Previous updates and notes ...
Missed by a smigeon ! 196,006 at 18:15[GMT on 18th February 2025.
Exactly on target, again ! 195,000 at 16:40 [GMT] on 31st January 2025
Exactly on target ! 194,000 at 14:10 on 13th January 2025.
Quite a wide miss :- 193,029 visits at 21:00 [GMT] on 26th December 2024. Somewhat of an approximation as I was out at a social event for much of the afternoon.
The Winter Solstice was on Saturday, 21st December 2024. During the week following 25th December ; Sunset is a minute, or more, later each day ...
Hope you enjoyed the festivities.
And, RIGHT on the nail, for a change - 192,000 visits at 13:00 [GMT] on 5th December 2024.
Very close this time, as my visits totalled 191,002 at about 09:55 [GMT] on 16th November 2024.
Another quite wide miss ! My counter was 190,008 at about 09:30[GMT] on 28th October 2024. Missed again, total was 189,013 around 08:30 [BST] on 8th October 2024
Visits Total was exactly 188,000 at 08:11 [BST] on 19th September 2024. So, I managed a rare "on the nail" for this, quite pleased as I had been away for a couple of days.
My visits count passed the 187,000 mark around 18:00 [BST] on the 30th August 2024, but as I was away from the interent this evening, I missed the exact moment, again.
My total went over the 186,000 mark sometime over the weekend of 10 / 11th August 2024, I was away that weekend so I missed the precise moment.
My total visits counter passed the 185,000 mark sometime on 22nd / 23rd July 2024 ; as I was away from the internet, I missed the exact moment.
My total counter was 184,004 about on 6th July 2024, which was just a slight miss from being right "on the nose".
The visits totaled 183,001 at about 11:38 on 18th June 2024, which is close enough to being right "on the nose" ...
My total vists were 182,001 around about 21:25 on 30th May 2024, which is close enough to being "right on the nose" ...
My "Counter" ticked over the 181,000 total around 23:59 on 9th May 2024, baseed on the usual pattern of visits during my night-time hours.
My visits total passed 180,000 during the early morning of 20th Aprl 2024, based on the usual pattern during the UK's nighttime hours.
Spring has arrived, finally, judging by the plants - and young lambs - together with some slightly better weather; at least we have had some sunshine and milder temperatures.
The counter passed 179,000 around midnight on 27th March 2024 [or shortly afterwards] based on the usual patterns of visits during my nighttime hours.
I was at a conference during the period when the visits counter passed 178,000 - I estimated 12:00 on 7th March 2024 as I don't have an exact date / time.
Recent weather has continued to be cold, wet & windy, thankfully there are now a few signs of approaching Spring - despite some snow flurries in the past few days. There has been so little respite from stormy weather that many areas are still water-logged to the point of flooding. Strong winds etc have uprooted a lot of trees, leading to some disruption to travel [whether that's ferries, rail or roads] and power outages, depending on where you are based. Fortunately, SW Northumberland has escaped most of the time.
At 17:22 [GMT] on 13th February 2024, the visits counter ticked over to exactly 177,000 - spot on, for once !
At 11:28 [GMT] on 24th January 2024, the counter ticked over to 176,003 total visits.
Recent weather has continued to be very cold, wet & winds - now [22nd Jan 2024] up to "Jocelyn" in this season's named windstorms. There has been so little respite from the stormy weather that many areas are water-logged to thne pointv of flooding and lot of trees have been uprooted, leading to severe distruption to power supplies and travel [whether that's ferries, rail or road !].
At 15:14 [GMT] on 3rd January 2024, the counter ticked over to 175,001 total visits. Recent weather has continued to be very cold, wet & windy - now [2Jan2024] up to "Henk" in this season's named windstorms.
Happy New Year for 2024, everybody ...
May you be peaceful in your body and in your mind.
May you be safe and free from accidents.
May you be free from unwholesome states of mind, fear and worries.
May you know how to look at yourself with the eyes of understanding and
Sometime today, 13th December 2023, the counter ticked over to 174,000 total visits, I'm going to assume it was noon. There was some snow in the last week of November / first week of December, and it has remained very cold. Apart from that, the wet & windy weather has continued, almost unabated since late September, with several "named" storms [last was Fergus on 10th December 2023]. As a result there are some very water-logged areas - including fields and roadsides.
