How many words does a person use in every day speech?
One hundred, two, three? We wrap our feelings in words like so many packages, try to express in them our sorrows and joys, and any sort of emotion; the very things that can’t, in fact, be reduced adequately into words.

Romeo uttered beautiful words to Juliet. But they surely didn’t say half of what made his heart feel as if it was ready to jump out of his chest, an experience in him which properly communicated to Juliet made her forget everything but her love.

There’s another kind of language, another form of communication by feelings and images. That form is the contact that stops people from being separated from each other, which brings down barriers. Will, feeling, emotion – these remove obstacles from between people who otherwise stand on opposite sides of opaque words, of a mirror, of a door or captured in their separate bodies.

Through this form of communication, the frames of the mirrors move out (the discrete edges of our normal concepts and ideas as captured in speech move out) and the world which used to be partitioned off comes into us, and we can experience it as something real within us.

In this way there is no death, there is immortality. We are connected to everything, part of everything. Time is all one and undivided.

>source : by Shawn Swanky | Aug 22, 2012 | Reflections on "Sculpting in Time"