Articles by Dinesh

  • Poem

    - 23 Jan 2016
    I was watching BBC programme on Internet and I came across this, got the script from the same site A poem: for those wondering what it’s all about (by Murray Lachlan Young) A poem: for those wondering what it’s all about (by Murray Lachlan Young) Please listen very carefully For taken Hypothetically Supported comprehensively Basically originally A single singularity Exploded quite impressively Expanded exponentially Creating stars and galaxies With what must be quite logically…

  • Fall

    - 28 Oct 2015
    "A child looking at ruins grows younger but cold and wants to wake to a new name I have been younger in October than in all the months of spring walnut and may leaves the color of shoulders at the end of summer a month that has been to the mountain and become light there the long grass lies pointing uphill even in death for a reason that none of us knows and the wren laughs in the early shade now come again shining glance in your good time naked air late morning my love is for lig…

92 articles in total