Wednesday was a good day. I was picking groceries and noted a message on the scanner. This is an option whereby a customer can state preferences if we don’t have what they want, or specifics such as green bananas. This message read: Thanks for doing my shopping. It was so nice to get a ‘thanks’ and it really made my day. Little things like this can really brighten our day, so ‘you’re very welcome’ to the customer who sent it. By break time I was quite hungry, and was contemplating toast, when I saw that somebody had left a large box of doughnuts for the colleagues. Nice! That set me up for the rest of my shift. I was already down to work an hour extra, then was asked to work a further half hour, which I agreed to. As I was finishing off, I was thanked for working extra. We get paid, but a thanks is always nice too. Then, just before I left, the heavens opened, and we had thunder and lightning too. My bedroom has dropped by almost 5 degrees which is very welcome, and the rain will do the plants a world of good. A good day all round.

Thursday was not so good. On my way home from work, 3 separate drivers tried to ‘take me out’ by either cutting me up or tailgating me. By the time I made it safely home, I was totally frazzled. I then spent over an hour trying to get through to our GP practice. When I eventually got through to them, I had to relate the symptoms of my son, then pass the phone to him as I ‘did not have authority’ to discuss him with them. Good grief! The receptionist kept saying why are you phoning so late? I advised her I’d been trying to get through for over an hour, and that I’m a key worker and have been in work all morning. Also, there was no point my son phoning as our local surgery is still closed, and he is incapable of walking over 2 miles to the surgery in his condition anyway! I even asked about attending A&E. Eventually she conceded and told us a GP would phone that day. How good of her! The GP did phone later and sent a prescription for antibiotics to our local chemist. I’m grateful for the meds for my son, but what on earth do you have to be ill with to see a freaking GP in this area? I’m seriously considering writing to our local MP to complain about the fact that our surgery has been closed for 16 months now, and shows no sign of being open again, and it’s nigh on impossible to see a GP face to face anymore.

Friday, I made a colleague’s day. I was talking to a male colleague, and asked about another colleague, and asked if she was his sister as there’s a strong resemblance. Sister, she’s my Mum, he replied. I laughed, and apologised, and he said it would make her very happy. Later she saw me, and thanked me for the compliment, saying it had made her day, but that I should get my eyes tested lol. At least it made us all smile.

By the time my week ended, I’d completed just over 9 hours of overtime. In total, these past 3 weeks I’ve worked 20 hours overtime. That’s nearly an extra weeks’ work! We have some newbies on the team, and I’m hoping that this will make overtime not so plentiful. Either way, I’m going to do my best not to work much extra next week; I’m shattered!

The rain and lower temperatures have been well received and we’ve both been sleeping so much better. The meds for my son are kicking in and already he’s showing improvement so that’s good. So, a good end to the week.