Right on the nail today, with 173,000 total visits at around 15:45 GMT on 23rd November 2023. The wet & windy weather has continued, almost unabated since late September, with several "named" storms. As a result there are some very water-logged / flooded areas.
A little wider today, with 172,009 total visits at around 19:30 GMT on 31st October 2023. The wet & stormy weather has continued, almost unabated for the past month. The ground is very water-looged in many places.
Much closer today, with 171,002 total visits at around 20:02 BST [19:02 GMT] om 9th October 2023. The wet weather has continued, almost unabated, for the past couple of weeks. The ground is very water-logged in many places.
An even wider miss, with 170,017 total visits at around 09:45 BST [08:45 GMT] on 19th September 2023. After several very wet and stormy days. some sun this morning would make a welcome change !
Another wide miss, with 169,012 total vists - and just missed 10,000 visits to the Peterhead Prison Van album - at approximately 10:15 BST [09:15 GMT] on 28th August 2023. This is the Late August (Summer) "Bank Holiday" in Great Britain. After several very wet days, some sun this morning, makes a welcome change !
Quite wide miss, with 168,011 total vists at approximately 08:29 BST [07:29 GMT] on 6th August 2023, which is a close friend's 72nd birthday. Their Significant Other Half has *something* planned for later ... we had a most enjoyable trip out to the coast and castles of Northumberland, with a decent lunch in Warkworth on the way, and with co-operative weather.
Another almost spot-on, with 167,001 total visits at 11:19 BST [10:19 MT] on 15th July 2023.
Almost spot-on this time, with 166,001 total visits at approximately 12:49 BST [11:49 GMT] on 23rd June 2023. Just missed the longest day by a smidgeon !
I have been gradually working through uploading & dealing with the results of installing a new toy in the garden, a wildlife / trail cam, as we have been trying to identify what has been eating the food we put out. The results are quite interesting ...
Somewhat larger overshoot this time, with 165,008 total visits at approximately 09:29 BST [08:09 GMT] on 31st May 2023
Rather more of an overshoot today, with 164,005 total visits at 23:09 BST [22:09 GMT] on 9th May 2023. King Charles [the third] was crowned on Saturday 6th May 2023.
Much less of an overshoot today, with 163,002 total visits at 09:05 BST [08:05 GMT] on 16th April 2023.
Overshot today with 162,005 total visits at 10:30 BST [09:30 GMT] on 26th March 2023.
Almost "spot-on" today with 161,002 total visits at 09:32 GMT on 2nd March 2023
Rather less of an overshoot today than I predicted; 160,005 total visits at 23:32 GMT on 6th February 2023.
Slightly overshot today - 159,005 total visits at 21:00 GMT on 13th January 2023.
Just caught this one in passing - 158,001 at 12:30 GMT on 23rd December 2022. Just missing the Winter Solstice ...
Missed the exact details of passing the 155, 156, and 157,000 thresholds, for various reasons. However, I really appreciate all the various interactions with my images, especially the yellow stars and comments - Many Thanks !
Somewhat later than planned adding this update ! However, the total visits were at the 154,004 mark around 07:55 on 14th October 2022
Reached at 153,999 visits around 23:20 on 19th September 2022.
HM the Queen Elizabeth the Second was laid to rest today, 19th September 2022. Thank you for your loyal and dedicated service to the nation, ma'am.
Arrived at 153,001 visits around 12:30 on 28th August 2022
Reached 152,001 visits around 17:01 on 5th August 2022.
151,006 visits at 19:00 on 15th July 2022.
150,000 Milestone achieved. Well, at 23:59 on 23rd June 2022, my visits total was 149,999 ... and at 08:35 on the 24th it was 150,014. [Five PLants & Moon in conjuction ] Many thanks to all my visitors, especially all the appreciation and comments.
Missed by a bit ... when I checked at 09:27 on 2nd June 2022 [also HMQ's Platinium Jubilee] the visits total was 149,010.
Almost, again ! my 'visits' total was 148,003 when I re-checked at 18:52 on the 11th May 2022. It had been three under 148k, only a very few minutes earlier.
Almost ! my 'visits' total was 147,003 when I checked at 18:02 on the 19th April 2022. It took just three weeks for the addition of the previous 1,000.
