"On a microscopic piece of sand that floats through space is a fragment of a man's life. Left to rust is the place he lived in and the machines he used. Without use, they will disintegrate from the wind and the sand and the years that act upon them; all of Mr. Corry's machines -- including the one made in his image, kept alive by love, but now obsolete ... in the Twilight Zone. ~ Steven Pinker


Puffed like an adder.
Deflated like a balloon.
Tiny or huge, you are
never the right size.
A little man or woman,
you strut, you speak,
you want. You
have delusions.
O little one,
look at yourself,
posturing and ridiculous.
Go now, please go.
But no, without You,
what would I be?
That is the question
I cannot answer
until I am changed into
particle or star, and you,
you drift away as if you
had never been there at all.

"Riddle" ~ Elizabeth Spires