I am an American now living in the United Kingdom, in the sunny (most years) south east. So I am pretty good with big life changes :) I have always loved photography and nature and now that my kids are all growed up I decided a few years back quite by accident to pick up a camera again. Yes the love was still there all the passion that had always been waiting for me to rekindle it. I've since upgraded cameras and equipment and am still madly in love with photography, capturing and witnessing wildlife.

Back in 2008 I took a plunge and joined Flickr for free, right away I found like minded folks and made lots of new friends and contacts that I enjoyed interacting with and learning from, bought my pro account a few weeks later and have been really enjoying it up until this last year or so. I think we have all heard enough about what they've done so for me a new beginning.

I really love this site, I am impressed beyond words at how they have handled the influx of us. Both by staff and the users. I love the layout, I love the features and what is lacking I will be patient and wait for. I am slowly moving my content over, most of it, having a clean out as well. I am looking very forward to making new contacts, and hoping that some of my old ones will find me here as well.

I am very happy to call this my new home for my photography work, which is mostly used by local nature reserves to promote them and the conservation work they do, and also for recording biodiversity in East Sussex.

Thanks to all of you for taking time to read this and for the visits and comments to my photos which are always truly appreciated.

~Crystal Ray