Right on the dot - my visits total was 146,000 when I checked at about 16:10 {BST} on the 29th March 2022.
NOTE: BST arrived on Sunday 27th March 2022 - Hoorayyy!!! and will end on 30th October 2022 - BOOOOO HIIISSSSS !!!! Here comes WINTER,
Missed the mark by more than a little today ... the total was 145,026 when I logged in this morning, at about 09:26 on the 9th March 2022.
Right on the nose this time ... ! ... the visits total ticked over to 144,000 at 14:49 on the 15th February 2022
Missed again ! : the count total was 143,013 vists when I checked around 09:40 GMT on 29th January 2022.
Missed this one : the count total was 142,014 visits when I checked around 09:45 GMT on 08th January 2022.
1st January 2022 - I send best wishes for the New Year to everyone. May you be happy, healthy & wealthy during the next 12 months.
Keep Safe from the Pandemic ...
More accuate this time : the 141,000 total was reached at around 12:47 on 18th December 2021.
Slightly missed the 140,000th visit, as the count was 140,010 when I actually checked at 11:17 GMT on 26th November 2021.
Almost exactly spotted the 139,000 milestone. The visits total was 139,001 at approximately 10:56 on 6th November 2021. [back on GMT from 31st October]
An extra new poroject arrived on October 2021.
Just missed the 138,000 milestone. The visits total was 138,004 at approximately 19:25 on 17th October 2021.
Missed the 137,000 milestone, but only very slightly. The visits total was 137,008 at approximately 14:30 on 28th September 2021.
When I checked at 14:07 on the 7th September 2021, I was able to determine that sometime before 14:03 the visits total had been spot on at 136,000.
Somewhat missed the 135,000-th visit, as I have been out for most of today at various masked & socially distanced meetings. Total was 135,021 at approximately 10:45 on 19th August 2021. [spotted when I came back from the first visit]
And almost exactly "spot - on" for the 134,000-th visit. Total 133,998 at 13:05 on 29th July 2021. [I'm going out for a meeting at 13:15 so will miss the exact time spot]
Actually "spot - on" for the 133,000-th visit. Total at 15:50 on 10th July 2021.
Almost another "spot-on" as my visits total was 132,003 at 10:02 on 21st June 2021. Happy Summer Solstice !Managed another "spot - on" for the 131,000 total. This was achieved at 17:45 (BST) on 1st June 2021.
Managed a "spot - on" for the 130,000 milestone. This was achieved at 21:40 (BST) on 11th May 2021. I am still working away with the various backdated images, and I have found some more "missing" images ...
I was away from a decent internet connection during late April 2021, working on building up a replica carriage kit on site, construction there had been started at Easter. Therefore, I missed the 129,000 threshold. I estimated that this figure was achieved sometime around the 21st April.
A little under this time ; 127,994 @10:30 [BST] on 29th March 2021.
[Sometime on the 19th March 2021, this article had the 1000th visit !]
A little less over this time ; 127,011 at 11:54 on 12th March 2021.
A liitle over this time ; 126,025 at 19:30 on 20th February 2021
Another new project arrived on 18th February 2021 as an exchange with the previous carriage. The transport moves were significantly delayed by various Covid-19 lockdowns.
This is including a period without being able to upload new images - this problem was resolved at 14:00 - approximately - on 12th January 2021 and I did three test uploads at or shortly after 14:05.
Season's Greetings ! Here's hoping that 2021 is an improvement on 2020. Truly an annus horriblis for many people. My sympathy with everyone that has been affected by the pandemic.
A little over ; 125,023 at 22:26 GMT on 31st January 2021.
Actually spot on ; 124,000 at 20:50 GMT on 12th January 2021.
With all good wishes for the New Year and the coming decade ...
So not quite so far away : 123,007 visits at 22:33 (GMT) on 25th December 2020. Even after the recent period without full access (20thNov to 3rdDec2020) and with the uploader still off-line as at 25th December 2020 (& to date ...).
A little closer : 122,010 visits at 16:25 (GMT) on 6th December 2020. Even after the recent week or so without full access (20thNov to 3rdDec2020) and with the uploader still off-line.
Still a bit further away than usual: 121,015 visits at 09:45 (GMT) on 12th Nov 2020.
A bit further away :120.012 visits at 10:28 (GMT) on 25th October 2020 [I blame the change from BST to GMT for oversleeping this morning !]
