So I did what Ipernity propose to do: I asked the administrating guys what the heck was going on and why they removed me from this group. Well, thankfully one of the four answered me.
In summary the reasons why they did removed me are the following
- I blocked an admin of this group
Well, yes, I blocked an admin of this group. But not because he was one of the four guys which are so called Moderators in this group. And I did this for a reason which haven´t anything to do with the New Flickr Survivors - group. The reason for blocking him was that he adviced members of groups to use these award- and invite-banners which aren´t common on Ipernity.
I don´t want to get comments like that, and I don´t want to interact with somebody who would like to do that, not even by mail. I call this kind of "communication" spam. - I interact with a guy who was blocked from this group already
Huh?! What the hell is going on here?! Did I have to monitor the block-list of every group which I belong to if I don´t want to get removed from the groups I belong to? And - where can I view this list as a member of a group?
What a sordid business - what kind of family liability was that?!? Never heard anything like this before on Ipernity, which kind of guys are comming from Flickr if this seems to be common there?! I copy what I had written before: I don´t want to interact with people who thinking something like that. - I posting insults in the group
Huh? Did I? And - where?! Since I had just removed my documents from the group but no discussion-entry which was made by me I hope somebody can point out an example of this insults I should had made. As I mentonied - I thought I was just helpful to others, I don´t want to offend somebody. I had asked for an example, maybe the moderator who answered me why I was removed from this group could give me an example, too.
Well, I don´t think "Love me, love my dog.". I try to bang heads together even it´s my own... but to do this I have to know what´s wrong with my acting before.
Well, the message from this admin telling something more:
...will not be banned from the group if they re-join NFS, unless:Well... I don´t want to unblock him cause I STILL DON´T LIKE graphical awards or invites belonging to groups. But... what does that have to do with the group from which he has kicked me out? There aren´t any of these items there. It seemed somebody wasn´t able to seperate such personal issues between the issues of a group. Should such guys moderate a group for a public audience?
1. Un-block me.
2. Send me an apology.
And why should I send an apology? For which reason? Just because I blocked him? There wasn´t any reason to send an apology for my decision that I don´t want to communicate with somebody who was an award-banner-catapult, it´s just up to me to make this decision and I haven´t to apology for doing that. It even wasn´t nessessary to get mails by every moderator if there are three others which I haven´t blocked and who can write me as many mails as they would like to do . In general I don´t block many guys, since the last few years there are just - hm - let me say - maybe five ones which I had blocked so far. The guy from nfs was one of them, so what´s the problem with that?!
Well, it was the first time ever I was kicked out of a group for blocking somebody of the members or interacting with somebody, and I´m pretty sure this won´t happen ever again as long this kind of "Flickr-style-moderating" of groups won´t get the minority on Ipernity.
There are groups around on Ipernity where everybody who constribute in a friendly manner get the status of being a moderator as moderating a group wasn´t something like fighting against others - and these groups are well-driven for many years even as everyone was able to go crazy and - at last - can simple delete the whole group or remove/ban other members easely.
And then there are groups in which some moderaters don´t get it how to moderate and going crazy in some ways, banning and removing other members who should be have equal rights by discussing things and participating in the groups they belong to. Sometimes moderators seems to be feeling like gods.
But I haven´t to be in such groups with such kind of moderators even I liked it to help others finding their way through Ipernity in the last weeks. There are other groups around for these ex-flickr-users to finding their help navigating at Ipernity - and at least I have this blog...
Die erste Mail, vom 09.06.2013, 20:55 Uhr, hatte folgenden Inhalt:
Dear Member,
Your article
You are removed from the group New Flickr Survivors
is contrary to our Member guidelines.
We remind you that is forbidden to “accuse” other members or to take them as witness.
--> ipernity is a place to share pictures and to have fun, not to fight between members.
We request you remove it or your account may be suspended.
If you are challenged in content (blogs, comments, discussion topics, pictures ...) published on ipernity, please let us know. Send us links to content concerned so we can verify and act accordingly.
I recommend you use the "Block a member" feature to find your peace.
For more information: # 190
Thank you for your understanding,
Best regards
ipernity moderation
Die folgende Mail wurde mir am 14.06.2013 um 12:21 Uhr hatte nochmal den gleichen Inhalt.
Die Info, dass mein Account auf suspended gesetzt wurde, erreichte mich schließlich am 19.06.2013 um 10:16 Uhr. Also just zu dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem ich quasi das Haus verließ...
Inhalt dieser Mail:
Dear member,
Your account has been temporarily suspended for the following reason.
This article is considering as defamatory:
We remind you our Terms of Service (
3.4 You agree to NOT use the Service to:
a) upload, post, e-mail, or otherwise transmit or make available any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable;
We request you to REMOVE this article.
Once done, sreply to this message with the reference 15299. So we could reinstate your account.
Thanks for co-operating.
Best regards,
ipernity moderation
Interessant ist nun allenfalls, dass mir unklar ist, wo in dem Artikel ich gegen die TOS verstossen haben soll. Zumal sich das unter Punkt 3.4 a) in der Mail zitierte gar nicht in deren TOS befindet, dort geht es viel mehr um so Dinge wie das leugnen der Shoa und änlich gravierende Dinge, in das ich meinen Artikel nicht eingeordnet / eingelevelt sehen möchte..
Ich werde mein am samstagmorgen erstelltes Ticket nun mal um ein paar Dinge ergänzen und nachfragen, welcher Teil des Artikels denn den Verstoss darstellen soll, und bei der Gelegenheit gleich darum bitten, doch solche Dinge zuküntig per Ipermail zu versenden, dann hätte ich es deutlich schneller mitbekommen, ohne das mein Account hätte gesperrt werden müssen.
Was ich aber halt eh nach wie vor nicht so wirklich nachvollziehen kann, aber da ipernity halt am längeren Hebel sitzt, nehme ich den Artikel jetzt offline, ist eh mittlerweile hinreichend durchgekaut...
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