Pray for the peace of Jerusalem [Psalm 122:6]
Many have voiced their opinions about the recent 14 May 2018 violence along the Gaza border with Israel and the formal opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Consequently I write this article to express my opinion too especially since based on the well recited quote, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing.”
Although I am a strong supporter for the creation of a viable, contiguous and independent Palestinian nation, I find it frustrating peace talks have not been held since 2014. However, for real peace to be established to end the violence all of us abhor, it is imperative that Israel’s right to exist and unique status as a “Jewish” state be recognized and the Palestinian “right of return” be limited to solely within the borders of a newly created Palestinian state. Refusal to limit the “right of return” is a de facto attempt to destroy Israel. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe Palestinian authorities in both the West Bank and Gaza have not even attempted to invest in infrastructure improvements to utilize the latest technology and gain economic self-sufficiency in a similar fashion as their Israeli neighbors who have figuratively and literally made the desert bloom within their country. The only rational explanation – Palestinians remain obsessed with Nakba, so stuck in the past and some consumed with such hate they cannot envision a prosperous future nor one that includes a vibrant Jewish Israel.
In addition, based on historical precedent (archaeological evidence of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem date back more than 3,000 years to the 9th century BCE versus the first Islamic presence around 630 CE), scriptural support – The Lord builds up Jerusalem; [H]e gathers the exiles of Israel. [Psalm 147:2], (one of 600+ times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible versus 0 times in the Qur’an) and as a strong advocate of religious freedom and tolerance, I believe recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was the right decision. Of course parts of Arab-populated East Jerusalem or its nearby suburbs could form the basis of Palestine’s “Jerusalem” if both sides mutually agree to such a compromise in the interest of peace.
Despite promises to protect religious freedom when East Jerusalem fell under Jordanian rule after the 1949 Arab-Israeli war, Christians were prohibited from owning property and building churches, Jews were prohibited from worshipping in their temples, Jewish cemeteries were razed, and Islam was proclaimed the official religion within its boundaries.[1] Likewise, when Palestinians were given control over Nablus in 2015, Joseph’s Tomb, sacred to Jews and Christians alike, was promptly destroyed. Jerusalem especially the “Old City” under Israel’s control is the only way to guarantee the protection of religious shrines sacred to all three Abrahamic faiths and ensure religious freedom.
While it is tragic dozens of people lost their lives during the 14 May 2018 riots, Hamas to the greatest extent by encouraging violence and an “invasion” to mark, in their own words, “the beginning of the destruction of Israel” as well as Fatah to a lesser extent share the blame. Had Palestinians merely protested peacefully without throwing fire bombs and engaging in gun battles as some Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants did nor attempt to cut through the border fence and overrun Israeli territory, it is unlikely the IDF would have used tear gas and live ammunition. Each country is obliged to protect and defend their sovereign borders. With that said, Hamas claimed 50 out of the 62 killed were its members;[2] another three belonged to Islamic Jihad meaning 85% of those that died were actually militants instead of unarmed civilians.
It has become too easy and even popular for many to dehumanize Israelis, especially members of the IDF who like each of us have a face, a real family as well as dreams and aspirations for lasting peace and a bright future likely because of the anti-Israeli press coverage, educational ignorance (41% of millennials are unaware 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, 22% never even heard of the Holocaust, and 66% do not know what Auschwitz is[3]) and anti-Semitism. Perhaps this is the reason why the world shamefully shows a lack of outrage and the media remains largely apathetic with a "Never Remember!" attitude when innocent Israelis are murdered. When Shira Tzur, Yael Yekutiel, Shir Hajaj, and Erez Orbach, four young IDF soldiers were killed in cold blood by an ISIS-inspired Palestinian on 8 January 2017, there was barely a mutter of outrage.
Yes their lives and all Jewish lives are precious too and matter! Without recognition of this basic fact, extremists will continue to be emboldened to carry out their low-grade Holocaust with grave moral, religious and political consequences. The cycle of violence will continue and a Mideast solution will remain as elusive as ever.
To conclude, even if unpopular with many, I express my gratitude to the IDF for keeping Jerusalem and Israel safe from suicidal extremists. Thank you for keeping the many who reside there safe as well as the many tourists including my daughter who visited as part of a church group in 2017.