Not quite so close : 119,009 visits at 09:48 (BST) on 3rd October 2020
In early September 2020, I re-established access to several hundred images from 2005 to 2010 - and started to download them. Almost all of them were related to trips for Esperanto events with my [now late] father. I had thought that I had lost them forever, but now most are uploaded here and backed up elsewhere.
That was a lot closer :118,001 visits at 20:57 (BST) on 10th September 2020.
Nowhere near enough to spot on ( I was away for a few days) ; 117,075 visits at 15:39 (BST) on 21st August 2020.
Spot on again , or close enough - 116,002 visits at 10:15 (BST) on 28th July 2020
115,000 visits at 14:33 (uk BST) on 6th July 2020.
A new project was started during July 2020 - images to follow. Plus another one in December 2020 (which should have been in September, delays were not our fault.)
Almost exact this time ; 114,002 visits at 20:12 (BST) on 13th June 2020.
113,009 visits at approx 14:20 (BST) on 21st May 2020.
Approx 112,000 visits at about 09:00 (BST) on 29th April 2020.
111,000 visits at 22:00 (BST) on 5th April 2020. So "Spot on" this time.
During the short period I was away from the internet recently the total visits figure passed over the 110,000 threshold. This was sometime between 09:30 on 15th March 2020 (109,986 visits) and 16:00 on 16th March 2020 (110,042 visits).
Total visits were 109,023 at 10:15 on 23rd February 2020.
Now achieved 108,006 at 19:55 on 31st January 2020 and 107,004 at 17:07 (UK BST) on 6th January 2020.
Some images of - or related to - the UK winter storm season [initially 2019/2020] are "in processing" [now finished & added to more recently]
The visits total was 106,003 at 21:45 on 16th December 2019 from 105,007 at 19:30 on 22nd November 2019, after 104,029 at 09:00 on 30th October 2019 (GMT). and 103,018 visits at 17:00 (BST) on 5th October 2019.
Total was102,009 visits at 08:17 (BST) on 10th September 2019 after the total reached 101,002 visits at 19:17 (BST) on 16th August 2019. 100,003 visits at 22:28 (BST) on 20th July 2019 with 99,004 visits at 10:38 (BST) on 24th June 2019; 98,003 visits at 20:14 (BST) on 27th May 2019.
Been working some very long shifts and then away from home a lot during March and April 2019, and without a proper internet connection - so missed both 96 and 97,000 visits milestones - Now totalling 97,048 about 17:00 on 2nd May 2019 ...
Reached 95,000 visits at 18:45 GMT on 8th March 2019. Many thanks to all, and especially for all comments and yellow stars. I must really get back into visiting ...
94,004 visits at 08:10 on 11th February 2019 from 93,001 visits at 09:10 on 16th January 2019.
Visits total passed the 92,000 mark sometime during the day on 21st December 2018 (Also the Winter Solstice)
Album Tags ... [29th January 2025]
Having realised that I have a lot of uploaded images still to process - they are mostly already adde…
29 Jan 2025
Bereaved - In memorium
In the wee small hours of 7th January 2019, my wonderful father died.
May his katra Rest In Peace.…
07 Jan 2025
See all articles...
Authorizations, license
Visible by: Everyone (public). -
All rights reserved
2 461 visits
Photo updates (edited - 11th March 2025) ...
Missed by a wide mile ! 197,041 at 08:36 [GMT] on 11th March 2025.
Many thanks for all your visits and interactions with my photostream ...
Please Keep Safe - to everyone being subjected to natural environmental, health hazards and man-made warfare !
GMT returned on 27th October 2024, with Samhain, bonfires and winter to follow ...
Hopefully BST, and sunshine with dry & warmer weather cometh on Sunday, 30th March 2025 to Sunday 26th October 2025.
Sadly we've lost Ben de-Dog, he crossed the bridge on Tuesday 4th June 2024, after collapsing following his morning constitutional around our garden. All of us are devastated - and that includes Beauty [our tripod cat].
However, we are now owned by a Collie, "Bella" came from a local working dogs rescue, She came to us as very shy & timid with a few problems. Bella has already learnt her new name, and has begun remembering her obedience skills.
The start of metereological summer is 1st June 2024 !
