OOBs as you know I am sure are images that look as though they are jumping out of their frames which is why they are called Out Of Bounds!!!
Here is a Pixlr based walk-through on how to do them... there are easier techniques and the tools are far easier to use in Photoshop and Paintshop Pro but the idea and basic methodology are the same! PS and PSP users for instance, have access to the Magic wand and Quick selection tools and these little beauties make selecting a complete breeze! Pixlr at the moment has a freehand lasso tool and a polygonal lasso tool which are laboious by comparison but, did I mention- They are FREE!!!!!
I had to completely re-learn this in Pixlr and made a couple of fundamental mistakes (One of which was to not save the image every few minutes and having to start again from scratch!) which was quite good fun and a real eye-opener. I know of no one click app that will do this for you! Probably because you need to make selections and it is likely that this part of the process will drive you Nuts :-)) I did all mine very quickly and theyre not really very good if you look closely. This is also a tutorial that will make you do a lot of things that dont actually show their worth till the final stage when it all comes together as if by magic!
While the walktrough is shorter than the Hockney tutorial this technique requires a little more skill and thought.
Pixlr can be found here: pixlr.com/editor
If anyone wants any help then Just let me know!
Good luck to you all

Oh and by way of a post-script... Next months theme is real easy I promise! :-)