots kreiert werden, ein großes Problem. Weil Christophe damals die Vision eines ganz großen Netzwerks à la Facebook hatte, also möglichst schnelles Wachstum anstrebte, gibt es keinerlei Authentifizierungsmodule in der Software. An der Stelle brennt das Dach lichterloh.
Da Du so gut informiert bist, weißt Du sicherlich auch, was ein Manntag Software-Engineering kostet. (Für alle Anderen: das beginnt bei 1000,- €/Tag). Wenn das IMA-Budget größer wäre, könnte man einige Vorschläge von Dir sofort aufgreifen. Zur Zeit geht es aber eher darum, mit knappsten Ressourcen überhaupt einen stabilen Betrieb zu gewährleisten, Disk-Space zu bereinigen, Spamfilter einzubauen, ein Authentifizierungsmodul zu implementieren und andere dringende Dinge zu erledigen.
Im Übrigen: zum bloßen Abspeichern von bspw. 1000 Fotos gibt es wirklich bessere Möglichkeiten. Man packt sie in eine Cloud, die man mit all seinen Endgeräten synchronisieren kann. (So mach ich das.) Man kann Freunden oder Verwandten global oder spezifisch Zugang gewähren. Alles ganz simpel und "kostenlos".
Ipernity ist aber viel mehr als eine leblose Cloud. Ipernity ist eine Sharing-Plattform. Der Mehrwert hier ist die Kommunikation mit Menschen, die das gleiche Hobby haben, der Austausch miteinander, die Publikation Deiner schönsten Fotos, das Feedback, welches Du bekommst, die Teilnahme an Gruppen (bspw. "TSC", "Macro Monday", etc.), usw.
Hier bei Ipernity sind - aus den Umfragebeteiligungen und den Datenbanken abgeschätzt - rund 2000-5000 Fotoenthusiasten unterwegs, denen das spezifische Angebot, die hohe Performance und der persönliche Austausch mehr wert sind als die Anonymität bei Flickr oder das Schneckentempo bei FOTOCOMMUNITY.
Bergfex club has replied to Andrea Riberti clubwe discussed it intensively. But to realize such a pricing model (with respect to the cost-of-living-index) Ipernity would need some kind of country-specific authentication to prevent abuse, which is not yet implemented within the software. To add such a module would cost the equivalent of some working days of an IT engineer = some thousand Euros.
The small differences between the cost of living wouldn't legitimate such expenses: I=102,5/F=109,9/D=100/AT=103,8 etc. (https://www.laenderdaten.info/lebenshaltungskosten.php)
Furthermore the problem would not be solved: Even within each country are big differences. With respect to the average Milano has an Index above 1,28 whereas Palermo has an index below 0,72 (https://www.eyebizz.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/GfK-Kaufkraft-Italien-2016.jpg)
In Austria, where I'm living, the differences are even bigger than in Italy: The poorest region only 39% of the richest one. (http://wohnkultur.co.at/web/archiv2014_par_&page=1&news=1627.html
How should we solve such problems?
After all the actual prices are much fairer than the former arbitrary threshold prices, aren't they?
Andrea Riberti club has replied to Bergfex clubraingirl club has replied to Andrea Riberti clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to raingirl clubGreat....
So those of us who've now officially been priced out of and/or choose to leave the site due to the unfairness of the new fees resulting from this IMA take-over would like to know when free and/or expired "club" accts. will begin to be deleted. Some of us will have to transfer grp. ownerships to others to prevent loss of a lot of hard work when accts. begin to be purged.
David Dahle has replied to FizgigI'm sure a Starbucks drink costs more than that!
Fizgig has replied to David DahleBut, since you put it out there.... Starbucks coffee is overpriced swill.... I wouldn't pay $50 a year for that and I won't pay that much for a photo sharing site that's circling the drain and cares nothing for the real world concerns over the rates doubling for its inherited members.
Thankyou for the translations..... much appreciated !
As dieje said... there is injustice in many things . Things that are far more important than a photography site. Things like food and water and shelter etc.
The subscription charge was not made arbitrarily. It was made knowing the costs and investments needed by this site in order to keep it alive . One of the main reasons this site failed was that the financial input did not cover the financial output.