Although I am a strong supporter for the creation of a viable, contiguous and independent Palestinian nation, I find it frustrating peace talks have not been held since 2014. However, for real peace to be established to end the violence all of us abhor, it is imperative that Israel’s right to exist and unique status as a “Jewish” state be recognized and the Palestinian “right of return” be limited to solely within the borders of a newly created Palestinian state. Refusal to limit the “right of return” is a de facto attempt to destroy Israel. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe Palestinian authorities in both the West Bank and Gaza have not even attempted to invest in infrastructure improvements to utilize the latest technology and gain economic self-sufficiency in a similar fashion as their Israeli neighbors who have figuratively and literally made the desert bloom within their country. The only rational explanation – Palestinians remain obsessed with Nakba, so stuck in the past and some consumed with such hate they cannot envision a prosperous future nor one that includes a vibrant Jewish Israel.
In addition, based on historical precedent (archaeological evidence of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem date back more than 3,000 years to the 9th century BCE versus the first Islamic presence around 630 CE), scriptural support – The Lord builds up Jerusalem; [H]e gathers the exiles of Israel. [Psalm 147:2], (one of 600+ times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible versus 0 times in the Qur’an) and as a strong advocate of religious freedom and tolerance, I believe recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was the right decision. Of course parts of Arab-populated East Jerusalem or its nearby suburbs could form the basis of Palestine’s “Jerusalem” if both sides mutually agree to such a compromise in the interest of peace.
Despite promises to protect religious freedom when East Jerusalem fell under Jordanian rule after the 1949 Arab-Israeli war, Christians were prohibited from owning property and building churches, Jews were prohibited from worshipping in their temples, Jewish cemeteries were razed, and Islam was proclaimed the official religion within its boundaries.[1] Likewise, when Palestinians were given control over Nablus in 2015, Joseph’s Tomb, sacred to Jews and Christians alike, was promptly destroyed. Jerusalem especially the “Old City” under Israel’s control is the only way to guarantee the protection of religious shrines sacred to all three Abrahamic faiths and ensure religious freedom.
While it is tragic dozens of people lost their lives during the 14 May 2018 riots, Hamas to the greatest extent by encouraging violence and an “invasion” to mark, in their own words, “the beginning of the destruction of Israel” as well as Fatah to a lesser extent share the blame. Had Palestinians merely protested peacefully without throwing fire bombs and engaging in gun battles as some Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants did nor attempt to cut through the border fence and overrun Israeli territory, it is unlikely the IDF would have used tear gas and live ammunition. Each country is obliged to protect and defend their sovereign borders. With that said, Hamas claimed 50 out of the 62 killed were its members;[2] another three belonged to Islamic Jihad meaning 85% of those that died were actually militants instead of unarmed civilians.
It has become too easy and even popular for many to dehumanize Israelis, especially members of the IDF who like each of us have a face, a real family as well as dreams and aspirations for lasting peace and a bright future likely because of the anti-Israeli press coverage, educational ignorance (41% of millennials are unaware 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, 22% never even heard of the Holocaust, and 66% do not know what Auschwitz is[3]) and anti-Semitism. Perhaps this is the reason why the world shamefully shows a lack of outrage and the media remains largely apathetic with a "Never Remember!" attitude when innocent Israelis are murdered. When Shira Tzur, Yael Yekutiel, Shir Hajaj, and Erez Orbach, four young IDF soldiers were killed in cold blood by an ISIS-inspired Palestinian on 8 January 2017, there was barely a mutter of outrage.
Yes their lives and all Jewish lives are precious too and matter! Without recognition of this basic fact, extremists will continue to be emboldened to carry out their low-grade Holocaust with grave moral, religious and political consequences. The cycle of violence will continue and a Mideast solution will remain as elusive as ever.
To conclude, even if unpopular with many, I express my gratitude to the IDF for keeping Jerusalem and Israel safe from suicidal extremists. Thank you for keeping the many who reside there safe as well as the many tourists including my daughter who visited as part of a church group in 2017.
[1] Richard Pollock. What Life Was Like For Christians And Jews When Arabs Ruled Jerusalem. The Daily Caller. 12 December 2017.
[2] Ian Lee and Salma Abdelaziz. Hamas claims 50 of its members died in Monday's clashes in Gaza. 16 May 2018. CNN.
[3] Julie Zauzmer. Holocaust study: Two-thirds of millennials don’t know what Asuchwitz is. Washington Post. 12 April 2018.
Der Islam war jahrhundertelang sehr tolerant -
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