Whether it be your work or your lifestyle, or even how you treat others, your ‘why’ has to be the base for everything you do.

There is a concept called ‘the golden circle’ developed by Simon Sinek. In the center is your why, next is your how and the outer ring is your what. As Simon puts it “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”

You don’t do this alone. Some of us are better at our ‘why’, others are better at the ‘how’, and still others master the ‘what’.

Likewise, to figure out your strong points, it is advised that you develop a life vision statement, which is your ‘why, and a life mission statement, which is your ‘what’.

For example, my vision statement is: To share my hope of God’s love in the world.

My life mission statement is: To live my Catholic faith through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To be the man my wife and children need me to be. To share my hope of God’s love in the world … that others may share God’s love with others, because of what I do.

Without knowing your why in life, I believe, that you don’t have a purpose. As my late Father used to repeat: You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything.

Everything we do in life should start with why. In fact, to learn more about this concept I invite you to read the book my Sink with that title - “Start With Why”.

View my People Album.

Frank J Casella