The only way to have a chance to save this site is to be realistic.
Here is an analogy.
If a loaf of bread costs $5 to make and bake and to allow also for the upkeep of the bakery and baker to be able to make that loaf. Then how can less than $5 be charged to the buyer ?
If the baker only charges $3 ... he will incur debts and be out of business in a matter of weeks.
So in providing bread for more at the cheaper price ... eventually all will starve as he will be closed and not making even one loaf.
Yes.. we could have charged less.. but that is one of the major reasons this site was about to die. Income and debts did not match !!
As to injustice.... a photography site is not essential to someone living. I have been in that place in life .... and you let go of the nice things and just survive. This present price means for me and many others that we give up something else. That is our choice.
If it happened I and others had to leave just to be able to pay "real life' things...then we would.
It does not make the injustice right or good. It just underlines that it IS how life is.
I wish I had your talent and skill for languages but I hope this is some sort of reasoning for you
Best Wishes
Fizgig has replied to Pam J clubIt's true, the internet, etc. isn't necessarily a necessity.... But what is it about people not wanting to lose the connections & friendships they've made on this site that is so darn abhorrent ? A necessity it isn't, but what is so wrong with wanting to maintain the means by which people were interacting over something that brought them joy? At ANY price folks give up something... But a fair price for all is far better than a manageable price for a few. And it's not like we're talking about a new business that people are complaining about not being able to take part in.... We're talking about current members telling new ownership that more-than-doubling the rate will be unsustainable and further compound the dire straits the site is already in....
Yes, income and debts didn't match because of poor, inept management..... I thought the point was to make the site solvent.... You can't make a business run "in the black" (never mind profit) if you alienate the majority of the client base you had when you took over the business --- let alone destroying your capability to attract new clients..... When starting out, you have to be willing to entertain all viable options to generate the income needed to operate at anything other than loss. IMA has so far shown absolutely no business model or plan or willingness for that matter to do so. That is what I was addressing, not suggesting someone starve. And, yeah, the baker would not make a profit if he charged so much for the bread than no one would buy it anyway..... If said baker didn't have a plan for attracting clients, it wouldn't matter if the bread was priced at 50€ or 1€ a loaf, now would it? But certainly, he wouldn't attract clients with a flat charge of 50€ for a loaf or a roll.... And really, you can't make the comparison between a bakery & an internet platform because they are completely diff't industries with completely diff't sets of criteria for operating a successful business. They require diff't business models, diff't operating costs, diff't skills.....
Pam J club has replied to FizgigSorry you don't like the analogy.... but it serves well on a basic level.
Sorry too you and some others are so disenchanted. Works on the fact we will never please everyone probably . I am sure you deal with that on a daily basis also
Thankfully the many are happy and have a constructive hope to make this work.
Its done with.. and only time will tell if we.. the IMA .. (who despite what some think.... are neither fools nor idiots ) got it right
I wish you all happiness if you go elsewhere
Andrea Riberti club has replied to Pam J clubNo "injustice" was committed. Please be reminded members by a 2/3 super-majority supported an annual fee of 50 Euros per year, $59.76 in today's rates when we conducted a month-long survey. Afterwards, we at IMA did our best to balance the financial needs of the site as well as the fact that some people are on fixed incomes and many countries have different socioeconomic standards. We were able to lower the price by nearly $10 and just over 9 Euros or by just over 15%.
If revenues exceed forecasts such that we are able to lower the annual subscription price, we will be happy to explore this possibility in the future. However, considering we just got the renewal system working, it is way too early to consider this.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to William Sutherland clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to William Sutherland clubAs long as I'm a member I paid a fee of € 25,-, which is now raised till less than € 42,-
If I don't consider the inflation rates of the past years that's about 85 cents a week !!
William Sutherland club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubKalli club has replied to William Sutherland clubWenn ich mir im Internet eine Ware bestelle, dann kostet sie einen festen Preis. Egal, ob ich in CH, D, N oder F wohne oder in Timbuktu oder Sibirien. Ich bezahle doch nicht mehr oder weniger, weil ich irgendwo wohne.
Mein Tagesbeitrag beträgt hier 12 Euro-Cent.