Much better weather here in the last few days, with greater amounts of sunshine, much less cloud / rain, and therefore warmer temperatures. I am sure the local sheep and farmers appreciate the improvement, my garden certainly seems to do so - and I've needed to do several grass cutting sessions.
NOTE : Now on BST from 02:00 on 31st March 2024 - so hopefully some sunshine and dry weather cometh ...
GMT returns on 27th October 2024, with Samhain, bonfires and winter to follow ...
Many Thanks for visiting ! as I really do appreciate all the various interactions with my images, especially the comments & favourites. I'm hoping to be more interactive with other people's images etc in 2024, as well as deal with most of my own image backlog in the next few months. Obviously, the newest albums have the least number of views - currently they are on page 12 of most viewed albums.
I have been keeping up with my uploads, with various visits to places of interest featuring quite strongly but the vast majority are still "Private" as I have been busy in the garden and with a range of administration & other activities ...
I have caught up with the last of the backdated items in the Cobid-19 album. Also, I am still working away with more of the various backdated images, and I have found some more "missing" images ... this has meant creating more new albums, for those that didn't fit into the existing albums; as well as adding titles, captions and keywords to the actual images. Final stage is unlocking them and adding some to groups. Mostly, I have "tagged" the albums I am working on with *New*,*updated*,*WiP* and *done* as needed, these will stay for a week or three, depending on the status. For my ease of access, I sometimes add the albums I am currently working with into my favourites, so the contents of the "favourite" banner on my album home page may get changed periodically.
Currently, SRR have hree vehicles as two new jobs for 2022, their *NEW* albums appeared recently. Backdated coverage is for :- NSR23, MSR62 & 63, plus two ex-Corris vehicles now on the Talyllyn. Also, various "holiday snaps" and visits to places of interest & gala type events.
I still have several hundred images to process, and a further backlog of images to upload ...
Please stay safe and healthy - keep indoors or follow social distancing rules if you must make an essential trip outside.
Wash hands or sanitise them frequently.
Cover face - Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when required, please, for not only your own protection but also for others.
Make Space; Stay at least the minimum distances apart (for me, in the UK that is 2m)
Ventilation - make sure there is plenty of fresh air
That means there have been an average of 1,000 interactions with my photostream each month, so very many thanks to all the visitors and for all the comments and yellow stars.
Apologies, all this has been delayed as I have been concentrating on my garden rebuilding project and writing tender documentation. Although I have been doing a lot more of my administration work at home since March 2020. Luckily, I have avoided catching the plague, so far.
Many thanks for all your visits and interactions with my photostream ...
Please Keep Safe - to everyone being subjected to natural environmental, health hazards and man-made warfare !
GMT returned on 27th October 2024, with Samhain, bonfires and winter to follow ...
Hopefully BST, and sunshine with dry & warmer weather cometh on Sunday, 30th March 2025 to Sunday 26th October 2025.
Sadly we've lost Ben de-Dog, he crossed the bridge on Tuesday 4th June 2024, after collapsing following his morning constitutional around our garden. All of us are devastated - and that includes Beauty [our tripod cat].
However, we are now owned by a Collie, "Bella" came from a local working dogs rescue, She came to us as very shy & timid with a few problems. Bella has already learnt her new name, and has begun remembering her obedience skills.
The start of metereological summer is 1st June 2024 !
Much better weather here in the last few days, with greater amounts of sunshine, much less cloud / rain, and therefore warmer temperatures. I am sure the local sheep and farmers appreciate the improvement, my garden certainly seems to do so - and I've needed to do several grass cutting sessions.
NOTE : Now on BST from 02:00 on 31st March 2024 - so hopefully some sunshine and dry weather cometh ...
GMT returns on 27th October 2024, with Samhain, bonfires and winter to follow ...
Many Thanks for visiting ! as I really do appreciate all the various interactions with my images, especially the comments & favourites. I'm hoping to be more interactive with other people's images etc in 2024, as well as deal with most of my own image backlog in the next few months. Obviously, the newest albums have the least number of views - currently they are on page 12 of most viewed albums.
I have been keeping up with my uploads, with various visits to places of interest featuring quite strongly but the vast majority are still "Private" as I have been busy in the garden and with a range of administration & other activities ...
