[AutoHotkey.com#_open_source..] [@.exe] [autohotkey.exe] [ahk.exe] [full ahk inst. pack. 3.ly/ahk]
the 31 control/=ascii characters in windows are substituded with symbols.
an url ALTcode.tk#_1-31_☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙__♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶__§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲__▼
view the following post → how to modify the keyboard layout ( ♥ = [ALTgr] + h ) in 4 easy steps
with a mofdified keyboard layout you can type the most charsacters with one hand
REMAPPING: capslock to @
the ↓ short ahk line does this job
uneditable: download 4rtist.com/@.exe
→ for testing purposes to your dowbload location . Activate it via a click
→ permanent usage
• download @.exe to your Startup folder
or drag a shortcut from the downloaded file with the pushed left mouse key to [Start]* [All programs]* and release the shortcut in the [Startup}* folder
* pause for ~ 1 sec on each folder
file + shortcut via one download 4rtist.com/@.sfx.exe (extracts + activates the 300kb script , creates a shortcut in the "startup" folder)
ShortURl ATkey.tk
editable: allows to add other scripting lines
¹download and click* http://4rtist.com/autohotkey.exe#_245_kb or http://3.ly/ahk#_2mb_original_AutoHotkey.com_full_install_package
²grant permission for creating + displaying the sample script
³add capslock::@ as a new line to the file and save it
To activate the new function for the 1st usage -_- click the "autohotkey.exe" file on your Desktop
or if you have downloaded the full package -_- rightclick on the H tray icon →reload the script
what else allows the automaticaly created sample script file "A..H.y.ahk"
[win] + [z] opens the Autohotkey.com web site "#z::run http://autohotkey.com"
[ctrl][Alt] + [n] opens notepad "^!n::run notepad"
To run 2 ore more webpages/applications with [win] + [z]
run http://autohotkey.com
runwait http://4rtist.com/ahk
another easy to understand ahk feature are (multiline) hotstrings
::btw::by the way or :*:btw::by the way the 1st code version requiers for the replacement [enter] or [space]
A tutorial "autohotkey for beginners"
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