Wenn ich mir das neben der Anschaffung der Kamera, des PCs, des Smartphones und der monatlichen Kosten für die Internetverbindung nicht leisten kann, dann müsste ich mir eben ein anderes Hobby suchen, was noch billiger ist.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Kalli clubMoreover, do check your options on Skrill interface. It looks there is an option to pay with debit as well, and there then is some other banking service included on the Skrill interface. Around Sweden and Finland one gets Trustly that works with number of national banks. I have heard there is some similar option in Germany.
See my "testimony" here: www.ipernity.com/doc/serola/45551794
vielen vielen Dank für die ganze Arbeit
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to HappySnapperMeine Zahlung von 41,95 Euro hat übrigens am 18.09.2017 per "Sofortüberweisung" (Sepa/IBAN/BIC) reibungslos geklappt.
When I sit back comfortably and push the red button Subscribe! it takes me to a new screen to choose the period I want. When I push the button for the period I want, nothing happens.
Is it because subscriptions are only available for renewals of old subscriptions?
Please direct me if this is the wrong place to ask.
Thank you.
Bergfex club has replied to Zulmado you try it via desktop or via mobile?
Zulma has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to ZulmaI'm at a loss with that problem.
Maybe Sami Serola knows. I'll ask him.
You are living in Puerto Rico, do you?
Zulma has replied to Bergfex clubNew York State
mapgraphs club has replied to ZulmaSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to mapgraphs clubCould everyone having this issue (not getting forward from month selection page) please check that you have JavaScript enabled on your browser?
Here's how: activatejavascript.org/en/instructions/safari#instructions
Select instructions for other browsers on top menu.
And please report if that seems to be the reason.
Moreover, this is a different issue than not being able to use gift giving feature. There the whole form seems to be disabled at the moment.
EDIT: Although, Zulma just verified it was not it. This starts to look very strange =(
EDIT: Next thing could be some specific JavaScript event not supported on the browser.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to mapgraphs clubraingirl club has replied to ZulmaA couple of ideas that I haven't seen mentioned in this particular reply to you, Zulma:
1) Do you have access to another computer not at your home location? Perhaps you can get your subscription through that way.
2) Do you have a different browser you can try?
Thanks for sticking with it to help get it fixed and you with membership!
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to raingirl clubSo, all users who have free account and never been as Ipernity Club members before, do not get pass the month selection page. This is maybe because the JavaScript form does not proceed if subscription history is not found.
Nothing seems to be as certain as uncertain... Our sincere apologies to all users who have been struggling with this issue. And thanks to Franco Benf, Zulma and M Palmer for reporting and helping to get this solved. We pass the information to CR and hope this gets now solved.
This also maybe is somewhat similar as non-working gift giving feature. Nevertheless, that is also now on our to-do-list, as soon as possible...
Bergfex club has replied to ZulmaI have only renewed for 6 months as I have a concern that many folk have left particuarly UK members , so I am going to see how it goes for the next six months.
My sincere thanks to all of those who have given up time to get us this far.
One suggestion to make things a lot clearer for everyone would be to change titles such as "The Ipernity Club" to the "New Ipernity Club" and "Ipernity Team Blog" to "New ipernity Blog" or whatever name you think fir this would then clarify what info is current and what is old and now defunct.
Bergfex club has replied to natureoncam aka Greg clubA look into the membership statistics discloses nearly 2.000 U.K. members. U.K. is the fourth largest entity. I'm curious myself about the development of subscription numbers up from now.
(btw.: Your suggestion alludes to a topic, which is on the agenda yet.)
Beim Bezahlvorgang mit SKRILL (ich musste vorher ein Konto einrichten), erhielt ich keine Quittung, sondern lediglich eine Transaktionsnummer und Reference ID sowie die E-Mail-Adresse des Empfängers: "club-eur@ipernity.com", 41,95 (keine Währungsangabe), gesendet und eingezahlt am 20.09.17 um 14:25 Uhr.
