Soon became one the first pioneers in plastic surgery and even now, his surgical tecniques are still used.
He was an excellent photographer too, with great personality.
His works, at the beginning of last century, are really innovative.
In the late tweenties when everyone was squeezing out the last drops of the golden age and especially later, during the great depression, his photographs were dramatic, dark, theatrical.
Considered a first class pictorialist, he preferred to take most of his pictures in his studio, creating himself the scenography and mastering the techniques of negative manipulation making his characters almost oniric.
Title: Helba Huara - 1930
Title: Odalisque - 1937
Title: Despair - 1936
Title: Byzantiunm - 1935
Title: Helen of Troy - c1930
Title: De Profundis - 1935
Title: Initiative - 1929
Amongst the photos you introduce here I like the first one, the portrait of the Peruvian dancer Helba Huera
I still prefer his compatriots and contemporaries: Robert Capa, Brassaï and André Kertész, firm favourites of mine :-))
Thanks a lot!
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