I came from the time when there were water lilies in the ponds of the Tapada de Mafra and brides and grooms were photographed at flower beds while anxious guests waited for the banquet under shadows of the August trees
and from the external consultation to several valencies of the Hospital da Estrela and the ambulatory control of a tenosynovitis where I became delighted with the order and cleaning of corridors cabinets and infirmaries and inebriated by the detergent scent around doctors nurses auxiliary people and patients all companions in this disinfected breath
now in Mafra we can't see so many elephants walking around nor so many wedding photographers but I guess water lilies are there still alive and since I have a master's degree in military science I can improve my retirement pension if I apply for the porter of the new Continued and Palliative Care Center of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa recently inaugurated in the old facilities of the Main Military Hospital
sou do tempo em que havia nenúfares nos lagos da Tapada de Mafra e os noivos eram fotografados nos canteiros de flores enquanto os ansiosos convivas esperavam pelo banquete à sombra das árvores de Agosto
e da consulta externa a várias valências do Hospital da Estrela e do controlo ambulatório duma tenossinovite onde me encantei com a ordem e limpeza dos corredores gabinetes e enfermarias e inebriei com o cheiro a creolina à volta dos médicos enfermeiros auxiliares e doentes todos irmanados nesse desinfectado hálito
agora em Mafra não se vêm tantos elefantes a passear nem tantos fotógrafos de casamento mas adivinho que os nenúfares ainda lá estão bem vivos e dado que tenho um mestrado em ciência militar posso melhorar a minha pensão de reforma se me candidatar a porteiro da nova Unidade de Cuidados Continuados e Paliativos da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa recentemente inaugurada nas antigas instalações do Hospital Militar Principal
by Armando TABORDA, 2019
and from the external consultation to several valencies of the Hospital da Estrela and the ambulatory control of a tenosynovitis where I became delighted with the order and cleaning of corridors cabinets and infirmaries and inebriated by the detergent scent around doctors nurses auxiliary people and patients all companions in this disinfected breath
now in Mafra we can't see so many elephants walking around nor so many wedding photographers but I guess water lilies are there still alive and since I have a master's degree in military science I can improve my retirement pension if I apply for the porter of the new Continued and Palliative Care Center of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa recently inaugurated in the old facilities of the Main Military Hospital
sou do tempo em que havia nenúfares nos lagos da Tapada de Mafra e os noivos eram fotografados nos canteiros de flores enquanto os ansiosos convivas esperavam pelo banquete à sombra das árvores de Agosto
e da consulta externa a várias valências do Hospital da Estrela e do controlo ambulatório duma tenossinovite onde me encantei com a ordem e limpeza dos corredores gabinetes e enfermarias e inebriei com o cheiro a creolina à volta dos médicos enfermeiros auxiliares e doentes todos irmanados nesse desinfectado hálito
agora em Mafra não se vêm tantos elefantes a passear nem tantos fotógrafos de casamento mas adivinho que os nenúfares ainda lá estão bem vivos e dado que tenho um mestrado em ciência militar posso melhorar a minha pensão de reforma se me candidatar a porteiro da nova Unidade de Cuidados Continuados e Paliativos da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa recentemente inaugurada nas antigas instalações do Hospital Militar Principal
by Armando TABORDA, 2019
Armando Taborda club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubIt's fair what you say, but you didn't miss anything important, I have to confess!
For me, the three surreal paragraphs make the very real connection between my youth in Mafra, as a young lieutenant, and a disappointed retired colonel that has been watching the destruction of old references, traditions and other values, still keeping some irony and black? humour, cause life isn't to be taken too seriously.
My intention was to make a sort of collage and leave the text as unfocused pictures, as you clearly said.
Steve Bucknell club has replied to Armando Taborda clubArmando Taborda club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubSign-in to write a comment.