Das Konto bei SKRILL habe ich anschließend gelöscht, denn ich habe gelesen, dass Gebühren bei Nichtaktivität anfallen, auch fand ich den erneuten Anmeldevorgang unbefriedigend: sie verlangen entweder eine 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit einem zusätzlichen Code, den man über eine mobile App auf sein Smartphone bekommt, oder eine PIN-Erstellung für das SKRILL-Konto. Da ich nicht noch eine App nur für diesen Bezahlvorgang installieren wollte, entschied ich mich für die PIN-Erstellung, leider funktionierte dieses nicht, ich kam nicht weiter und konnte mich auch nicht mehr abmelden … Vielleicht lag es auch an meinem veralteten Safari-Browser.
Über einen anderen Browser meldete ich mich wieder bei SKRILL an und löschte mein Konto dort.
Mein Kreditkarten-Kontoauszug beschreibt die Buchung vom 21.09.17 (Belegdatum 20.09.17) über 41,95 (EUR) als "SKR*ipernity.com Skrill GB".
Der Empfänger IMA wird nirgendwo erwähnt und hat mich deshalb verunsichert, aber das Geld wird wohl bei IMA angekommen sein, denn die Umstellung meines Ipernity-Kontos erfolgte umgehend.
Ist es möglich, nachzuprüfen, ob mein Clubbeitrag tatsächlich bei IMA angekommen ist und nicht bei Ipernity SA (mit automatisierter Aktivierung bei Geldeingang)?
Das sind meine Erfahrungen mit SKRILL.
William Sutherland club has replied to christel.k clubRest assured, you money arrived at IMA. All renewal options are directly linked to IMA's account. Since the takeover, all links to Ipernity S.A.'s account have been removed and thus it is not possible for IPSA to receive payments. Thank you for your concern.
Bergfex club has replied to christel.k clubEric wird das nachprüfen. Was mich aber wundert: warum hast Du nicht einfach per online-Banking/IBAN bezahlt? Der ganze Kreditkartenkram ist bei uns in D doch gar nicht nötig.
LG Bernhard
christel.k club has replied to Bergfex clubdas hätte ich gerne gemacht, wenn die IBAN von IMA genannt worden wäre ...
LG Christel
Bergfex club has replied to christel.k clubIch muss zugeben, dass wir dieses spezielle Thema nicht in aller Tiefe ausgetestet haben, weil Feedbacks gekommen waren, dass das online-Banking wohl problemlos läuft.
Die Buttons dazu heißen "online-banking" bzw. "Sofort Überweisung" und stehen in der zweiten Zeile der entsprechenden Website. Wenn man einen der Buttons anklickt, erscheint zwar eine
Kreditkarteneingabemaske, aber man kann oben den zweiten Reiter von links anklicken, um auf Banküberweisung zu wechseln. Dann muss man nur seine eigene (Absender-)IBAN eingeben - und los geht's.
Wenn IMA seine IBAN veröffentlichen würde, würde das nichts nützen, weil es ja nicht reicht, dass das Geld auf dem IMA-Konto ankommt. Im Hintergrund muss ja gleichzeitig Dein Account verlängert werden.
christel.k club has replied to Bergfex clubals ich vor 5 Tagen mit "Sofort-Überweisung" bezahlen wollte, sollte ich meine Online-Bankdaten, auch die PIN(! )angeben, das wollte ich natürlich nicht und habe deshalb die Kreditkarten-Abwicklung über SKRILL gewählt; von Lutz erhielt ich folgende Antwort auf meinen Kommentar:
"LutzP hat christel.k geantwortet (vor 5 Tagen)
Willkommen zurück in Club! Sofort-Überweisung würde ich auch für anderes nicht nutzen. Mit Paypal kannst du auch zahlen, wenn du kein PayPal Konto hast. Mit Skrill gibt es keine Probleme mehr, auch wenn die Abwicklung etwas sperrig ist. Dass man dort ein Konto eröffnen muss, höre ich das erste mal, muss ich mal beforschen.
IBAN wäre sicher eine elegante Möglichleit, geht aber momentan noch nicht, weil ip noch nicht https-fähig ist. Steht aber auf der to-do Liste"
Vielleicht sieht die Eingabemaske nun anders aus als vor 5 Tagen? Aber nun ist es für mich egal, denn meine nächste Verlängerung steht erst in einem Jahr an.
Liebe Grüße und nicht soviel Kopfkratzen ;-),
don't know if this is the proper place, but i'm bilingual spanish-english and could help with the spanish translation of the new TOU. pm me.
