This bridge is the subject of one of my favourites.

From the Northern Daily Leader, a regional newspaper in NSW.

THE longest single-span timber bridge in the southern hemisphere will be demolished as part of the NSW government’s $145 million Bridges for the Bush program.

The 110-year-old Tabulam bridge over the Clarence River was recently upgraded in a year-long project worth more than $1.4 million but will be replaced with a $24 million bridge.

The Tabulam bridge is between Tenterfield and Casino and separates the Tenterfield and Kyogle shires.

The new Tabulam bridge will improve traffic flow and motorist safety, and will reduce the need for full closures during maintenance.

Engineering firm GHD has been awarded the tender and will investigate possible sites for a new bridge location and the demolition of the existing bridge.

Local member Thomas George said the contract would be delivered with close consultation with the Tenterfield Shire Council, Kyogle Council and the surrounding community through information sessions to decide options.

Plans are expected to be on display later this year with a decision to be made by the end of 2013.