I have caught up with the last of the backdated items in the Cobid-19 album. Also, I am still working away with more of the various backdated images, and I have found some more "missing" images ... this has meant creating more new albums, for those that didn't fit into the existing albums; as well as adding titles, captions and keywords to the actual images. Final stage is unlocking them and adding some to groups. Mostly, I have "tagged" the albums I am working on with *New*,*updated*,*WiP* and *done* as needed, these will stay for a week or three, depending on the status. For my ease of access, I sometimes add the albums I am currently working with into my favourites, so the contents of the "favourite" banner on my album home page may get changed periodically.
Currently, SRR have hree vehicles as two new jobs for 2022, their *NEW* albums appeared recently. Backdated coverage is for :- NSR23, MSR62 & 63, plus two ex-Corris vehicles now on the Talyllyn. Also, various "holiday snaps" and visits to places of interest & gala type events.
I still have several hundred images to process, and a further backlog of images to upload ...
Please stay safe and healthy - keep indoors or follow social distancing rules if you must make an essential trip outside.
Wash hands or sanitise them frequently.
Cover face - Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when required, please, for not only your own protection but also for others.
Make Space; Stay at least the minimum distances apart (for me, in the UK that is 2m)
Ventilation - make sure there is plenty of fresh air
That means there have been an average of 1,000 interactions with my photostream each month, so very many thanks to all the visitors and for all the comments and yellow stars.
Apologies, all this has been delayed as I have been concentrating on my garden rebuilding project and writing tender documentation. Although I have been doing a lot more of my administration work at home since March 2020. Luckily, I have avoided catching the plague, so far.
Andreas Boettcher, Sami Serola (inactive), Malik Raoulda and 2 other people have particularly liked this article
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StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Bee OrchidStoneRoad2013 club has replied to Mickey fezI must admit that I'm somewhat behind in my uploads ...
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to FotoriffI do have a sizeable contacts list which helps and I often add to groups - as well as a few outsiders come visiting from some other fora ...
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Bee Orchid.
I think the fact I have 5,000+ public images *might* have something to do with it !
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Mickey fezStoneRoad2013 club has replied to Mickey fezI have been bullying the garden in recent weeks as my displacement activity as a change from working from home.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Mickey fezI've got quite a few updates to do.
Maybe quite soon, if the weather continues to be as wet and windy as it has been !
A few days ago, in early September, I re-established access to - and started downloading - several hundred images from 2005 to 2010, almost all of them are related to trips for Esperanto events with my (late) father. I thought I had lost these images forever.
We only have a narrow gauge nearby at Ravenglass a great family day out
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Mickey fezStoneRoad2013 club has replied to Bee OrchidI quite enjoy just grabbing a shot of something that isn't always "work". I'm using a cheap "point and shot" camera, although I've access to a decent SLR.
Next year, I'm going to set myself a challenge - a daily photograph, it can be of anything; abstract or real - bricks, birds, food, reflections, textures - close-ups or longer range. I've collected up some interesting pebbles and shells as I saw a screen-saver and thought "I can do that" ...
I'm saying "next year" as I've still got a massive "work" backlog to deal with, as well as all the 'Esperanto & my father' related images I've been doing during the past month.
I can now continue with the massive catch-up exercise I have underway ...
Thanks to the Ipernity IT team, Quellcode and innovationsON
e2a (on 17Dec2020) I have plenty to be going on with, even before considering the need for new uploads.
e2a2 - As at 03 Jan 2021 : It would appear I have almost 750 images to be working on ... !
Great that we can upload photos again.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Mickey fezHope you are feeling better.
Our weather today - 16th March '21 - was glorious sunshine from an almost cloudless sky, and it felt like it was really spring.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Mickey fezThe hiatus on the site caused a few hiccoughs as well.
Now, I have to spend some time sorting out the mess I made ...
Keep Safe !
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Bee OrchidI've got quite a range of subjects and some of my images get a lot of non-members visiting. But not always the ones I expect to be popular.
Keep Safe !
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Denis AubryStoneRoad2013 club has replied to Mickey fezHope you are keeping well Mickey.
Best wishes, S
Glad to see you've avoided the plague so far.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Bee OrchidThat's a lot of views...
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Bee OrchidI've just uploaded another load of images to work on ... a few at a time ! ... both "work" and "pleasure / hobbies" but I'm currently doing month-end administration.
Welcome to your rescue girl Bella.
to write a comment.