I published this article in German at Ipernity
on 26.11.2012
de - fr - eo - es - rus - it
Horizons – Dream or Reality
? who and what am I ?
Nina and Nino at Alina and Alino
Ah – there they are, sitting in the sun in front of the house -
- Alina - Alino - Nina - Nino -
It seems that – are in a deep conversation.
- Sometimes they yell with laughter -
then it is quiet again
During one of these quiet moments
Nino somewhat hesitantly says:
« I have a question
that has been preoccupying me for quite some time. »
« Go on, go on »
Alino says encouragingly
At this moment, Manuel and Manuela arrive.
- Alino and Alina’s children -
They serve a delicious beverage and join them.
« Well - anyways – how should I phrase this?
When I look around-
everything exists as an individual
This meadow is made up of individual blades of grass-
the tree has many individual leaves
- mankind -
is composed of billions of
men and women.
As well as still
'growing and developing individuals'
« ? Essentially - Who and What Am I ? »
Alina and Alino smile understandingly -
Then Alino begins:
« You aren’t the first – to ask this question -
As you can probably imagine,
a more detailed explanation or description
is also difficult for me.
Simply – because words don’t always express everything.
But – there is one thing you have in
common with us:
We always see and experience ourselves
as parts -
or individuals.
A simple example:
We are 6 people, but -
Well Nino – what would you like to say - »
« Yes – all of us
is a particular shape
of feminine and masculine forms
with small differences
in the exterior appearance and
in the mental or emotional constitution. »
« You are right » Alino says
« It is difficult to explain everything
But perhaps a picture will help us further.
You know -
a picture is worth a thousand words.
Well - then
« Imagine a machine -
on which many individual strings are coiled separately -
each string has a different colour
but all turn into
one ribbon
when rolled together.
The ribbon is a
new identity.
At first, there is a
- golden string -
- the most important of all -
Gold represents the universe -
We all – you from planet Earth
and we from our planet
are parts of - or -
more precisely -
inhabitants of the universe.
The second most important string,
for example, represents
the human shape.
The human shape -
in its masculine and feminine form
exists in the entire universe.
Are you still following? »
« Oh yes – it’s been fine up to now »
Nino says, sighing a little.
« Well – now I can imagine -
how it continues - Alino »
says Nina
There is a different colour for every characteristic
for example
white for clarity
red for activity
pink for love and compassion
green for life
yellow for humour
orange for positivity
blue for physical and spiritual strength
grey for sadness »
« Yes - and now for the decisive aspect: »
Alino continues.
« Each string represents
a living,
flexible and flowing energy
similar to a river
fierce at high water
or gentle at low water »
«Yes – that is clear for me now -
but stop – I need a break »
says Nina
« This is almost like at school -
when completely new problems are dealt with »
« You are right - Nina -
let us take a break »
They get up -
take a little walk through the garden
they looks at “the Lovers”
Meditatively – deep in thought -
they stop in front of the sculpture
And then, Alina speaks into a deep and profound silence:
« Contrary to this statue,
we have the power
to move.
You see - we move the power in our internal energy.
That is how everything moves
in different ways -
Electrons - atoms - molecules
wind - water - waves
planets - suns - galaxies
Movement is a universal law.
To continue with the picture mentioned above:
All strings are wrapped around the golden string.
Sometimes a string falls back
and another one comes forward
develops itself – disappears again
everything vibrates with life. »
« Now I see the picture in front of me
and I also understand its meaning - Alino
I am a baby – a child – an adult
an old person »
« That’s right – that’s exactly how it is - Nina -
Sometimes you are interested in an activity -
- then you lose interest -
Yet you can maintain a large curiosity
for your entire life.
everything happens.
I can’t explain that to you either.
But it seems that
? it is enough for today ?
You probably have more questions -
but we have
enough time on our planet
'tomorrow' is another 'day' »
And Nina and Nino,
deeply moved by this new knowledge,
« Thank you for this explanation
- Alino - Alina -
now we understand something else
- about ourselves -
and our person as an individual
of Who and What We Are. »
« Oh dear - Alino -
I have another question already »
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