While I never crossed the threshold of the point of no return – permanent death – the near death experience (NDE) was nevertheless a shock. Being in top physical shape with perfect numbers on my last physical in December 2021, it was something I could have never imagined nor expected, which reinforces Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius’ (121-180 CE) words, “Live each day as if it were your last...”
When I overexerted myself to hasten recovery from a reoccurring stomach issue that crops up a couple of times a year in part from an operation I had in December 2008, an intense hot flash rapidly spread through my body. The overpowering heat spread from my head down through my arms and then through my torso to my toes. The experience was unbearable and became even worse with every passing second.
Then, within an instant, even though this word cannot fully justify the rapid speed with which everything happened, my soul, spirit, consciousness or whatever one chooses to call it, departed from my body, and when it did, I had no anticipation or forewarning such a thing was going to happen nor any way to stop it.
Within a nanosecond, I heard a soft “whoosh” and the intense pain and heat were suddenly gone and despite the speed I felt no violent jarring or g-forces in defiance of every natural law of physics. In an instant there was total quiet and peace as the sounds and turbulence of this world were gone as I felt myself floating in an environ of soft ambient brightness with seemingly perfect temperature and acoustics.
At the same time I was overspread by the palpable realization that this new world was completely unstained by violence, hate and deeds of evil and within it there was no pain, no agony, no suffering, no sickness and no hunger – simply an enraptured feeling of ineffable love. In addition, I did not feel the perception of time. Last, while in this environ, I immediately noticed nothing material mattered and social status and earthly accomplishments and achievements had no importance or relevance.
As my soul/spirit rested in a floating state still within my apartment not too far from my body, I remained fully aware. I heard my left hand sweep a vase and several containers off a nearby stand as my unsupported body fell backwards to the floor. Despite two impact points, I felt nothing and when all was quiet after my body’s fall, I calmly chose to linger in my NDE state to absorb and soak in more of the experience.
Eventually I became aware that sooner or later my wife or another family member would discover what had happened, which I did not want since it would be shocking. I then desired to return to my body and when I did so, my soul/spirit softly re-entered it and I opened my eyes and became re-acclimated to my earthly surroundings and the fact I was lying on my back on the floor. I slowly got and made it to bed and was able to sleep since the intense heat was gone – perhaps the NDE was the only way it could have been quickly extinguished.
Thirty-six hours later, I showed my first real improvement. Now I’m 99% recovered with just a little way to go and with time, I know I’ll be fully well again. Until recently, wanting more time between my NDE and recovery so my family could handle it better, I shared this experience only with my twin brother and two close friends at work.
Finally, for whatever reason, it seems like I joined the 3% of people worldwide who have had a similar experience and if anything it reinforces the message of Proverbs 27:1 that no one is promised a tomorrow such that it is essential to enjoy every day we have and cherish our loved ones and friends.
The experience, which I know was very real, also gave me a tiny taste of heaven. Even though I was actually nowhere near it, I can only imagine how much greater and more beautiful everything will be in this imperishable enduring kingdom. In the meantime I’ll continue to try to live this life to the fullest and enjoy every second of it since God gave us this beautiful world filled with His wonderful creation that we often treat so badly. At the same time it is comforting to know there truly is existence and awareness after the body.
Do you think this experience will have an impact on your photography? My guess would be yes!
As for it having an impact on my photography, time will tell. Even though it's been 11 days, I'm still processing the experience. Even though I wrote about it not to forget, I had been debating for days if I should mention it online. Based on some conversations I decided I would since they seemed fascinated and inquisitive about it. I've always been an optimist who tries to find the best in situations and so maybe if anything this experience will reinforce these traits. In any event thank you for your comment and stay well!
Don't recall who said that but I keep it near me so as not to forget!
Thank you, Don
Most welcome back, William!
It sure does give a person a different view of it all.
Thank you for posting this.
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