Bergfex club has replied to neki desuBernhard
raingirl club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to raingirl clubBut we might also choose the way via dropbox.
In case.. I'll try through Pay Pal.
Thank you to all of you for the Great Work you've have been doing.
William Sutherland club has replied to Beatrice Degan(MARS) clubMy suggestion is to hold off renewing as long as your membership remains valid and no announcement has been made confirming the need to renew under IMA. The technical issues are complex. Thus only renew when the need arises through an IMA announcement or your membership expires.
Thank you for your hard work !
I immediately renewed my count ...
Pam J club has replied to Earthwatcher clubNo, no payment of any kind is received by any member of the IMA and we have been working at this for 8 mths. It is been worked around jobs for some of us and for some those jobs require serious global travel.. and for all its between 3 languages and I think 7 time zones !
Anne Elliott club has replied to Pam J clubChristel Ehretsmann club has replied to Pam J clubThank you !
Pam J club has replied to Sarah O' clubSeems ok for others . So I suggest maybe clearing the caches and trying again. Also try a different browser.
If you are still having the problem.. come back and report it again.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Guydel clubIf you have a moment, maybe update twitter.com/ipernity and the facebook account with a link to this thread?
Bergfex club has replied to Manu clubI've no experience with twitter.
Furthermore I deleted Facebook from my mobile after six months of trial, because it took too much of my precious time.
Marko Novosel club has replied to Bergfex clubPam J club has replied to Marko Novosel clubIpermail that offer to Berfex please !
Bergfex club has replied to Marko Novosel clubIt's a honorable offer!
I'll ask the others of IMA for acceptance.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Bergfex clubMarko Novosel club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubcheers
Tanja - Loughcrew club has replied to Marko Novosel clubBergfex club has replied to ZulmaThanks to Christophe Ruelle (who still helps us with technical issues) for a quick fix, and thank you all who helped us by reporting the problems and helping us to solve the reason why this was happening.
Bergfex club has replied to Xata clubwe are faced with an existing software code, programmed years ago. It contains only the viewable structure with two options. Implementing new ideas and/or desires needs alteration/development of the code, which has to be done by a qualified software engineer. (We aren't such persons, and Christophe Ruelle only promised to support the transfer and failure-free operation, not a development.) IT services will cost up from 1000 EUR/day. With regard to the budget we have to balance the different ideas very carefully. We have to focus to the most important things. What doesn't mean, that we ignore the other ones.
A less-than-ideal solution might be at the very moment, if such individual problems would be solved individually. People might ask a friend for instance to lend the money for 6 months, and pay it back to him at monthly rates.
Bergfex club has addedIn the payment message, Skrill does not mind IMA but ....
You have correctly sent a EUR 41.95 payment to IPERNITY.
Bergfex club has replied to franco benf clubEach and every payment will flow to IMA.
Don't worry, ignore it.
The bug will fixed asap.
Ich hab in den letzten Tagen bis auf meinen Account und dem Verweis nach hier alles bei Flickr gelöscht und zusätzlich war ich durch die Übernahme von Arcor durch Vodafone und der dadurch bedingten Umbenennung aller Datensätze durch Vodafone auch noch gezwungen, alle uralten Verlinkungen in irgendwelchen Foren zu erneuern.
Dabei durfte ich mal wieder erleben, wie herrlich komfortabel die Bedienung hier ist und wie herrlich einfach und logisch alles aufgebaut ist.
Ich bin so froh, dass es hier weiter geht.
Vielen Dank.
Bergfex club has replied to Martin Korth clubWas mich betrifft: Es ist mir einfach ein Anliegen, diese Perle am Leben zu erhalten. Denn es geht so viel unter dem Diktat des Profits verloren: Natur, Tiere, Lebensqaulität . . .
Aber wem sag ich das.
par contre avec un ordi la carte de paiement ne s'afficher pas(cela revenez sur Google) et avec un autre et le même navigateur tout c'est bien enregistré.
j'ai pu renouveler mon abonnement avec plaisir et tout c'est bien passé !
merci a vous tous qui avez contribué à la bonne marche de notre site
merci Eric William et tout les autres !! longue vie à notre planète
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