On the evening of July 23, I lost my beloved dad. During the closing weeks of his life, he demonstrated the kind of dignity, courage, and love that only made him even dearer to us, his children. Even into his final days, he would not let the advancing cancer temper his joy of seeing his children and grandchildren. Although his very youngest grandchildren could not comprehend the situation and behaved as toddlers and infants typically conduct themselves, they still brought a smile to his face.

Going forward, I will always treasure the best memories my father gave me. I will cherish the love he so abundantly showered on his whole family. It is that love for family that was perhaps the most important theme of his life and it was one of the key parts of the eulogy. Relevant excerpts:

[D]ad understood that there is no higher calling than love for one’s family. He made that calling his life’s mission…

Even in his last years, he would often drive from Holbrook and later Queens… to see his children and grandchildren. No trip was too long. No traffic jam was too great. No weather was too severe…

In the end, dad wanted his children to embrace love for family as he had done. Throughout his life, dad showed what heroic love is. It is selfless. It is unconditional. It is tireless. It is without limit. Love is the fulfillment of life. That this virtue has been passed down to his children is irrefutable evidence of a job well done and life well-lived.

Dad has now embarked on his eternal journey. He has left us
[his children] with the priceless gifts of his example, countless memories, and deep love. For those who were touched by dad, dad will always be here with us. We will always see him in everything beautiful and good. His presence will be most evident in our continuing love for one another and our families. That presence will be the living testament of who our dad was, and in our hearts, still is.

Farewell dad. You will always be with us.

In the end, dad gave his children a foundation on which to build their lives. In the weeks, months, and years ahead, it will be our challenge to continue to build on what he gave us. Without doubt, our fond memories of dad will make this an easier and more enjoyable task.

Dad (September 2013)