[EN] We are pleased to announce that the important work done on the ipernity technical plateform is now **completed**. Phew! This work was necessary to enable ipernity evolve while ensuring a high quality service.
We can now start again working on improvements and new features that everyone expects.You can already see some changes on the site that will make your life easier.
For instance :
- a new uploader. It launches faster and doesn't need any plugins (to try it, click the "Upload" link at the top left of ipernity pages, then select "New uploader"). We're also going to replace the old uploader software iperUpload by a new one, more efficient and compatible with most of PC configurations (including Mac OS X).
. - High Definition video. You can now upload HD videos up to 90MB each if you have a free account and up to 500MB if you are PRO (a very good reason to become PRO!)
. - Automatic geotagging: new content with GPS data is now automatically placed on your world map.
... and many other improvements and bug fixes here and there that we invite you to discover.
BTW, ipernity is now available in Russian. Polish is coming soon.
Well, this is just a beginning but we wanted to share it with you for Christmas.
We take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year, and look forward to seeing you in 2012 for another good news ...
The ipernity Team at your service
PS: this new update may require fine-tuning. If you're experiencing problems, please let us know.
merry christmas!
Anke has replied to Berny clubBerny club has replied to AnkeAnke has replied to Berny clubNot nessessary?!
Edit function is over after x days... so what can I do after this time to correct my own comment, if I have to? Need to comment my old comment!!!!
EDIT: This is the same as Pandarine wrote above - I didn't notice...
Christophe Ruelle club has replied to Ankeyou point something interesting. We're going to change the way comments work soon... and you'll be able to add a note to your old/non-modifiable comment.
About the size of the buddy icons: we wanted to focus the reader's eyes on the content.
Anke has replied to Christophe Ruelle clubOkay for now... waiting...
With this size, you can delete avatar function, look at other forums / portals...
Thanks for answering, Christophe! Go ahead!
Back to old size, pls!
limone club has replied to Ankekolibri* club has replied to Ankelimone club has replied to AnkeAnke has replied to Berny clubBut a lot more important ones!!!
Team club has replied to Berny clubAnke has replied to Team clubHad only my last comment (of 3 today...) on a blog article in my "activities" - together with a comment of a user referring to my second comment on that article (as I found out later)... totally confusing!!
Extended Uploader (Java-Service from aurigma.com) has an EXPIRED certificate.
... and a limit of 99MB (for all users).
(Don't have a screenshot on that - but Pandarine has... can't find anymore due to poor "activities" function...)
Goin' fishin' now, folks...........
Team club has replied to AnkeThe New Uploader aims to replace the old "browse" buttons. It's written in Flash: no need of installing plugin BUT no drag'n drop possible.
The "99 MB" problem is solved.
Anke has replied to Team clubWill not use Advanced Uploader with expired certificate!
Is 512MB now, ok, thx.
Never seen such a release going live - even "beta" - never ever!
What a sad, sad christmas....
We are working on solving problems you've encountered.
Hold on.
Team club has replied to Iljuschin clubIljuschin club has replied to Team club[EO] Plezure ni anoncas ke la grava laboro farita pri la teknika bazo de ipernity estas nun **kompleta**. Uf! Tiu ĉi laboro estis necesa por ebligi al ipernity evolui, samtempe certigante altkvalitan servon.
Nun ni povas rekomenci laboron pri plibonigoj kaj novaj funkcioj kiujn ĉiuj atendas. Vi povas jam vidi kelkajn ŝanĝojn en la retjo kiuj faros vian vivon pli facila.
Nova alŝutilo. Ĝi ekas pli rapide kaj ne bezonas kromprogramon (por provi ĝin, alklaku la ligilon 'Alŝuti' supre maldekstre sur la paĝoj de ipernity, poste laŭbezone elektu 'Nova alŝutilo'). Ni anstataŭos ankaŭ la malnovan alŝutan programon iperUpload per nova, pli efika kaj kongrua kun plej multaj komputilaj situacioj (inkluzive de MacOS X).
Altdistingivaj filmetoj. Vi povas nun alŝuti HD-filmetojn ĝis po 90 MB se vi havas senpagan konton kaj ĝis po 500 MB se vi havas pro-konton (tre bona kaŭzo por iĝi pro!).
Aŭtomataj geo-etikedoj. Nova enhavo kun GPS-datumoj estas aŭtomata lokigata en via mondmapo.
... kaj multaj aliaj plibonigoj kaj sencimigoj jen kaj jen, kiujn malkovri ni invitas vin.
