There are all these commercials, pictures, stories, and poems that show how hard a Mom's job is, and how valuable Mom is to the family. I googled "what would mom's salary really be" and got a link to show what Mom would earn if "Mom" was a job. I looked up "what would dad's salary really be" and the first three links are about paying child support and dead-beat dads.

You've probably seen posts about how mom is a doctor, a teacher, a chauffeur and a cook. So all of that may be true, but do you know what bugs me? Where's Dad? Where's the equality. I cook! I take the kids places! Why is Dad always left out like he's a bum? He's probably supposed to be busy watching the game. In the commercials Dad is portrayed as a man that needs help from his 5 year old daughter to figure out what to do with the tin of cookie dough. Dad is a confused man that sits with a mentally incompetent look on his face whenever he's presented with something as complicated as a toilet brush. Well screw that! It's time to change this image.

I am: Dad. Do you know what that means?

I'm a scientist, a horsey (and pack-mule), a punching bag, every hero's side-kick AND evil nemesis that could be imagined, a drill sergeant, a bank teller, a survival coach, a psychic, the bottom of the bean pile, a cop, lawyer, justice of the supreme court, and parole officer, a private investigator, a Ghostbuster, a carpenter, a sensei, and a toy assembler and fixer (which also means I'm an electrician, a mechanic, an engineer, and a sculptor).