Cetere, ipernity estas nun havebla en la rusa lingvo. La pola venos baldaŭ.
Nu, tio ĉi estas nur la komenco, sed ni deziris komuniki tion al vi por Kristnasko.
Ni profitas de la okazo dezirante al vi Gajan Kristnaskon kaj Feliĉan Novan Jaron, kaj antaŭĝojas revidi vin en 2012 okaze de pliaj bonaj novaĵoj...
La teamo de ipernity je via servo
P.S.: Tiu ĉi nova aktualigo eventuale bezonos poluradon. Se vi spertas problemon, bonvolu sciigi nin.
Team club has replied to Lars SözüerFinally!
No more content for me here? I miss page 2 to 5 of the comments. And I thought, I have an PRO-Account...
Team club has replied to Rrrolf clubAnke has replied to Team clubThink about a real tree-structure for comments. Other changes not useful.
Still having problems with "Latest posts from your network". Does not show latest posts, but sometimes post of only one of my contacts or two, 3 weeks old, newer posts from other contacts missing, changing very fast, confusing...
Could you pls have a look on that?
Team club has replied to AnkeAnke has replied to Team clubAnke has replied to Team clubAnke has replied to Team clubTeam club has replied to Rrrolf clubAnke has replied to Team clubDescriptions and Comments are being processed.......... endlessly.
Fine in IE.
Didn't check with FF / Vista - appears with FF / WinXP.
Rrrolf club has replied to Team clubAnke has replied to Team clubSeems fixed!
Team club has replied to AnkeTeam club has replied to Anke1. It took a very long time for the chat window to open.
2. There were no icons in the left margin before each entry (feature?)
3. The text in the Chat window kept disappearing... rendering the feature useless. I had to resort to iperMail to chat.
Rather than adding mouse-overs and such, I think the community would gain more value from the implementation of an image classification feature (as on Flickr) to tag Adult material.
Thank you, and Happy New Year!
Aktuell besteht ein Problem bei den Einstellungen der Startseite.
Seit einigen Tagen versuche ich, ein neues Foto einzufügen in das Fenster "Ihr Foto im Grossformat"
Ich konnte das vorherige Bild löschen, aber es ist nicht möglich, ein neues Bild einzufügen.
Beim Hintergrundbild vermute ich den gleichen Fehler.
Currently, there is a problem with the settings of the home page.
Since few days I try to insert a new picture in the window " Your photo in great format "
I could delete the previous image, but it is not possible to insert a new image.
For the background image, I suspect the same error.
Kind regards
Es funktioniert wieder :-)) Danke - Thanks - Merci !
Team club has replied to ReginaThere are other sad changes you made. Flickr too made the user icons smaller recently, but had to change that back after the shitstorm. Photo sharing platforms are about the users. Make them small and they leave. Flickr did learn, though. Why is iperity ignorantly repeating their mistakes? It's one of the many things that shows what ipernity has become. :-(
The icon thing isn't really important though. Just sad. But if I can't comment on my own comments (that I can't even edit!), then I'm definitely leaving. Why does it take you so long to fix this major bug?
(BTW, currently I can't comment ANYWHERE (not even here) with Firefox.)
I can't comment my own comments anymore. This is a major use case in both the blog and on photos. Please fix this ASAP. It's the ONE thing that makes ipernity useless for me and would make me NOT extend my pro account that expires im March.
There are other sad changes you made. Flickr too made the user icons smaller recently, but had to change that back after the shitstorm. Photo sharing platforms are about the users. Make them small and they leave. Flickr did learn, though. Why is iperity ignorantly repeating their mistakes? It's one of the many things that shows what ipernity has become. :-(
The icon thing isn't really important though. Just sad. But if I can't comment on my own comments (that I can't even edit!), then I'm definitely leaving. Why does it take you so long to fix this major bug?
(BTW, currently I can't comment ANYWHERE (not even here) with Firefox.)
I can only see 100 replies to this blog entry. When trying to go to Page Two of this blog entry I get the error:
Access Denied
The requested page is either no longer accessible or you may not have sufficient rights to access it.
This page belongs to Team ipernity's space.
Would you like to go to Team ipernity's homepage?
Team club has replied to Let Them BreatheTeam club has replied to Christine Valinwww.ipernity.com/help/support
We'll do our best to help you and to solve problems.
We wish you all the best for this new year and we'd like to thank you very much for choosing ipernity.
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